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Junior Charles

when is it the rigth time for the kiss

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so me and my girlfriend we have been going out for a little more then 3 weeks now, and we have kissed when we have said good byes, but they where just pecks, i want to do more then that, u know like longer when is ity the rigth time to go for "kill"? should i take her to more privet space i know she will say now to comming to my house. so where should i take her? to be more privete so that we can have long makeout section. its really irretetring know that its winder and cold out side. :(

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jacayl baa i haya iyo it is cold outside mayagaa isqabtaba? War banaanka u jilba joogso oo dhaxanta tii dugsida iiga noqotaay intaad u qaadid without any hesitation horey horey isugu tuur. :D


At least that is what the old generation like me used to do. Like Wayne Rooney we used to be decisive to shoot meeshi uu chance ka soo baxaba. :D


Of course, the risk is in laabta lagu qabto oo gadaal gadaal laguu tuuuro. I don't know how things work out with the modern generations. But in our days, taking risk was part of the bliss. 50-50 ayey u dhici jirtay. I can count the number if times madax madax tiin iyo qodax la iigu dhaxtuuray to the number of times it worked. So, be brave and go the old way. :D:D


P.S. Junior waan kugu ciyaarayaaye, gabadha faraha ka qaad oo reerkooda ka doon. Kiss iyo waxaasi waa ciyaala suuqnimo weyn.

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Saan lee maa 'kiss' ula rafanooysaa? If "going for the kill" is just kissing for you, you have a very long way to go! Let me know when you reach for the bra... :D


Totally not topic related, I couldn't help but notice your location 'Xamar', let's hope Al-Shabaab or Xisbul Islam ineysan idin qaban idinkoo is shuminaayo...

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Originally posted by Abtigiis & Tusbax:

War banaanka u jilba joogso oo dhaxanta tii dugsida iiga noqotaay intaad u qaadid without any hesitation horey horey isugu tuur.

Rageedii iyo nus...Saasaa la rabaa... :D

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Of course what works locally in Somalia will not work abroad. Laakin our driver, Xusseen nin la yidhaa, oo success rate kiisa xagga haweenku fiicnaa wuxuu igu yidhi "kolkaad gabdhaha wax ka rabtid waa la is miyir tiraa oo iimaankaa la iska qaadaa". :D:D

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"Saan lee maa 'kiss' ula rafanooysaa? If "going for the kill" is just kissing for you, you have a very long way to go! Let me know when you reach for the bra..."


^^I dont think it will even take him that long to reach the bra, since he is planing to kiss in her private place :D:D

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Abtigiis,lol hadabe aan kuu sheego abti waxii hore waxbaa iska badalay the modern generation hadii aan nahay waxaa u dhaqanaa aniga iyo gabdhaha in aan simanahay. waxaan ula jeeda adiga generationkaada ninka ayaa tilaabta kowaad qaadi jiray. sidaad adiga noogu sheegtayna mar,mar gadaal gadaal laguu tuuuro jiray. hadabe wax jar ayaan kala duwanahay. genaretionkiida waxeey sugaan gaberta ineey 10% soo dhawaato. see the guy go in (lean in) 90% and i will wiat for the girl to laen 10% she must meat me half-way. if she does not i will Pretend that does not happen and go way to never go back.Abdigiis, did not you know about this 90/10 kiss law?

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kool_kat,well, i am not planing to become xaaji any time soon but if it happens it happaness. and to answer your second Q i thought when filling SOL application that "From" imply which city you are from but not living at rigth know?did that make any since?.


Originally posted by Kool_Kat:

Saan lee maa 'kiss' ula rafanooysaa? If "going for the
" is just kissing for you, you have a very long way to go! Let me know when you reach for the bra...


Totally not topic related, I couldn't help but notice your location 'Xamar', let's hope Al-Shabaab or Xisbul Islam ineysan idin qaban idinkoo is shuminaayo...

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You'll feel it. At some point in your conversation, if it's going well and you're both having fun, you'll both stop talking. What may be mistaken as an awkward silence is actually the moment for you to go "for the kill". You'll feel a bit funny, and light-headed, like there's something in the air, this TENSION, this ELECTRICITY. Don't think about it, just lean in and kiss her, gently and slowly. The closer you are to her face, the less chances she will resist.

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^^ In Faheema's photo, is it a black (Somali) guy with a Chinese girl? I say Somali guy from looking at his fingers. I say Chinese girl from looking at all the other people in the picture. I am Mr Holmes. :D


The kiss, stuff and nonsense.

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Johnny B   

^Stuff ? you pet .. nonsens ? nope, and i'll have to jug your memory to get you onboard.


I know naturally-privilaged manly-men like us are busy doing what we do with women-folk, instead of developing the theoris of hows & whens, but we need to inform our less-privilaged fellow men about the decisive factor to ease their pain.


If you're naturally born manly-man, by the time you turn 14-15 , you already have atleast 2 girls of your age who'll do just about anything to be at your company and that older girl who is more than willing to teach you the stuff.


Now, can you feel sorry for our fellow men who've to do all the worrying of with-who and when to do it. :D

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^^ If you answer those two questions there is a worry he'll ask you a third one about 'how' it is done. Maxad odhan? :D


Stuff and nonsense is the safe option, saaxib.

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Johnny B   

^ And i cuncur,

I almost forgot about that .

Now i can imagine the third fourth and nth question.


I almost exposed ourselves to the might following question of ... How to french with an 'ilka digir' chick?


once again i cuncur ! :D

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