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Fighting ends in Mogdishu but leaves 97 dead and 449 wouned!!!

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NAIROBI, 11 Jul 2006 (IRIN) - Calm returned to Mogadishu, the Somali capital, on Tuesday after two days of fighting between the Union of Islamic Courts (UIC) and militia loyal to two faction leaders left 97 dead.


"The situation is calm, with Qeybdid's [warlord Abdi Hassan Awale] forces handing over their weapons to the courts," said Hassan Ade of Mogadishu-based HornAfrik Radio.


He said UIC forces were now in control of areas previously held by Qeybdid. "They [Qeybdid's forces] surrendered last night," after initially refusing to do so, he added. Ade said Qeybdid had disappeared, and "his current whereabouts are not known".


There are reports that "he is wounded and has been taken to a hotel in north Mogadishu, for safety reasons", another source said.


The latest fighting, concentrated in the K6 area and the district of Medina, south and southwest of Mogadishu respectively, was the UIC's last push to dislodge Qeybdid from his final outpost.


The fighting also targeted militiamen loyal to Hussein Aideed, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of the Interior in the Transitional Federal Government.


Qeybdid was the only member of the Alliance for the Restoration of Peace and Counter Terrorism, which was defeated by the UIC on 4 June, to remain in Mogadishu.


Hospital sources told IRIN the death toll was "now over 90" after two days of fighting.


"We confirmed 43 yesterday [Monday] and 54 Sunday, a total of 97 deaths," said a doctor in Medina hospital. However, he cautioned: "These numbers are only the ones we have seen. We have reports that both sides had buried many of their dead in the battle-field."


He said various hospitals in the city were treating 449 people injured in the two days of fighting.


Thousands of people have fled their homes. "More people fled yesterday's fighting, which was [more intense] than Sunday's," said Dahir Muhammad Dheere, a resident in Buulo Hubey of Medina district.


He said the most affected areas were "parts of Hodan district, Waberi, [all in south Mogadishu] and Medina, including Buulo Hubey. In some areas you will be lucky to find anyone. The streets are empty."


He said even though there was no fighting on Tuesday, no one had yet returned to his neighbourhood.


"It is very quiet today but my family has not returned and no one else has," Dahir Dheere said. "I think people are waiting to see what happens next before venturing back. They may return if this holds for another day."



Source: IRIN, July 11, 2006

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Have the Islamic Courts only brought death to the people of Mogdishu?


97 dead and 449 wouned that is no joke.


I happy the fighting is over but I am not happy about the results of a two day war to bring this much death and hurts so many 449 wouned I am shocked at the moment.


If these sub-clans that were fighting brought this much death upon themselves how much death will it bring if the big dogs fight Like the Government and the whole Islamic Courts. I am thinking Thousands within days. So those that are praying for war please don't!!!

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The difficult task is not that the courts are able to defeat warlords and win firefights but restoring peace and stablity and bringining rule of law based on justice into xamer and surrounding areas. If they do so I dont see ppl opposing them.


But this is Africa-Somalia where politics is about clan, greed, corruption and not justice or rule of all. Somalias destiny lies in Xamer. Its baghdad to Iraq. i hope and pray that things will be different this time for at least the residents of Xamer and the surrounding areas.


Regardless of clan D or H at least we claim somalinimo and we are not the orphans of Britain ;)


Freedom of speech! Dont delete moi! smile.gif

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