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Saudi Ulemas Declare Jihad

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Somalie: des oulémas saoudiens s'en prennent vivement aux Etats-Unis


DJIBOUTI (ADI) – 29 Déc 2006- Quatorze oulémas saoudiens dénoncent violemment les Etats-Unis, l'accusant notamment de pratiquer le terrorisme international, pour son alliance avec "l'agresseur éthiopien" dans son "invasion" de la Somalie, dans un communiqué publié jeudi.


"L'agression de la part de l'Ethiopie n'est qu'une épisode dans le feuilleton de la campagne mondiale contre le monde musulman, sous la direction de l'alliance croisée avec, à sa tête, l'Amérique", selon le communiqué dont l'AFP a obtenu une copie.


Les oulémas dénoncent le silence des pays membres d'organisations internationales devant "le terrorisme international et la violation de la souveraineté d'un pays membre de l'ONU, alors qu'ils prétendent (eux-mêmes) combattre le terrorisme", en référence aux Etats-Unis.


"Les peuples musulmans doivent voler au secours de leurs frères en Somalie", poursuivent les oulémas, en soulignant que "l'alliance croisée et américaine, avec l'agresseur éthiopien, n'est que la continuation de leurs précédentes alliances avec les juifs sionistes et les rafidhas (terme péjoratif désignant les chiites) contre les musulmans".


"Ceci prouve la nécessité de poursuivre le djihad défensif contre ce gouvernement américain extrémiste et de faire échouer ses plans", ajoutent les quatorze signataires.


Parmi ces dignitaires, tous sunnites, figurent cheikh Safar al-Hawali, ancien professeur de théologie à l'université d'Oum Al-Qoura (La Mecque) et cheikh Nasser ben Souleiman Al-Omer, ancien responsable à la faculté de théologie à l'université islamique de l'imam Mohammed ben Saoud (Ryad).


Des troupes gouvernementales somaliennes, soutenues par l'armée éthiopienne, sont entrées jeudi dans la capitale Mogadiscio, désertée par les milices islamistes qui la contrôlaient depuis juin.


Les Etats-Unis ont apporté leur soutien à l'attaque éthiopienne tout en demandant au gouvernement d'Addis Abeba de faire preuve d'un "maximum de retenue" dans son intervention.

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Originally posted by Djib-Somali:

Quatorze oulémas saoudiens dénoncent violemment les Etats-Unis, l'accusant notamment de pratiquer le terrorisme international, pour son alliance avec "l'agresseur éthiopien" dans son "invasion" de la Somalie, dans un communiqué publié jeudi.

With all the turmoil in the Islamic world, these Ulema must be denouncing stuff around the clock.


Too little, too late.

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"Les peuples musulmans doivent voler au secours de leurs frères en Somalie"


" muslim peoples must fly to helpt their somali brothers"


"l'alliance croisée et américaine, avec l'agresseur éthiopien, n'est que la continuation de leurs précédentes alliances avec les juifs sionistes et les rafidhas (terme péjoratif désignant les chiites) contre les musulmans".


(paraphasing) The amrican ethiopian alliangce is just the next step of the zionist and shi'ite conspiracy (aggression) against muslims



These Ba$tards want to turn us into the next iraq with more somali blood on the streets. The message to the should be clear. eff off and stay out

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Originally posted by Castro:

quote:Originally posted by Djib-Somali:

Quatorze oulémas saoudiens dénoncent violemment les Etats-Unis, l'accusant notamment de pratiquer le terrorisme international, pour son alliance avec "l'agresseur éthiopien" dans son "invasion" de la Somalie, dans un communiqué publié jeudi.

With all the turmoil in the Islamic world, these Ulema must be denouncing stuff around the clock.


Too little, too late.
These are probably the same ones that denounced HizbAllah.



If President Abdullahi Yusuf did not choose to ignore your countrys failed attempt, your president will get some points for his efforts.

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Somalia: Saudi clerics strongly criticising the United States


DJIBOUTI (ADI) - Dec. 29, 2006 - Fourteen Saudi clerics denounce violently the United States, accusing it of practising including international terrorism, for his alliance with "the aggressor Ethiopian" in its "invasion" of Somalia, in a communiqué issued Thursday.


"The aggression on the part of Ethiopia is just one episode in the ongoing story of the global campaign against the Muslim world, under the leadership of the Crusading alliance, headed by America," according to a release of which AFP obtained a copy.


The clerics denounced the silence of the country members of international organizations to "international terrorism and the violation of the sovereignty of a member country of the United Nations, as they claim (themselves) combating terrorism", referring in the United States.


