Illyria Posted February 26 Observations: a) The original plan was to weaken Dacish's man power in 6 months, and possibly eliminate their presence in the region for a year at a minimum. Phases I & II had been concluded in 8 weeks despite regional powers warning PL of being unable to defeat Dacish in the mountains, b) Size of Bari region is mind-blowing; to get a sense of its size, troops traversed a land mass equivalent to Beledweyn to Xamar ( that was not even 1/3rd of the region), c) Evident in the organisation & coordination of the campaign has shown Deni's leadership capacity, which his nemesis could not have imagined, and are still yapping about it, check Cawad & ina Sharma'arke, even after his successful execution of a) elimination of al Shabab in Mudug, and b) defanging of the secessionist project in Sool, and c) dismantling Dacish's grand plan of establishing Islamic State in PL, and by extension Somalia, d) The power of rallying people, both Diaspora and locals, behind the project was overwhelming, the first of its kind I have seen in Somali territories in recent years. I do not think it is unique to PL (we have seen it before in SSCKH), where people have shown remarkable generosity, care, and power under the right leadership, e) Dacish, and by extension al Shabab could be defeated, i) Other FMSs could replicate this pattern birthed, tested, and proven in PL (ku dayo PL), - No more Macawisley, but FMSs professional armies eventually representing a National Army, if ever the nation decides, and agrees to its formation, f) The irrelevance of the now defunct Fed. gov't, of which role has technically been reduced to that of spectatorship from the stands, a mere FMS in Xamar (a roughly 20 mile radius between Afgoye - Balcad), g) With institutions, there is no need for personalities, and as with this conflict, we have witnessed a semblance of institutional discharge of services from varying branches of the army / police to civil society to elected district Councillors all of whom delivered as much, if not more than the three branches of State gov't, h) The Puntland First project is a reality with sizeable followship, and I would be surprised if a political party has not been formed in the coming days, i) If never been clear to the talking heads, there is a distinct contrast between frothing in between ranting stints by legless civilians ( and costume-adorning dunderheads stampeding in between fleeing trips abroad) versus real boots on the ground led by army Commanders. j) Masterless. roaming pseudo intellectuals had been resigned to bordellos, spas, and shisha parlours. k) And finally, the loony crowd, who almost always camouflage their true colours under the Somaliweyn banner had been exposed as closeted pro al Shabab dunderheads in disguise. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Illyria Posted February 26 Troops on the chase for Dacish remnants on land and sea having sacked their final bases in Dhadaar & Dhasaan. And where only camels could reach. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
galbeedi Posted February 27 Instead of fake macawsley parroted by Sanbloolshe, this is a real army doing the heavy lifting. Now Mr. Illyria, we have seen what Puntland is capable of, nor only here in the Golis ragged mountains, but the defeat of the seccessionists in the historical battle of Goojacade. The real question is: are you just satsfied to play local? As you mentioned, C/laahi Dani has shown his leadership and mobilizing ability, yet all that competence and hard work would mean nothing if you don't wonder daily about the absense of the Somali state. Forget about Cawad and C/weli, does Dani has any plans to run in 2026. In the larger scheme of things, running around Garoowe mean nothing for the Somali nation. I know that you are one of those who believe Somalia is far away from being lifted. Xashaa nin libin kaa xistiyey Xumihii waa yaabee. A somali region being free from the deadly Daacish enemy is victory for all. These are also our sons , yet we are nostaljic about our national army having a golory at least one more time. Furthermore, we the Somali uninionsts feel jealous sometimes. Last year we organized June 26 and July 1 ceremonies with only small crowd showing up, while the Puntland aniversary was held in huge convention hall. Libinta Puntland waa ku faraxsanahay, laakiin wax weyn baa naga maqan. In conclusion, think big and take your place in the Somali future, otherwise you will be another stealth seccessionist. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Illyria Posted February 27 2 hours ago, galbeedi said: The real question is: are you just satsfied to play local? My dear Galbeedi, I could not be content with a few regions, unless of course I am a nutter, which I am not, when in reality I want, and could have [all] Somali territories. I agree, and there is nothing I would want more than a strong, prosperous Somali territories from corner to corner. I see it coming, and am hopeful it'll come true in my life time. 2 hours ago, galbeedi said: As you mentioned, C/laahi Dani has shown his leadership and mobilizing ability, yet all that competence and hard work would mean nothing if you don't wonder daily about the absense of the Somali state. Having said that, for now, I think PL elites ought to play it local, and let Somalis simmer in their own bile for a few more years till they have arrived at the realisation of, and need for a true nation building initiative. Truth be told, we have come a long way, are in far better position today than 10 years ago, but are in desperate need of mature, competent political class. As for Deni, I think he has national aspiration, and all his work incl. implementation of local elections and show-down with al Shabab, secessionists, and Dacish had been a rehearsal for his eventual ascension to the coveted seat at Villa Xamar, and do think he'll run come 2026, but I am opposed to that, as I want him to remain in PL for a few more years to finalise a couple of pending critical projects namely Ceeldaahir - Ceerigaabo, and the GGG project for Garacad. Then he could fly off the nest to more precarious fronts. 