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General Duke

Ethiopia is coming a motivational prank?/

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^^^Again the Duke takes note on the effort you waste on his behalf. If you have anything further to add by all means go ahead..


Though in this game your group has not advanced one bit since our last encounter, no regonition, a humiliation against the Puntland forces yet again, resulting in the sacking of your defence chief.


While the TFG is taking the forward steps no one expected, recognition from the world security council as the "only legitimate government" of the country. :D Disarming Mogadishu, convening a national conference for the clans. ;)


Viva the federal republic of Somalia.

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This thread was not about any individual or personalities on the cyber world of SOL. Rather it was an attempt to expose and remind people about one of the greatest shams and mockeries ever seen in the history of the Somali Race. That is, the Somali people were lied to over and over again by an entity that claimed to have their best interests at heart. An entity which heard reports of the very own ppl being bombed to pieces via the B.B.C somalia, not that they cared much anway.



Firstly we were told that there were no Ethiopian troops inside Somalia. That it was all a hoax, a lie and false cry by the mad mullahs of Muqdisho. When they realised that Somali populations had ears, telephones and most importantly "Eyes". Somali people in many towns reported a rather large movement of Ethiopian military personnel from the Ocaden region into Somalia. Despite this the T.F.G still played the same cards by denying any existance of any such troops inside Somalia. When it became clear that they couldn't keep up such a lie, they resorted to claiming that there was only a few hundred personal army trainers. Even When the war started in late December 2006 the Ethiopian ambassador to the U.K claimed that only a few hundred trainers were present in Somalia. But guess what? Aljazeera obtained live pictures of combatant Ethiopian soldiers participating in the war. The ambassador did another U-turn when he retracted on this claims this year, the good ambassador claimed that( in the Guardian) " Ethiopia had been sent to save Somalia from a brutal subclan". In other words the Somali government of stooges couldn't apparently fight one single Somalia subclan, thus a hundred or so trainers were sent to assist them, but suddenly they doubled numbers and became thousands of occupying troops. Are you confused? Even more confusing the occupation cheerleades on this forum and their fellow associates claimed that one third of Ethiopian troops had left Somalia and the Ethiopian would stay for a week or so. But as time went they retracted from that claim and blamed the prolongment of Ethiopian troops on "looters" and " fake religous wadaads" whom were responsible for attacks against " women" and " children". In short one can see the multiple stories and claims made by the cheerleaders of the occupation these include:


1. 1000s of Oromos and Eritreans invaded Somalia so Ethiopia saved Somalia from them. May we ask where are they know? Don't tell us Meled Zenawi defeated them and they hiding under womens Niqabs.


2. Ethiopia asked Somalia to save her from a " brutal subclan".


3. Ethiopian was invited by the Somali government.


4. Ethiopia liberated Somalia from the evil Indhacade.


5. Ethiopia was hunting Alqaeds suspects.


Which one is it?

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Adeer that’s much better, lets now bring this thing to the open, you are sad at the loss of the Somali civilians which I commend you for and I am touched however did the Somali civilians deaths start in December 2006?


As a child of the war my memory goes back to even before 1991, when in the 1980’s my home town of Galkacyu was raised by the Somali army of Gen Barre, girls raped and men without due process were murdered. My memory also goes back to the suffering of the North West in places like Hargaysa and Burco and then in Borama and the final kick of in Mogadishu.


I can remember hearing the massacre of many Somali’s who were ethnically[clan] cleansed from the only city they called home. These peoples property is still in the hands of others who took them over by force


I love the self righteous tone of your delivery, however lets take a closer look at the events which led up to the four day war or “minute war. The clan courts movement led by pathetic warlords like IndaCade and the ever deplorable Xasan Dahir attacked the government’s base in Baidoa using what ever means necessary. It was not the other way round dear boy.


The courts were the aggressors who later on became the victims. To their supporters who are now living this nightmare it was all fun, village after village they captured, it was a time of celebration they did not figure it would turn out to be so, if only they knew.


As for the foreign fighters, they had many, according to the UN they had many Eritrean, Oromo, and misled foreigners who were promised a jihad at the expense of the Somali people. You don’t have to take my word, one should trust Xasan Turki who’sforces buned the Somali flag in Kismayu. He admitted that they had foreigners and why not others get them, he complained.


Thus what is your point why should not the TFG get the support of Ethiopia [Tigray] army since Somali;s have never fought a Tigray regime, nor should one wait for his enemy to kill him using Tigray militias and Oromo’s.


The hapless clowns attacked Baidoa and were defeated by the TFG and its allies, the TFG came to Mogadishu without much blood shed and started to negotiate with the clans, business groups and politicians. The situation turned sour when the remnants of the clowns started sending mortars into the presidential palace, kidnapping, assassinating officers and officials and creating havoc in the capital.


Again the supporters of the clowns pointed this as the “resistance” they applauded the actions of this group led by Mr Diriye [a first rate looter] known as Ahmed BILILIQO.


Again battles resumed and all of a sudden the supporters of the looters/clan militias and fake religious groups became victims and concerned for the welfare of the Somali people.


Consider they never cared for the Somali people before their defeat and even used to play down the tragedies of 1991, 1993 the deaths of Baidoa, the killings on the streets of Mogadishu.


No those did not matter what matters is when their clan militias get disarmed. You have their boy in the BBC/Yusuf Garad, their idiotic leader A/Qasin their fake sheikh Xasan Dahir and their media outlet crying foul.


