
Puntland War on Terror

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On 1/1/2025 at 3:51 PM, Tallaabo said:

This is a dangerous situation. Where did these people come from? I believe Daesh, al Qaida, Boko Haram, and the likes are mind-controlled Trojan Horses for CIA and Mosad Zionist dark forces to create upheaval in Muslim societies.  They got to be destroyed before they set roots.

Only Iran is left on the List


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People usually forget that among those seven countries general Clark mentioned, each one of them were divided along sectarian lines. In the levant it is the Kurds and Shia, in libya, Somalia, Sudan and Yemen its the separatists.

These people could go and join Al-shbaab in Jilib, Haradheere or many coastal region, but specifically decided to harass and keep busy Puntland. How did they get there unless dropped by air. There is no access from Afghanistan mountains to the Indian oceans. They want to keep us fighting for ever. I heard around 300 of these men had arrived for the last six months in Puntland. Who is doing this relocation?

I heard also that there is a clan angel on these issues, but I don't have any reliable info to discuss here. Who could tell us what is really going on? 

In the latest tragedy of people killed in New Orleans, Louisiana, we just heard from FBI that the guy was inspired by ISIS. What does that even mean? ISIS stand for Syria and Iraq ten years or so ago. Yesterday ISIS is today Hayaat Tahriirul Sham. So, they need to explain the real or the plausible motive behind the killing of these innocent people. 

For 14 months 50,000 Palestinians had died, and so far we haven't seen one single incident where Palestinian or MUslims target innocent people here in North America or Europe. That shows that the Muslim community is the most peaceful in the western world. Or is this the season to ramp up the so called war on terror for political motives? We haven't heard this kind of terrorist attacks for the last six years, and suddenly it is going up.

America lost its technological, military and economic edge visa the Chinese while chasing monsters in the middle east from 1990 to 2015. These humongous Chinese cities were built from 2000-2016 when America was chasing Muslims. Is the neocons want to distract America for one more war in the middle east before ? . Every knowledgeable person understand that the middle east and Africa wars are over. America has to either face the big boys from east  or just concentrate to rebuild its declining economy. Debt payment alone is one trillion a year.

Here in Canada we need some kind of economic integration with America, especially  with one single currency. Our dollar is almost 60 cents.Sending money back to families is double.

Anyway, Somalia needs active drones to stop the redeployment of mercenaries (ISIS) from Afghanistan and Iraq to Somalia. 


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17 hours ago, Qurac&qansax said:

Puntland,waxay ka codsatay Dowladaha Ingiriiska,UAE iyo Itoobiya in ay cadaadis saaraan SL si ay wax uga qabato argagixisada isticmaasha Dhulka ay maamusho ee usoo gudubta Buuraha Bari ee PL. Ujeed…


why would somaliland support the galgala militants there is absolutely no evidence and what would the motive be  , makes no sense

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Ilo wareedyo amni oo lagu kalsoon yahay ayaa xaqiijinaya in kooxda Daacish laba garab u kala jabtay, tan iyo intii ciidamada Puntland ka qabsadeen difaacii adkaa ee Turmasaale.

Wararka ayaa sheegaya in Taliskii guud ee mileeshiyaadka Daacish uu kala daatay, kaddib markii laga saaray Turmasaale, taasi oo sababtay in ay istiraatiijiyadda dagaalka isku khilaafaan xubnihii kooxda u qaabilsanaa hoggaanka mileeshiyaadka hubaysan.

Saraakiisha ajnabiga ah ee kooxda ayaa soo jeediyay in la sameeyo weerarro habeenkii ah iyo in godadka laga baxo qaraxyo lagu xiro, balse marnaba aan la gelin dagaal toosa oo khasaaro badan kaga imaan karo.

Waxaase si adag uga horyimid xubno Soomaali ah oo intooda badan ka soo jeeda Puntland, waxayna soo jeediyeen in dagaal toosa lala galo ciidamada, taasi oo shaki xooggan ku abuurtay kooxdii ajnabiga ahayd, sida ay tilmaamayaan xogaha amni.

Intaasi kaddib, waxaa la sheegaya in ay laba garab noqdeen hoggaankii dagaalka u qaabilsanaa kooxda, kuwaasi oo u kala baxay Soomaali iyo ajaanib, waxaana labada kooxood badan ajaanibta dibadda ka yimid.

Wararka ayaa intaasi ku daraya in kooxda ajaanibta ah go'aansatay in ay bilaabaan weeraro gaadmo oo habeenkii u badan iyo in ay saldhigyada ay ka baxaan miineeyaan, balse aysan dagaal toosa gelin.

Puntland Post


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New batch of PL security forces heading to the front. Cal Miskaad under control. Cal Madow next!













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This is a real army fighting among the most ragged  and deep hideouts of the Golismountains.Compare this to the starving militia of the Jamuuriyada Badhida Weyn.  Who said Puntland is just another regional government. I do believe if this army is deployed against Al-shabaab they could defeat them easily. 

Somalia doesn't need a foreign army, combine these regional forces with the national army and pay them the same wages these African and Djiboutians got paid.

This Puntland will probably keep these soldiers within the region until one of them becomes president. In central Somalia, Al-shabaab is pushed from one town and is left alone to organize to another village just 20 miles away. They never finish the job. When you defeat a militant force you have to persue them until to the sea or they surrender. This is Xadhig Jiid that never ends. THe Hiiraan war is entering its third year and no end in sight.

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Donald Trump 

This morning I ordered precision Military air strikes on the Senior ISIS Attack Planner and other terrorists he recruited and led in Somalia. These killers, who we found hiding in caves, threatened the United States and our Allies. The strikes destroyed the caves they live in, and killed many terrorists without, in any way, harming civilians. Our Military has targeted this ISIS Attack Planner for years, but Biden and his cronies wouldn’t act quickly enough to get the job done. I did! The message to ISIS and all others who would attack Americans is that “WE WILL FIND YOU, AND WE WILL KILL YOU!”


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Well well, C/lahi Deni probably has the best army in Somalia. Maybe we should give this guy to the next leadership of the country. He already have a base and military. When he moves to villa Somalia, he doesn't need a Ugandan security detail, but his own boys. Just waiting the phone call between the Ornage man in the white house and DEni.

Trump is joining the war. Unlike the demorats, the Orange man is either all the way in our out. The liberal gobalists usually like the continued chaos or a frozen conflict.

By the way, I hard that James Swan's term is renewed. We all hope that he might order the frequent flyer president to get off the plane and meet in " Teendhada Xalane" this summer.

An Eritrean guy told me last week that the whole Eritrean diaspora and local are flabergasted about president HSM's flying in and out of Asmara, " Waxa uu yidhi waar ma baabuurtii Caanaleyda ahad baa ". 

MMA, could you please check if HSM broke the record of the frequent flying president in history. He visited Djibouti, Uganda and Eritrea probably ten times each. HE must be burn out and can't trust any one of his ministers.

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