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Distinguished nomads, brothers and sisters, friends and foes, it is of great honour that the generous administration of this impressive forum have bestowed up on me the opportunity to voice my opinion by accepting my application.

My single purpose for joining this site is to brawl in the much publicised political section. I hope to cause splendid fireworks as my infamous name intended to do just over 400 years ago


Bare with me friends as I try to recap my opinions of why so and so actions have taken place over the previous months.


First and foremost the appointment of the infamous Yusuf Indho Cadde (excuse my spelling) is calculated and impressive move by the exiled party in Asmara. In World War 2, a feisty General by the name of Omar Bradley would tend to disobey his commandos and pursue hapless battles with the distinguished military man of the 20th century Field Marshal Erwin Rommel. General Eisenhower and the ever shrewd Winston Churchill knew of the advanced military tactics of Rommel but they also understood his ever ambitious and arrogant Führer would undermine him. Between 1941-43 Rommel crushed Bradleys forces, he however required more men and weapon to finnish the other coalition forces who where spectating the battles of Rommel and Bradley. However as Churshill predicted Hitler opened another fontier against the then massive USSR and was unable to come to the aid of Rommel.

A disgruntled Rommel with battled men faced the fresh amry of the General Eisenhower needless to say that was the end of the emerging German empire.


When Eisenhower was asked how come he did not come to the aid of Omar Bradley his response was that “ he went into a premature battle and he was certain to be defeated, however this gave us the opportunity to attack a fragile Rommel”


Know the moral or the imarality of this story is that Indo Cadde is not a military tactician, nor is a shrewd character, however he has the courage to fight an unwinalble battle. This inshallah should be reinforced by the experienced of our disrgunted Genreals who in there haydays invaded Ethiopia. I am in no way saying Indho Cade is Bradley and on no im insinuating that Gabri is Rommel but their defects makes them men of the same calibre.


My position I hope is clear by know I have joined the resistance and I despise those who support the occupation, however my contribution will be one of constructive critiscism


This shall be my motto


Have you not seen how Allah has set forth a parable: 'A good word is like a good tree, having its root firm and its branches in the sky. It brings its fruits at all times with the will of its Lord.' And Allah sets forth the parables for the people, so that they may take lesson.


'And the parable of a bad word is like a bad tree, removed from the top soil, having no firm root. Allah keeps the believers firm with the stable word in the worldly life and in the Hereafter. And Allah lets the unjust go astray. And Allah does what he wills. (14:26 - 27)

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Soo dhaaf, oo soo mood, igaarka. We needed a fresh blood as well.


First and foremost the appointment of the infamous Yusuf Indho Cadde (excuse my spelling) is calculated and impressive move by the exiled party in Asmara.

Can you elucidate us and go a bit further of why?


I despise those who support the occupation, however my contribution will be one of constructive critiscism

No need to despise anyone, brother. Just pray for their lost souls. Eebba hasoo hanuuniye. Many of them have already realized the dire consequences of supporting Xabashi occupation, our arch-rival, historical enemy.


Welkam mar labaad.

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My single purpose for joining this site is to brawl in the much publicised political section. I hope to cause splendid fireworks as my infamous name intended to do just over 400 years ago


Hehehe talk about getting into character, you are welcome Guy_Fawkes, over here you shall finding all of the 'brawling' you desire, and brawling is the correct word for what happens here on so many ways.


Would you clarify why you are so impressed with indho caddes contribution to the liberation struggle in somalia?


Please clarify


Waiting with bated breath :D

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It would have been more appropriate to have made this post on the 5th of November, three days earlier. A perfect oppurtunity was missed there.


Ah well, Welcome aboard Guy Fawkes.

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