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More Defected Militias From Ethiopia Join the ICU

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More Defected Militias From Ethiopia Join the Islamists


Shabelle Media Network (Mogadishu)


October 29, 2006

Posted to the web October 29, 2006


By Aweys Osman Yusuf



Number of heavily armed militias led by a man dubbed Salad Hared from the Ethiopian Somali administered province has crossed into Somalia, joining the Union of Islamic Courts.


About 180 militias with their small arms have attained Hiran provincial towm of Baled Weyn where they have been received by Islamic Courts in the area.


On Saturday, about 40 militias led Col.Abas, a former commander of Kismayu airport, had defected from Barre Hirale, Somalia's defense minister, and joined the Islamic Courts in the port city of Kismayu.


Somalia's Islamic fighters have reached Dhagtur in Mudug region where tribal wars took place on Friday.


The Courts in the Mudug province, central Somalia said they went to the area to mediate Suleyman and Sa'ad sub-clans who also previously fought over pastoral land.


The tribal fighting engulfed the lives of more than persons of both sides.


Somalia had no national institutions since 1991 when tribal warlords overthrew former dictator Siyad Barre and then turned against one another, plunging the country into turmoil.

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It would be a very prudent measure if the Shari'i Courts request the two Oromo generals who defected to Eritrea, to come to its arms and fight against the Ethiopians. I am sure Eritrea will be willing to let them begin a southern front. In that way the Courts would have two claimants of parts of "Ethiopian" territory fighting alongside its mujhadeens;, the Oromos and the Somal Galbeed. We will then see if the already over stretched US army will come to rescue the Habash. The days of the Ethiopian dominace of the Horn are numbered, inshAllah.

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Buur Cad   

Mr Oromo,

The Oromo population is 30 million.

The Tigre population is 5 million.


You are 600 percent bigger than your Tigre opponent. So what the hell are you doing here begging Somalis to die for you. You are just one big boy with runnin' nose.


Let me tell you something. If there is a war tomorow, it will be fought in Somalia not Oromia where your mother lives in peace. So what the hell are you doing promoting bloodshed and hatred in other peoples homes.


If you have issues with the Tigre, you know where they are. Go and fight them. Rest assured, there won't be any war and Inshallah things will be solved in time.

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So what the hell are you doing promoting bloodshed and hatred in other peoples homes.



The guy is a fake. I think oromos arehelping becuase they want to make some allies. You know the ones who will help them with ETHS but they have gone with the crowd what can we do/ beside they family.

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