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Mr. Somalia

Why I like Northern Somalia People.

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I like Waqooyi Galbeed people better than the troublesome Somalis in the rest of the country. They mind their own business and do not perpetuate the Somali civil war like some folks I know. Most of them are proud Somalis who oppose secessionism wholeheartedly. They know a lot about Somali culture and music, and are generally decent people.

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this guy is so flip flop worst than most people. What do you know about somalilanders. have you ever been there. i doubt it. Dont even try to say you have because you havent. Most of them actually view somali's as Nazis and they loath the somali flag to the extent they would burn it for pleasure.

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And I'm supposed to take your word for it, right? You ignoramus! All Waqooyi Galbeed people are Somali. So why on earth, would they view themselves as Nazis? Do you even know what a Nazi is?


If you don't know, I'm always here to educate the uneducated. Anymore questions?

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I absolutely adore their accent. Especially the guy in the Qaran Express advert on Universal TV. Waa xawaaladda qura ee markaaba lacagta loo dhiibto :D:D

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Yeah, northerners have a cool and funny accent, but to be frank, they've corrupted the Somali language.



It is imperative to distinguish the good, brotherly Somalis of the north who are a majority up there from the dirty little secessionists.

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we invented the somali your history books, the somali language was written in hargaisa. These guys amaze me.


"abooowoyaal daagaystaa....noooo. anaaga somalia ma jagcilinin nooo !" " maaa faahteen, aboooyaal".


loooool, saxib...even somali music comes from somaliland. can you imagine...singing like this,



"wwaaaaan kuuu jecalahay abaaaaayooo, noooo !"


looooooooool, saxib, i will let you in on a little secret ok.


listen carefully...all jokes aside.


The history of the somali peoples,is the history of somaliland.


- the first somali empires --- adal (awdal),shoa (awdel and ziela)

-Ahmed gurey lived in ziela (todays awdal)

-the crazy mad mullah, was stopped and destroyed in somaliland

- the italians were stopped in somaliland

-some of the strongest british batallions were gathered in somaliland, the somaliland camel corps, the royal african rifles.

-the sultan of sultans --- suldan dirriye the original king of somalilanders and somali's, the Suldan who signed the original contract with the british in the middle of the red sea, puting strong conditions on the british.

-the home of the somali language

- the first independent somali country with a seat at the un

- the mother of somaliweyn

- the mastermind behind somali unification

- the number one supplier of troops during the war against ethiopia and the central front in the war against ethiopia

- the birth place of the anti facist movement

- the original sead of Siad Barres distruction

- the home of the rebels who brought africa's 3 largest army to its knees

- the home of africa's newest country and fastest growing city in east AFRICA.


that is our history saxib, what the hell is your history.

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"wwaaaaan kuuu jecalahay abaaaaayooo, noooo !"



Gaaroodi actually there is avery similar song I heard long time ago, have you heard the one

"Dooro xey tiri kuukuu, diiqna xaas yiri kaakaa"


Actually te southerns used to impersinate the waqooyi accent, but I have noticed these days lots of waqooyi guys trying to use the "noooo" thing, trying to look cool, so Gaaroodi the future afsomali accent is the deep south accent, we are even trying to update the old somali dictionary and ad "cool" words such as, Dooro, eri, baashaal, mukulaal, habartaa buufkeed, etc.

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Most of them are proud Somalis who oppose secessionism wholeheartedly. They know a lot about Somali culture and music, and are generally decent people.

I couldn't agree with you more. I've been there this last summer, briefly, and the people that I have met were wonderful, and I didn't feel a hint of a difference. This political garbage is perpetuated by fat cats sitting in western sofas, watching western soaps.


Love the accent.

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Originally posted by GAAROODI:

Most of them actually view somali's as Nazis and they loath the somali flag to the extent they would burn it for pleasure.

That's the silliest thing I ever heard.

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Originally posted by *hatu*:

I absolutely adore their accent. Especially the guy in the Qaran Express advert on Universal TV.
Waa xawaaladda qura ee markaaba lacagta loo dhiibto

Which xawilaad shirkad had that commercial of the man telefoonka kula hadlaayo another person, at the same time lacagta loo soo dirayna jeebkiisa ku aruureyso, asagoo ku haayo, "Waa ku jirtaa, waa galoysaa..." It was on Universaltv.

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