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Demystifying the 'Miskeen Guy' Theory

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This whole thread stinks of self pity- Oh boo-hoo nobody loves me because I'm such a good boy-my mother loves me, my dad loves me- even my cat loves why am I lonely? (Stops her wails)


Well for one you could stop asking silly pre-pubescent beverly hills 90210 inspired questions. I mean truly how many times must such angst ridden teenaged nonsense be asked by 20-something year old half balding Somali boys?


Tisk tisk, for shame....(skips off)

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^Nayaa( :D )


I have a nice head full of hair, something my Ghanian collegues both male and female there!!


btw i like the new 90210, Shenae Grimes is xaax

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^- (Slaps him for the Nayaah) I wont even bother dignify such a g@y response with an actual reply.,..but I shall manage on any how hehe


Truly...for the first time ever my mortal kombat brethren I have no idea of what you speak because I don't watch 90210. LOL-Far too g@y for the likes of me I'm afraid- and you too I would have thought. (GRINS)

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lol gay and corny have become synonyms


you bring an 'apple' for lunch and someone goes 'that's gay'


you say 'I love you' on the phone and someone next to you goes 'that's gay' never mind the fact the person on the other side of line is a 'girl'


90210 is cool for people like me, i think 'my name is Earl' suits you better dear sister (Big Grin :D )

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Theres nothing g@y about apples but of course saying "I love you" to a woman is gay especially when its your own mother let alone some flighty headed girl of 13. Truly I'm starting to believe men know nothing of love.


I mean what kind of woman actually wants to hear such a thing? LOL


Actually you've given me an idea for a topic. Watch this space.

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Cara Really? I envied my Father as a kid when he freely used the term on my annoying female siblings


I said it once as a youngling and got slapped by six different hands covered in henna tattoos


That was the last time, so this new found freedom that is the safety of the internet is exhilerating! :D

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Adam, I was just trying to combine yours and Siren's disses into one powerful one. I think Paragon got it.


And just because you're on the net doesn't mean you become immune to the wrath of henna-tattooed hands. I wouldn't grow too attached to those 4 stars under your name if I was you icon_razz.gif

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Originally posted by Adam-Zayla:

She is my age(20s), Nayaa!!( i just love the safety of Internet

Indeed, don't you just love the freedom for expression? (Grabs him by the collar and knees him in the crotch)


Anyhooo..I should go home now I've skived off work for long enough. :D


Cara- how nice to see you again :D LOL-Don't ask why I'm laughing I just feel giddy all of a sudden


Paragon- like wise

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Oh believe me, women looooooove nice guys. your problem is you may be attracted to the wrong women and when i say this i mean golddiggers, material girls, fools, etc. If a women doesn't like you for being a nice guy there is something wrong with her

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Marx- I say many things I don't recall but yes I do like nice guys, who doesn’t? This isn't the issue what I have problem with is this self-indulgent "nobody loves good boys" philosophy that self-proclaimed goodie-two-shoes seem to conjure when their wife ensnaring tactics fail to get them noticed.


The funny thing here is that dudes who ask such questions do in general seem to be far too preoccupied with women who aren’t particularly good for them. Ie the type of women who would go for bad boys in the first place, do you really think such a woman would be your type? The answer your looking for here is no, so why moan unnecessarily then? If however, you’re frustrated with your lack of female attention then why don’t you stop behaving like a wall flower and go actively search for a good girl instead of being in here trying to get us all to join in your "bad boy” bashing campaign when its obvious you’re more than a little jealous and if you weren’t? Would a such a superfluous topic render this much effort from you? I think not...


In conclusion “bad boys for life” *Crooks her fingers* LOL I kid of course, but come on! Stop the whinging mate.

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