2 hours ago, galbeedi said: In conclusion, think big and take your place in the Somali future, otherwise you will be another stealth seccessionist. As a cudgel, I always chuckle when I hear the secessionist card being hurdled at reer PL, when in reality no one in PL desires secession, and even if some opportunist political hacks would court the idea, women and children would stone them to oblivious. Far from being a secessionist, remember, in the early noughties, when we would belabour talk of the bottom-up approach, which pro Somaliweyn nutters could not envisage, and would go insofar as favouring the secessionist project in its stead? And now everyone is enamoured with the FGS absent of the Kacaanist loony lot. Same is true today. We are just a few years ahead of the crowd. It is curse. Postscript: By the way, the Puntland First slogan is just an extension of Gaas's "Isku tashi" initiative, which laid the foundation for critical infrastructure projects. It was one of the cornerstone principles of the formation of the State, and its champion was Maxamed C Xaashi, who opposed his comrades Yusuf & Cashara in the Federalist adventure in Jawhar, Baydhaba, and Xamar till the birth of the current FGS. Now, when we bring up Confederacy, there is goodness in it, rationality to it, and reason for it. It is a building block strategy to serve the greater good of all Somalis in all our territories. So, bear with us whilst we incubate fresh ideas and strategies. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Illyria Posted February 27 Final hideouts of Dacish. Ending is near. 2,000+ rockets / missiles, motorbikes and fuel reserves. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Illyria Posted February 27 PL Counter-terrorism Operations thanks the public for their support. Thank you, our people The people of Puntland have donated 5,000 livestock in support of the operation to eliminate terrorism in Puntland. We deeply appreciate our people for standing by us and contributing in every way to this mission. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Illyria Posted March 1 Hawlgalka Hillaac wajigiisa saddexaad oo gaaray qararka Uur Caleed Ciidamada Difaaca Puntland ayaa maanta gacanta ku dhigay awr tobeneeya ah oo u raran argagixisada ISIS, argagixisadiina ka dhigay wax cararay iyo wax la laayey. Hawlgalka wajigiisa saddexaad ayaa u badan deegaano aan gaadiidku mari karin oo wada buuro iyo qarar ah. FG: Muuqaalka waxaa duubay askartii qabatay awrta oo u badan askar ah reer Sool Daljir Media Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Illyria Posted March 1 Warbixin Wajiga Saddexaad ee Hawlgalka Ciribtirka Argagixisada ISIS Wajigaan saddexaad weli dawladdu warbixin rasmi ah kama bixin, mana sheegin meesha uu ku dhammaan doono, laakiin waxaa cad in uu yahay qaybtii saddexaad ee Hawgalka Hillaac. Masaafada uu Hawlgalka Hillaac, wajigiisii labaad, socday waxa ay ahayd Kalabayr illaa Dhasaan oo ah masaafo dhan 315 KM. Maanta oo ah 28-ka Febraayo waxaa biloowday wajiga saddexaad ee Hawlgalka Hillaac. Wajigaan saddexaad ciidanku waxa ay maanta gaareen deegaanka Dhaadaar iyo xarumo hore ay u duqeeyeen saaxiibada Puntland, waxaana laga helay meydad fuuray iyo hub ay kamidyihiin gantaalo, qoryaha fudud iyo diiradaha habeenkii wax lagu arko. Dhinaca deegaanka Uur Caleed iyo Dhaban Qooxle oo ahayd xaruntii ISIS Uur Caleed oo hore ayana loo duqeeyey waxaa sidoo kale laga helay meydad fuuray, dameero iyo saanad ciidan oo u badan hubka fudud. Wajiga saddexaad ayaa loo badinayaa in uu yahay qarar iyo buuraley, gaadiidkuna noqon doono awr iyo dameero. Daljir kala soco wararkii ugu danbeeyey ee Hawlgalka Hillaac, wajigiisa saddexaad. Daljir Media Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Illyria Posted March 1 Official MAP: The operation covered 315 km from Kalabayr to Dhasan. It began in Kalabayr, moving through visible areas. Phase 1 included Kalabayr -Turmusaale, and Phase 2 ended in Dhasan. Today, February 28, 2025, the third phase of the operation has begun. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Illyria Posted March 2 The hunt for Dacish remnants continues. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Illyria Posted March 2 Another video: Showing the concrete houses that the #ISIS terrorists had in the Buqa-Caleed base in the #Calmiskaad mountains, which were taken over by the #Puntland Counter-Terrorism Forces. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Illyria Posted March 4 Public support for the troops continues. Badhan provides a new batch of 590 livestock. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Illyria Posted March 5 More underground bunkers discovered. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Illyria Posted March 5 At Buq-Caleed, a water purification system, equipment for a complete surgical theatre, and cache of weapons incl. sniper rifles buried underground had been discovered. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Qurac&qansax Posted March 7 Mareykanka oo sheegay in uu tageerayo Puntland kadib markii uu jaray kaalmadii DF WWW.CAASIMADA.NET Washington (Caasimada Online) - Ciidanka Mareykanka waxay u muuqdaan inay sii joogi doonaan gobolka Puntland ee Soomaaliya, iyadoo ay diyaarinayaan inay kordhiyaan dadaalkooda dagaalka ka... Xasan, loo joojin mayo, isagay ku dhacday oo la yiri laguu joojin mayo, Puntland fundkeedii waa u sii socon, kii **********taadii danab waa laga jaray. last week buu ahaa, markii dowladiisu ku faanaysay, duqeenta maraykanka anagaa la soo wacaa, oo fasaxa siina maraykanka. wax aan dowlad aqoon. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites