
The unconstrained 'federalism' waxee dhashay

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 “Puntland waxay dooneysaa inay hesho lacag u gaar ah 2025”

Madaxweynaha Puntland Siciid Cabdullahi Deni ayaa sheegay in Puntland wado daraasadda dhaqan gelinta lacag shilling u gaar ah sanadka 2025.

Deni ayaa sheegay in Puntland muddo dheer sugaysay in dowlada Soomaaliya sameyso lacag cusub, illaa hadana waxna soo muuqan, arrintaasi oo ku khasabtay go’aankan ay ku sameysanayso lacag u gaar ah.

Madaxweynaha Puntland, ayaa khudbadiisa ku sheegay in xaalada Soomaaliya ay hada mareyso meel halis ah oo ay ku adag tahay in wadajirkii iyo dowladnimadii lasii wado, oo ay hay’adihii dadka ka dhexeeyey u muuqdaan kuwo dad gaar ah caburinaya ama dowladnimadii burburinaya.

Adduunka waxaa jira dalal baddan oo Federaal ah oo laba lacagood kala leh, macneheedu maaha Soomaalinimadii inaan ka baxnay, laakiin waxaa rabnaa Puntland lacag ay leedahay inaad daraasadeeda bilowdaan oo aad raadisaan.

Muddaa sugeynay in dowlada mid ah in shilling Soomaali mideysan la sameeyo, ma muuqato.

Dowlada Puntland go’ankaas waayadan ayey ka shaqeenaysay oo daraasadeeda socotaa.

Waxaa rajeenaynaa muddo gaaban oo inta lagu jiro 2025 la helo lacag Puntland ay leedahay, oo hadhow la jaan qaadi doonta nidaamka maaliyadeed ee Soomaaliya marka uu “Miirka” iyo “Maskaxdda” soo noqoto, oo dad Soomaaliyadeed oo is oggol oo nidaam waaxid ah yeeshaan…” ayuu yiri Madaxweyne Deni oo khudbad kasoo jeediyey xarunta Bangiga Puntland ee Bosaaso.


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And he is lying; no other nation, federal or not, use multiple local currencies. Several countries, including Simbaabwe and Soomaaliya itself, use U.S. currency in lie of the local almost non-existent (Soomaaliya) or hyperinflation ones (Simbaabwe).

Maamul goboleed wareersan cannot have its own currency. Period.

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This is one of the small issues that  can be solved, if SL has currency that really helps their people, reduce inflation and dollarisation,  PL has right to help their citizens.

Anyways, the biggest issue is Jubbaland with Ethiopia hunting down Somali National army, think about this, and in comparison this future currency 


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1 hour ago, Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar said:

Madaxweynaha Puntland, ayaa khudbadiisa ku sheegay in xaalada Soomaaliya ay hada mareyso meel halis ah oo ay ku adag tahay in wadajirkii iyo dowladnimadii lasii wado, oo ay hay’adihii dadka ka dhexeeyey u muuqdaan kuwo dad gaar ah caburinaya ama dowladnimadii burburinaya.

💯 correct 

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11 hours ago, Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar said:

no other nation, federal or not, use multiple local currencies. Several countries, including Simbaabwe and Soomaaliya itself, use U.S. currency in lie of the local almost non-existent

Your logic is flawed. You argue no nation uses two currencies ONLY to offer examples where more than one currency is used. if two currencies are being used, and can be used, why not three or five? Damiinimadu waa ibtilo rabbaani ah!

                 Did you know there are nations where up to 4 currencies, or even more, are being used?

                Let me catch you up, as you seem a bit behind the curve: PL is going one step farther to Confederacy to rein in the tawdry Centrists (Kacaanists), which is the only way to tutor the dimwits.

                 Did you know PL already has its own SOS only used in PL? Did you know SOS used in Xamar is not accepted, nor works in PL? 

It is where the old Arab Bard opined:

إِن كانَ سَرَّكُمُ ما قالَ حاسِدُنا
                فَما لِجُرحٍ إِذا أَرضاكُمُ أَلَمُ

                Scotland & Ireland have their own currencies, minted by Banks of Scotland & Ireland, distinct from England & Wales. Both are accepted elsewhere in mainland Britain as codified in the Acts of Union. Noteworthy, in Scotland & Ireland, one would find one pound note, yet so is not true in England & Wales.

