Qurac&qansax Posted January 2 Soomaliya waxay meel u gaari wayday ragaan oo kale cuqdad, neceeb, xaasid nimo, u qaba qabiilada qaarkood, waa in tooshka ku ifinaa raga dugsiga ka dhigtay qabyaalada, oo la record gareeyaa, si ay uga waantoobaan Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Qurac&qansax Posted January 2 Ninkaa ween wuxuu ku andacoonayaa mj dhibtay wadanka ku hayaan baa ka badan mida Ethopianku ku hayaan. nin is maqla ma ahan, wuxuu leeyahay, waxaa siyaasada is oo geliyay MJ, inta ka noo kale, madax noqonayao, we have long way to go Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Qurac&qansax Posted January 2 waxaan rabaa ku lehee in HAG meesha joogto, Soomalida kale maxay rabaan, ninkaan baa NISA maantay madax u ah Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Qurac&qansax Posted January 2 shahaadadii caruurta schoolka baa xitaa la qabiil seeyee wasiir isku sheegan wuxuusan garaneen in America, ay 50 manhaj oo wax barasho ka jirto oo state kasta manhajkiisa lee yahay, oo imtixaanda, stateka iska daayee, uu school kasta isagu imtixaan kiisa sameeysto. wuxuu ku leeyahay heshiiskii Raisal wasaaraha iyo madaxweeynaha puntland gaareen in uu ka soo qaaday niman isku beel ah heshiis ay gaareen, oo aan wax ku ool aheen. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Qurac&qansax Posted January 2 soomalikya waxay meel u gaari wayday, waa isla xisaabtan la aan ragaan dhamaantood maantay waa madax, oo lagu abaal mariyay, cuqdada ay beelaha soomaliya u gabaan. waa gii kacaanka siyaad baa ninkii xukun raba, MJ, "Puntlanders" wax ka sheegi jiray si xukun loo siiyo wayna dhici jirtay in, garaadyo iyo xukun la isku siin jiray, tii ay ku barbaareen weeye, Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Samafal Posted January 2 Kuwaan waa iska hadlayaan. Tiisa daryerlaa tukale kudara. Orda Baladwaynada labada uksla qaybsan heshiisiiya iyo reerahooda iyo Abgeelka sida cawaanta isku laynaya. Ordaya Hiiraan oo gobol yar wax horumar kajirin utashta intaad Puntland afka kusoo taagaysaan. Reerahooda baa lyiraahda HAG ma ahan oo waa Dblock marka waa ismuujin iyo na arka sidaa HAG udifaacayno. Laakiin waligood waxba kama noqonayaan. Xataa caasimadii Hirdhabeele baa loodiiday oo Jowhar oo reerka Unuka ah ee Xamar sheegta lasiiyay. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Qurac&qansax Posted January 6 Somali Agriculture Minister Clarifies Tractor Distribution Policy – Puntland Post PUNTLANDPOST.NET Mogadishu (PP News Desk) — The Agriculture Ministry of Somalia claimed that Puntland State would receive two tractors, unlike other… Sii akhri Who can explain, why Galmudug ay u heshay 5 tractor, halka Puntland ay u heshay 2 tractor. HAG, iyo dagaalka qabiilaysan Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar Posted January 7 7 hours ago, Qurac&qansax said: Somali Agriculture Minister Clarifies Tractor Distribution Policy – Puntland Post PUNTLANDPOST.NET Mogadishu (PP News Desk) — The Agriculture Ministry of Somalia claimed that Puntland State would receive two tractors, unlike other… Sii akhri Who can explain, why Galmudug ay u heshay 5 tractor, halka Puntland ay u heshay 2 tractor. HAG, iyo dagaalka qabiilaysan Galmudug wey ka beero badantahay nooh. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Qurac&qansax Posted February 25 https://x.com/JibrilQoobey/status/1894293748944650369 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dhagax-Tuur Posted February 26 Somalia as a country is done. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
galbeedi Posted February 26 They decided to rule as a clan and at the moment they are ruling Mogadishu and few districts in Hirshabeee and Galmudug. they ahve zero connection with Koonfur Galbeed, Jubbaland and Puntland. HSM will leave in disgrace come 2026. The question is who is going to rescue the country? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Xaaji Xunjuf Posted February 27 Galbeed the problem is. It’s not who is going to come or who is going to change one person can’t change anything the entire mindset of the people of Somalia needs to change this dependence on the international community needs to change. Actually a whole new entity needs to be constructed one that is inclusive one that is established inside Somalia with the trust of the people an inclusive military force . Real negotiations with alshabaab needs to begin . Only then can change personality and people individuals can’t change anything whether culusow comes or deni becomes president or even kheyre . When it’s 2026 you will see all the koonfurians will line up all to become president waliga ma aragtay umad dhamaantood madaxweyne inay noqdan rabaan Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Xaaji Xunjuf Posted February 27 Galbeed the problem is. It’s not who is going to come or who is going to change one person can’t change anything the entire mindset of the people of Somalia needs to change this dependence on the international community needs to change. Actually a whole new entity needs to be constructed one that is inclusive one that is established inside Somalia with the trust of the people an inclusive military force . Real negotiations with alshabaab needs to begin . Only then can change personality and people individuals can’t change anything whether culusow comes or deni becomes president or even kheyre . When it’s 2026 you will see all the koonfurians will line up all to become president waliga ma aragtay umad dhamaantood madaxweyne inay noqdan rabaan Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites