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Ethiopian troops arrive in central Somalia(Headed to Bosaso as well)

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Fresh Ethiopian troops arrive in central Somalia

29 Mar 29, 2007 - 2:38:15 PM





GALKAYO, Somalia Mar 29 (Garowe Online) - Hundreds of Ethiopian soldiers crossed over the common border and entered Somalia overnight Thursday, according to sources in Galkayo.


The soldiers, estimated to number 500-strong with armored vehicles, were stationed in the outskirts of Galkayo, the capital of Mudug region in central Somalia.


Reliable sources in Galkayo told Garowe Online on the condition of anonymity that the Ethiopian troops were heading for the northern Somali city of Bossaso, a bustling port town that serves as Puntland’s economic hub.


There was no reason given for the arrival of fresh Ethiopian troops, even as that country’s leader, Prime Minister Meles Zenawi, pledged to withdraw his remaining troops from Somalia.


At least 30 people died in Mogadishu on Thursday when Ethiopian troops forcefully entered insurgent strongholds in attempts to disarm the capital’s inhabitants. [ Full story]


Puntland declared itself an autonomous part of Somalia in 1998 and has enjoyed relative stability since.


The region’s vice president, Hassan Dahir Afqura, overturned yesterday’s decision by Interior Minister Ahmed Abdi Habsade to fire the Puntland police commander, Col. Said “Karama” Ali. [ Full story]


Col. Karama was accused of releasing a convicted felon without legal approval, according to a decree issued by the Interior Ministry.


Sent south


Puntland authorities deported more than 200 Somali people who hail for the southern regions of the country on Thursday, local sources said.


Government sources in Galkayo confirmed that 217 southerners, including women and children, were transported to the southern part of town by Puntland police and released.


These people were originally detained last week in the region’s capital, Garowe. Police officials said the individuals were arrested on suspicion of criminal involvement or attempting to be smuggled out to the Middle East.


Our correspondent in Garowe who visited the detainees last week reported that they looked weary and tired after the long trek from the southern regions to Puntland.


While in jail, the detainees were visited by UN officials, businesspeople and locals who were concerned about unsatisfactory conditions at the jail.


Source: Garowe Online

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I think they came to quell any uprisings from the Galgaduud and the Mudug regions, but it is baffling to see them go into bosaso granted the news is actually true.


One thing is certain, Ethiopia is here to stay. The sooner the rest of Somalia understands that, the better.

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^^^Hey do you want to tell the unrest in Puntland that we puntlanders don't seem to know?


ps: The news is only beening reported by one source what does that tell you?


Bosaso needs no ethiopians as for central Somalia they are there to make sure there isn't a clan uprise who would ran to mogdishu to make life even harder for people over there.


The international community including ethiopia can no longer see Somalia the way it is, ethiopia is in the poor list of countries because of Somalia. we have shut them down Economically it must be restarted, We are two close of countires we matter to them, they have suffered the last 16 years with us.

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Fuleynimada Cadde iyo C/llaahi waxay keentay inay dhulkii Amxaaro gacanta u geliyaan. Waa la dareemi karaa waxay ku sheekeeyeen Xamar, Galguduud iyo Mudug baa nalaka soo weerarayaa. Runtii ma qabo inay arrintaasi jirto waana fuleynimadooda, haddii laga yaabo in la qorshaynaya shakhsiyan kuma raacsani arrintaas, waayo in kastoo dad badan ay si aan laga fiirsan dowladda C/llaahi qabiil ugu raaceen haddana dad badan ayaa ka soo horjeeda. Waxaanan aaminsanahay in haddii Ilaahay yiraa laga yaabo inay dhacdo in reer Boosaaso iyo Waqooyi gaalkacyo laftoodu ay dagaal ku qaadaan ciidammadaan Itoobiyaanka lana arki doono iyagoo ceyrsanaya.

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Originally posted by raadamiir:

The international community including ethiopia can no longer see Somalia the way it is, ethiopia is in the poor list of countries because of Somalia. we have shut them down Economically it must be restarted, We are two close of countires we matter to them, they have suffered the last 16 years with us.

Waa wax lala yaabo Soomaalidii waxaa ku dhaca new syndrome oo ay noqdaan abuukaateyaasha cusub ee dalkaasi. Xaggee Itoobiya siliceeda Soomaali masuul uga ahayd? Waa yaab, anigu waxaanba dhihi karaa iyagaa ayaa dhibka Soomaaliya ka faa'idey.


War dadyahow wax iskula hara, xaggee aadey Soomaalinnimadiinnii? Intaad duul kale u doodeysaan yaa idinka idiin maqan?

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Ethiopia is poor because succesive military dictatorships have plundered the wealth of the country. Of all the things Somalis were to blame for, i never thought poverty in Ethiopia was our fault.

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Originally posted by A.J. Timacadeh:

Well wherever the filthy ethiopians go we know who is to blame

THE ICU right :confused:

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The Xabashi's plan is clear, they want to occupy all of Somalia. So unite before its too late. The Xabashi's are not a new enemy, we know them, we know their brutality and their savagery. Its time to put aside these clan sentiments and work together in order to get rid of this enemy. Let get rid of the Ethiopian aggressor and its stooges namely the Warlords, TFG, Puntland & Somaliland.

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Ciidamo hor leh oo Itoobiyaan ah oo soo gaaray duleedka Mqudisho.


Wararka laga helayo degmada Afgooye ee gobalka Shabeelaha Hoose ayaa sheegaya in guuto cusub oo ah ciidamo Itoobiyaan ah ay saaka kasoo gudbeen degmada Afgooye ee gobalka Shabeelaha Hoose,iyagoo hatanna ku sugan duleedka magaalada Muqdisho.


Wararka laga helayo degmada Afgooye ee gobalka Shabeelaha Hoose ayaa sheegaya in guuto cusub oo ah ciidamo Itoobiyaan ah ay saaka kasoo gudbeen degmada Afgooye ee gobalka Shabeelaha Hoose,iyagoo hatanna ku sugan duleedka magaalada Muqdisho.


Ciidamadan oo wata noocxyada kala duwan ee hubka iyo dababado ayaa loogu tala galay in ay kaalinweyn ku yeeshaan howlgalalda nabadda Muqdisho lagu sugayo oo ay wadaan ciidanka xoogga dalka soomaliyeed iyo kuwa nabad ilaalinta Itoobiyaanka ee jooga dalka Soomaaliya.


Wararka laga helayo dadka deegaanka Afgooye ayaa tibaaxaya in ciidankaasi ay wataan in ka badan 50 gaari oo ah kuwa dagaalka oo u badan taangiyo,waxaana la filayaa in saacadaha inasoo aadan ay soo galaan magaalada muqdisho.


Ciidamadan ayaa la sheegay in ay ka yimaaden dhanka Baydhabo,iyagoo ah kuwii horay u joogay Gobalka Bay ,waxaana booskoodii la geeyay kuwo hor leh ooka yimid dhanka xadkja bara Soomaaliya iyo Itoobiya.


Maxamed Cusmaan Axmed


Xafiiska warqabadka shabakadda wararka ee Muqdishoi.

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