Nations where more than one currency is used:

  • Serbia-Montenegro (Yugoslav dinar & € ),
  • El Salvador (peso, bitcoin, $),
  • Panama (balboa & $),
  • Cambodia (riel & $)
  • Amongst others, East timor, Ecaduaro use US $,
  • Pacific islands use NZ $.

There are nations where currencies of other nations are accepted, say Brunei & Singapore, S Africa rand accepted in Namibia & Lesotho etc.

List of countries where US $ is used:
United States (American Samoa, Guam, Northern Mariana Islands,
Puerto Rico,
United States Virgin Islands),
British Indian Ocean Territory,
British Virgin Islands,
East Timor,
El Salvador,
Marshall Islands,
Sint Eustatius,
Turks and Caicos Islands,

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9 hours ago, Illyria said:

Scotland & Ireland have their own currencies, minted by Banks of Scotland & Ireland, distinct from England & Wales. Both are accepted elsewhere in mainland Britain as codified in the Acts of Union. Noteworthy, in Scotland & Ireland, one would find one pound note, yet so is not true in England & Wales.

It's the same currency.  I don't think there's devolution in central banking and money matters in the UK.  Politics,  a bit, yes, but economically it's all one.  Example comes to mind is the euro,  all the same but different pictures and look for each country.  

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I think Puntland should not mince their words. There's no country called Somalia,  it's hijacked by a cabal in Mogadishu. Therefore,  in every sense of it, they should build a separate entity until Somali isu timaado.  Period.  

If you don't like it,  cirka dhagaxyo kasoo daadi.  

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9 hours ago, Illyria said:

Your logic is flawed. You argue no nation uses two currencies ONLY to offer examples where more than one currency is used. if two currencies are being used, and can be used, why not three or five? Damiinimadu waa ibtilo rabbaani ah!

                 Did you know there are nations where up to 4 currencies, or even more, are being used?

                Let me catch you up, as you seem a bit behind the curve: PL is going one step farther to Confederacy to rein in the tawdry Centrists (Kacaanists), which is the only way to tutor the dimwits.

                 Did you know PL already has its own SOS only used in PL? Did you know SOS used in Xamar is not accepted, nor works in PL? 

It is where the old Arab Bard opined:

إِن كانَ سَرَّكُمُ ما قالَ حاسِدُنا
                فَما لِجُرحٍ إِذا أَرضاكُمُ أَلَمُ

                Scotland & Ireland have their own currencies, minted by Banks of Scotland & Ireland, distinct from England & Wales. Both are accepted elsewhere in mainland Britain as codified in the Acts of Union. Noteworthy, in Scotland & Ireland, one would find one pound note, yet so is not true in England & Wales.

Nations where more than one currency is used:

  • Serbia-Montenegro (Yugoslav dinar & € ),
  • El Salvador (peso, bitcoin, $),
  • Panama (balboa & $),
  • Cambodia (riel & $)
  • Amongst others, East timor, Ecaduaro use US $,
  • Pacific islands use NZ $.

There are nations where currencies of other nations are accepted, say Brunei & Singapore, S Africa rand accepted in Namibia & Lesotho etc.

List of countries where US $ is used:
United States (American Samoa, Guam, Northern Mariana Islands,
Puerto Rico,
United States Virgin Islands),
British Indian Ocean Territory,
British Virgin Islands,
East Timor,
El Salvador,
Marshall Islands,
Sint Eustatius,
Turks and Caicos Islands,

Stop the BS, it is only the U.S. dollars where hyperinflation nations use it as it is a standard world currency. Soomaaliya itself uses U S. dollar.

Tell us a single country that uses two local different local currencies. It doesn't exist. If any of these countries' provinces, regions start printing their own currency, they will not tolerate it and will immediately crush it.

It is also in the Soomaali constitution that monetary policies is central government purview. Dastuurka an aaad maalin walba la oridid ayaa inkireysaa waxa ku qoran.

Be a real secessionist like Reer Waqooyi, quraafaadka kale aad la gambaneysid naga yaree.

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55 minutes ago, Qurac&qansax said:

Hong Kong and China,


should i give you more

Hong Kong was a nation state with complete laws before China acquired it and promising it will respect its local laws, including currency. Just tell us what country's region prints its own local currency? Name a single country.

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55 minutes ago, Qurac&qansax said:

Netherland and  its islands in the Caribbean




These islands are colonies thousands of kilometres away from Dutchland, unlike Gaalkacyo with an invisible clan border. You are telling us Gaalkacyo residents will be forced to use different currencies. What a ludicrous idea 

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