In Mogadishu the death count was 400 on both side from government sources, from the Ahmed BILILIQO source the figures was 1000 dead now both figures are great and its wrong that so many Somali’s died. But lets not pretend this was unique event in the deaths of the Somali’s in this dark age. Maybe to Ahmed BILILIQO and others the uniqueness of it all stems from the fact that its their militia and groups taking the brunt of the beatings that they wanted to give to the TFG in Baidoa.

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1. Eritrean, Oromo and foreign groups were transported into Somalia in support of this group and they bolstered the clan courts forces which would not have won any significant battles without this armed support and expertise. Xasan Turki admitted this fact, IndaCade called for foreign terror groups and the clan courts leaders are now housed in Asmara and no where else, why? :D


2. The TFG parliament requested support from any country including the front line states in case of an emergency [hence the Ethiopian entrance].


3. Ethiopia gave an advantage to the TFG by countering their Eritrean enemy and Oromo rebels support to the clan clowns.


4. The TFG liberated the lower Shabbele, from the terrible clan militia of InadaCade/A/qasin, and gave the locals power for the first time in 16 years by naming a local Dr A/Qadir Sidi as governor.


5. The US was hunting AL/Qaeda suspect’s, international terrorists who were sited by various people from Barre Hiiraale to A/Qaybdeed and even A/Qasin was worried about them back in 2001.


Its all the above adeer ;)

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oh dear oh dear our local clown does seem to be i bit of bother these days isnt he :D


it must be confusing when you are constantly contrdicting your self and doing the merry go-around 24/7, when then again its not easy job concorting reality and inventing manufacturing half truths, but it does make good comedy. :D





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^^^loool. That was funny for once you got me. ;) ,. Though I wonder when will the orphans of the not yet dead Queen of England get their recognition? :D

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1. Eritrean, Oromo and foreign groups were transported into Somalia in support of this group and they bolstered the clan courts forces which would not have won any significant battles without this armed support and expertise.



Of course thousands of Oromos and Eritreans just like there was "no" Ethiopian troops? Just like you would "never support" an Ethiopian occupation right? It is all expected from a a man who takes his hero a man who hears from the radio the bombardment of his own people, whilst calling himself the president.

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^^^Adeer let me correct you again. The Ethiopian troops entered the scene when BAIDOA was attacked by the alliance led by Eritrea.

Thats a fact. The fact that all the courts are in Asmara is a testimony to the fact that Eritrea was involved and even the US warmed them and blacklisted them, why?


There is no occupation by Ethiopia as there is no Ugandan occupation or a Burundian one coming.

Yes our neighbours have a presence in Somalia however Somalia has a legitimate government recognised by the world with its own army and police being built up.


As for the final comment, it just highlights the fact that the country is in a bad state, one the TFG is trying to improve.


Stop with the excuses your group was defeated if you can tell them the truth tell them to stop the bombings and give peace a chance, or be dealt with. Its their choice.

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War anagaa wax aragnay, ma Duke baa hadana kalarada lahaystaa for uttering his opinions, lol, Walle waa Yaabka Yaabkiisa


Originally by Duke, 2006:

YO-YO, I do support the TFG, though this latest action I disagree with..

This is Dukes response in this topic, it's all I gathered from this thread. Yes he's has been against an action and not the TFG, so where do u guyz gather ur infromation from or perhaps your small brains can distinguish the difference between being against the policy of an organisation and being the dismatler of that organisation through Suicide bombing.


How many have taken the quotes of the man in question and used it in their very own profile?


Duke-ow iskadaa hakugu soo caanbaxeenee :D

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Originally posted by Qudhac:

oh dear oh dear our local clown does seem to be i bit of bother these days isnt he


it must be confusing when you are constantly contrdicting your self and doing the merry go-around 24/7, when then again its not easy job concorting reality and inventing manufacturing half truths, but it does make good comedy.





lol Maybe someone has discovered Sheikh Indhacade's alleged marijuana plantations. :D

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Mr Emperor, this thread wasnøt about the personal opinions of Mr Duke or any others. Rathers to expose the fact the T.F.G lied to the Somali people. They had claimed that there was no Ethiopian troops on Somali soil. Mr Duke regurgitated thos views by claiming that there was no presence of Ethiopian troops on Somali soil.Here is a quote from this very thread.


quote.Mohammed Abdi Hayir, minister of information for the transitional government, said, †œThere are absolutely no Ethiopian troops in Somalia.â€


He said the confusion came from the fact that Ethiopia had provided 4,000 uniforms to Somali forces guarding the fledging government.



Perhaps those 4000 donated uniforms came equiped with the ability to also turn those that wear it into Ethiopians? Or perhaps Mr Abdi Hayir was lying, which one is it?


Mr Duke, I dont belong to any political group in Somalia. Infact I supported the T.F.G as the legtimate government when it was created and wished them the best of success. However, any support I had for them disappeared when they allowed a whole bunch of warlords and Somali killers, Tigreys, to make their base in Somalia. Sadly the history books shall judge them by this awful act of treachery and betryal of 500 years of history......

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^^^Mr Geeljire, I respect the way you present your argument. However one must not get confused on a simple issue. The Ethiopians and Ugandans were not in Somalia at the time, now they are to support the legitimate governemnt.


We ahve also highlighted the fact that the TFG parliment headed by Sharif Xasan at the time passed a motion requesting such support from any quarter.


Adeer one final point Somalia has never been at war with Tigray in its history since the Togray have not dominated Ethiopia as they do now. Amharo yes even Oromo to a lesse extent


As for history, we have never been in such difficult circumstances as we find ourselves these past 17 years.

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