"The Muslim peoples must fly to the aid of their brothers in Somalia," the clerics continued, stressing that "the Crusading alliance and America, with the assailant Ethiopia, is only a continuation of their previous alliances with the Jewish Zionists and rafidhas (derogatory term referring to the Shiites) against Muslims ".


"This shows the need to continue the defensive jihad against this extremist American government and to derail its plans," added fourteen signatories.


Among the dignitaries, all Sunnis, included Sheikh Safar al-Hawali, a former professor of theology at the University of Umm Al-Qoura (Mecca) and Sheikh Nasser bin Suleiman Al-Omer, former head in the faculty of theology at 'Islamic University of Imam Muhammad bin Saud (Ryad).


The Somali government troops, backed by the Ethiopian army, entered Thursday in the capital Mogadishu, deserted by the Islamist militias who controlled since June.


The United States gave their support to the Ethiopian attack while calling on the government to Addis Ababa to show a "maximum restraint" in his speech.

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I think Duke requested more precision regarding Jihad in Somalia; hence why I repost this declaration from Ulamas recognized universally for their top learning.


Their declaration seem to confirm what already hinted at by respected Somali clerics such as Sheikhs Cumar Faaruq (Sheikh Axmed Daahir Aweys too, but some will automatically accuse him as X. D. Aweys's brother, despite his unequaled credentials which include a PHD in Quranic Studies at Madinah University etc).


At any rate, this will Inshallah bring a halt to all the uneducated polemics and confusion we are addicted to as average Somalis, particularly those in the Western world...

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^Who declared Jihad on who and When?


Besides 2 years old news which is written in French doesn't help at all. Now what is the supposed news claiming to present, I know Jack of what is written in there, only two languages allowed in SOL: English and Somali, you as a Dj man can try Afari if you must but never attempt any other lingo :D

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@Abu Salman, more attention is given to what the the BBC Somalia declared or what a clan warlord uttered, United Nations, African Union than what some Saudi Ulema declared. Also, Sovereignty and who or what can enter what lands is detemermined( to the people) by the superpowers( through the United Nations)these days........


Some Sheikhs and pundits where arguing that it was unislamic to be against the Ethio-Warlord alliance and that the Ethiopian and their fellow warlords should be obeyed. When the well known Ulema gave their fatawas, the only respone they could muster was: nooo, the Ulema are calling for a fitna... and what are you calling for? Peace, unity, democracy by the murderous forces of Meles Zenawi!



I think those individuals have gone into hiding now or at least don' try to bring those xabashi apologetic Fatawas anymore! Word is one Sheikh stood up( after the Ethiopian invasion) and declared that it was obligatory to be friendly to Woyane forces and their allies, word is they later shot up his own brother( Xabashi style). Who's calling to Fitna?





p.s, aren't some of those ulema on that list on the Ikahwnish side of things? I think I remember reading a refutation of one of those individuals.........

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Those Ulamas are an altogether different class than "Meles Ulamas" who were very vocal just prior the invasion, with little if any Islamic Knowledge, much less credentials.


Hence, wether they are Somali, Saudi or from Surinam hardly matters as long as they are well known scholars, respected for their piety.


More precisely, those Ulamas were Salafi, Sunni Ulamas (Islam based on Qur'aan and prophetic Sunnah which explain it further, ie the manner the prophet purified himself, how and when to pray etc) unlike Shia or Sufis, mainly following respectively Persian nationalism after the Islamic conquest of Persia or raw emotions with self-gratifying mysticism.


Little wonder, therefore, westerners prefers these "mild Islamists"; likewise for the acculturated fifth columnist with their manipulation of the, alas all too numerous, Somali Sufi pseudo-scholars (many of the slf-styled "scholars" can not even differentiate between ahaadith according to their grading or collect many invented ones).


As for the "Ikhwaans" or "Muslim Broterhood", it is more like a politico-social organization with disparate creeds and associated priorities; I remember having read critics about how Qutb overemphasized materialism while compromising on Islamic Aqeedah & Shariah (Islamic creed and law), as economic and scientific "progress" are quite subjective concepts in the light of recent studies about permanent health & environmental damage in so called "rapidly developing" countries (air and heavy metals pollution in China concomitant with social breakdown condamning both the aged and general pollution, for instance, or Indian caste system coupled with usury pushing thousands farmers to suicide while corruption & political populism compromise even basic wealth redistribution as well as public health policies)...

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