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Al-Shabab: Khawarij-ism and Fascism in one Basket

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The outrageous, despicable, disgusting and sickening suicide bombing that Al-Shabab (or rather Al-Shaydaan—an appropriate term which I will utilize through the rest of this short piece) carried out against the young and innocent graduates sends shockwaves across Somali people everywhere (though Al-Shaydaan denied, we know better). These innocent graduates took a courageous long journey of studying under anarchic atmosphere hoping to enlighten them-selves and to better the lives of their unfortunate fellow citizens. They were not involved the ugly and bitter clan-politics of Somalia, neither were they, in any manner, danger to any particular groups, including Al-Shaydaan. There is no reason for Al-Shaydaan to murder cruelly these brilliant and courageous graduates.


Targeting students is unacceptable. To appreciate the significance of Al-Shaydaan’s barbaric ideology, it is essential to compare, first, the resemblances between Al-Shaydaan and German fascism and, second, to recall the prophecies putted forth by our beloved Prophet (pbuh) about the emergence of Khawarijis, both of which Al-Shaydaan manifests with no uncertain terms.


Everyone who studied the ideology of the fascism, Hitler’s Mein Kampf, and closely followed Al-Shaydaani’s manners would easily appreciate the resemblances between the two detestable ideologies. Put it bluntly, the fascist ideology and the Al-Shaydaan ideology are identical concerning the inhumane treatments against the innocent civilians. Both ideologies disguise themselves as liberators while in reality they are both bloodsucking parasites.


The fascists utilized race and nationalism slogans in order to mobilize their docile citizens against their innocent citizens while Al-Shaydaan utilizes religion as their mobilizing device in order to brainwash their docile followers. Fascists portrayed their targeted civilian ‘enemies’ as inferior races compared to their Aryan ‘superior’ race. In this regard, fascists were playing the racist card—Aryan race vs. non-Aryans, similarly Al-Shaydaan is playing the religious card—“real” Muslims vs. apostates. The latter—Al-Shaydaan —is much more lethal and dangerous. Fascists lacked the promise of paradise in order to encourage its docile followers to murder their fellow citizens, whereas Al-Shaydaan promises deceivingly its followers an imagined paradise. The fascists’ ideology was much easier to confront with, because their assertions were not secret but rather profane.


That is, they were not contending that their ideology was from God, but rather from men. And it is easier to discredit any assertion set forth by human beings. However, when ideology is portrayed as a secret, from God, it is much more difficult to tackle.


The second manifestation of Al-Shaydaan is Khawarijism. There is a repeated meticulous assertion set forth by Somali Muslim scholars, which is this: Al-Shaydaan is the Khawarijis that Prophet Mohamed (PBUH) prophesized and warned. These numerous respected Somali Muslim scholars observed and detailed painstakingly that Al-Shaydaan manifested all the hallmarks of Khawarijis, as our beloved Prophet prophesized. Utilizing authentic sources of religious scripts (not their personal opinions), these respected Muslim scholars came to the consensus that Al-Shaydaan is indeed the Khawarijis.


Some of the features of Khawarijis that Al-Shaydaan manifested, as our beloved Prophet explained include, but may not limited to: they will contend that they are the only true Muslims while everyone else is either unbeliever or apostate; they will perform prayers and recite the Quran precisely and meticulously even though their prayer and recitation are nothing but an empty shell; they will wage war against anyone who disagrees with them; they will kill women, children, religious scholars, students, elders, leaders and everyone without a real reason; they will terrorize both their fellow Muslims and non-Muslims alike etc.


Combine these two abhorrent ideologies, and you have: hallucinated human bomb. These two ideologies assist, thus far, Al-Shaydaan. First, it assists to brainwash the uneducated, inexperienced, poor and desperate children for a promise of lasting paradise. The young poor child, exhausted from any other hope, accepts their lies. Second, it helps them portray their imagined ‘enemies’ easily—apostates. Defining their enemy by labeling as apostates and brainwashing the poor child is their arsenal.


Without any other better terms, they are indeed bloodsucking parasites that should be stopped. Their aim is to grip the whole country under the iron fist of their satanic and barbaric irreligious ideology. They should be confronted in every direction, be it ideologically, financially, militarily and morally. I already started to wage war against Al-Shaydaan. And please do not utilize the name Al-Shaydaan anymore, rather let us utilize Al-Shaydaan for it describes who they really are.




Ismail Hassan

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