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CEELBARDAALE- SCC (reality catching up ) and missinformation

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Pathological bias and the deliberate act of deviating from the truth.



Oct 17,2009.

Warbixintii IRIN ee ku soo baxday Hiiraan waxay aheyd warbixin dhinac kaliya u xaglineysa oo xaqiiqda ka fog dhibta ka

taagan degankaas.Waxa taas kuu cadaynaya waxa ay wareysteen laba qof oo J/Abokor ah.Kuwaas ah dhinac kaliya difaacayey kuna soo ururiyey hadalkoodii dagal u dhaxeeya xoogaga R/nour oo xukumadii maxamed siyaad bare taageerayey iyo J/Abokor oo taageerayey SNM.Iyagoo iska indha tiray mashruucan ceelberdaale cidda samaysay ee shirkadda ku aheyd in ay aheyd xukuumaddi siyaad bare iyo Ina Raage oo ah J/Abokor oo dhacay dhulkii R/Nour. Markii Xukuumadii Siyaad bare dhacday ay shirkadiina baaba,day dhulkii la dhacay ayaa dadkii xaqa u lahaa soo degeen welina way deganyihiin


IRIN waxa xogta siiya ceelberdaale una turjuma Haatuf News.Haatufna rag ka tirsan waxa ay qeyb ka ahayeen boobkii mashruuca Ceelberdaale ee dhulka R/Nour laga dhacay wakhtigii Kacaanka iyo ka hor ba oo Maxamud Ciise oo ahaan jiray Wasiirka beeraha ee xukuumadi Cabdi rasaaq 1960ki.Waxa uu shaqadiisi uga tagay inuu Mashruucaas boobka ceelberdaale uu maareeye ka noqdo waanu ka noqday isagoo hanti xaddhaf ah oo xukumadeed galiyey si boobka dhulka R/nour e ceel berdaale loo suura geliyo.

Haddaba manta weli IRIN iyo Haatuf waxa ay weli qorayaan wax laga yayaqsooda waxana ay wareysanayaan J/Abokor oo Keliya oo ah hal dhinac.Mar kaliya ayey wareysrteen IRIN masuul ka tirsan Degmada dilla oo ah Ceelaabe Maxamuud taas ayaa kuu cadaynaysa in warbixinta IRIN aanay dhexdhexaad ahayn ee ay yihiin calooshooda u shaqaystayaal. Turjumadda ingiriisigina ay ka caawiso Haatuf oo qeyb ka ah colaadda ceelberdaale



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I am sorry mr/miss oodweyne maybe no one has busted your bubble yet put Any english person can string those fancy words together to "sound good"

But the letters will just stand there, stiff as wood the same as blahblah...


The copy and paste are information and by providing the source is called referencing in your schools.


NB: i have noticed you write 3 paragraph what anyone could summarise in 1 line.

is it to show that you a somali Shakespeare?

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Originally posted by Oodweyne:

on the other hand, it will be a curse to level with you (
never mind answering one's take of the Queen's English to the likes of you




Sleep well about the above cause I for a start have only started to learn english 7 years ago and far to challenge as a house negro on the english master courtyards

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you know this guy djibouti somali ....has some unique view points, celbardale is a conflict between to farming communities. Even if you remove the element of clan, the government plays a neutral role in the dispute. But you are from djibouti hows that going these days. I love Djibouti and dont like to talk ill of it as i said my girl is from there, but how are the french and americans doing. controlling your airspace and how are the arabs doing controlling your ports. looool, what was djibouti independence for if you were going to sell your country off.

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