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To the Moderators.

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I have these questions



Why are you insensitive to the Somali objectionable words whereas you appear sensitive to the English objectionable words?



Savage is considered objectionable and maybe deleted but when someone uses, Doofaar or dameer, moderators show leniency.

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Sxb dee ha i xagxaganin... I never said Doofaar, if you didn't know Doofaaralay is a widely popular term in these forums. And it is a Somali translation of the Kenyan term "MBIGAATHI". If you had problems with the term, it is too late. You could have complained about it to the Kenyan administration which housed the warlords in that farm. Libaaxyolaay was a close-by farm - there could be a reason why they didn't let the warlords in that farm. :D



Originally posted by CAAMIR:

Suldanka, It is time you should obey the rules of the forum.

Lolz, it is YOU that is breaking the rules, as we speak. Its AGAINST the rules to open a complaint thread on the public forums. So sxb, sidi-sididaada mooye, dhul u dhacaaga hubso! ;)


...waiting on for what action that will follow this clear breach of the Golden Rules. :cool:

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Even more surprisingly, folks are using tribal names like it's accepted.


Have things changed whilst i was gone?


This could be dangerous; little by little it could lead to decadence- already tribalism is rampant, allowing the usage of actual qabiil names will only exacerbate the tribalism and make it like all the other websites.

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hmm...complaints in the public forums seems to be allowed after all... :D


lookslike many things had changed. Maxaa naloo ogaysiin waayay, is what I am inquiring. :D

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Suldaanka you sound like some one who is the owner of the web.... or should I say the "pose" of somaliaonline.


Originally posted by suldaanka

waiting on for what action that will follow this clear breach of the Golden Rules.

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Deeq A.   

Please don't post complaints in public forum.

If you have questions or concerns, just send us a private message and we will help you. As for those who are always replacing tribal names with "H", "I" and "D" Letters, you are just taking the risk of having your whole thread deleted or your username banned. We ask all of you to respect the rules of the site.



Thank You.

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