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Tribute to Puntland State of Somalia!

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Here is a 'poem', that I devised some weeks ago, I don't know how releavant it might now be but I think it's worth to give it a try!


I'm not a poet laureate nor do I consider, what I've written to be a lyrical or literal masterpiece in fact I believe any elemantary school children could outdo me, if he/she would focus for the duration of less than one hour!


It's just a simple play of words not designed for its mere beauty but for what it means to me and I'm sure others in here. It is simply devised to express the feelings and gratitudes we feel for our state, that gave us sancturay after we were 'kicked out' of the south by angry men and women!


I feel that this so-called 'poem' describes, what I personally feel for Puntland and what it has done for not me but millions of displaced people, who are not even Puntlanders but come from every imaginery area of Somalia, who have fled and found sanctuary, schooling, employment&occupation and a peaceful place to live in and for that I thank god. This people couldn't live in there own provinces peacefully and I think, that they can't ever forget what Puntland State of Somalia has done for them. It is foremost a Somali state, where no-one is degraded or mistreated, and where Somalis from every corner are welcome to settle in, work and open up businesses without fear and or intimidation! May the state long live and survive and outlast us all inshallaah! Amiin.


The Envy and Pride of Somalia: Puntland State of Somalia!


Puntlaan, my beloved Puntlaan, the one and only Star

From the near to the far,

And Hurdiya to highlaan, how beautiful you are,

From the Plains of Mudug, to the top of Raas Caseyr

You're the envy and the Somali Maseyr!


Eyl, Garoowe and the rest of the Nugaal

Taleex and Xudun the home of the Darawiish struggle and the true Somaal

Garacad, Bacadweyn and Gaalkacyo, the places of visions, peace and loyalty!

(No words can describe your Majesty)

You will never be forsaken or forgotten.


At a time, when we were chased out of our homes and had no-where to go

And the enemy came charging after us till Kismaa-yow

How many have perished, trying to cross to safety?

Through Libooye and the sea, to Kenya, only to become history!


Ethiopia, Kenya and Yemen put us into camps and refused us entry

But Puntlaan gave us a place of belonging and strength

And told us to eat from its treasury,


How can we repay the bonanza and bounty?


Surely not by capitulating and disserting the cause

How can we give in to the false?

And abandon the rose, the rose of Puntlaand,

The envy and pride of our motherlaand!


Between the two seas

The grace of our race

The Indian and the red

Who can compete with the said?


May Ina Yey be cursed?

Because if it wasn't for him and his cowardliness

Ina Dahir Aweys false dream would be burst

If he hadn't made peace with Aydid and his madness,


His kin should have never been allowed back into Gaalkacyo

Because for Ina Dahir Aweys to contemplate a fight and see as righteousness,

To attack and invade a peaceful land in order to fulfil the "prophecy" and his false riyo

Is nothing short of plain greed, lust for power and selfishness!


But inshallah he will fail

In his quest for imperialism and (Punt)-laan

And will be killed or put into jail

For his mischievous Plaan!


Whilst Mohammed Abshir and the rest of the SSDF wanted to fight on

Abdullahi Yusuf betrayed the cause and made a secret pact,

With Aydid and his cohorts, to share the city of Gaalkacyo intact

And live on

In the city, divided and as a separate act!


Praise be to Allaah, for having given us Puntland at the hour of zero and hour of most needy

We will defend it inshallah with our blood, sweat and honour and fulfil the duty,

However the enemy is within and inshallah the outcome will be nothing short of a victory

Inshallah united we will defeat those pretenders of faith and send them to the books of history,

Like their previous precessors, who vanished in mystery!


The collaborators will be brought in front of the judiciary,

Trialled and sentenced to execution on the wall,

I guess they've to take it on the chin and stand up tall,

No one will be able to save their wrecked soul,

As their remains will be put in a ready hole,

Make no mistake about it, inshallah, their heads will roll!

For the committed outrages, crimes and calamity,

Against their fellow and the silent majority,

Enjoy therefore the taste of their capital punishment and full anger of their young democracy

And thereof the penalty and fury of the Puntlaand majority and the rule of democracy!

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Sakhar that was nice sxb. Wallahi. Now let us see if you can find it in your heart to include all your other Somali brothers and do the same for Somaliland, Benaadir, Gedo, Hiiraan, etc. :D

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What a sick mentality. Though your little poem might have been a good piece it lacked the broad mentality of being a proud somali - which frankly we all lack.


I would rather that you be proud of Somalia, in its entirety, and be grateful for what is has given you and every other somali than you being leniently priding in your tribe's region.


Good poem, though.

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Sorry brothers, but I couldn't 'write' anything about other parts of Somalia but I've given a try to write something against our arch-rival Ethiopia! This might come to a surprise to you, but I'm actually against ethiopian interference in our internal affairs and the roaming of their soldiers on our territory!


I believe, that the regional rivalries, that exist on the region, should not be contested over 'Somali blood', that's why I'm against all kind of interference. Wether Ethiopia, Eritrea, Yemen, Saudi-Arabia, Syria, Sudan, Egypt or Kenya!


Somalia is a sovereign country but one thing has to be said and that is after the collapse of our central government, Somalia has fallen in dismay and some have brought ethiopians onto our soil in order to outplay their clan-rivals, not limited to outside regions of Mogadishu only but Mogadishu itself. Many Warlords received support from Ethiopia and were happily accepting such gifts!


Begging Ethiopia was a taboo in the former Somali republic, but ever since Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmad went to Ethiopia after his failed coup'etat in 1978, as he arrived in 1979 in Ethiopia many other rebell groups followed and after the collapse, they even owned some of our territories because we were busy fighting amongst each other! Ethiopia has no place in Somalia, long live our country! Ameen.


We say ‘Yes’ to Somalia and ‘No’ to war!


The Transitional Federal Republic of Somalia!


Word has spread, that war is inevitable in Somalia!

God help the good people of Somalia.

They say our country is a haven for would be terrorist,

Haven’t you seen, how they protested against the Danish cartoonist!

Surely that distant land is on the verge of an Al-Qaeda take-over!

So send the Christian mercenaries quickly to give it a make-over!

In the Darkness, Ethiopia’s Christian army cover,

Not to blow their disguise and manoeuvre

When the time seems right and to deliver,

The puppet into Villa Somalia and make him a pillar

Of the godless figure’s and Ethiopian cheerleaders and therefore a nation killer!


The soldiers of Somalia’s Muslim army,

Who resemble Ahmad Guurey’s visions and great,

Will not accept the Christian’s request to take our country calmly but surely

Neither will they bow down to the US, UN and Igad nor will there be any fears in their heart or other part!

To give way, to the sell-out’s, who wanted Somalia to become Ethiopia’s sixth zone and therefore the subject of its Christian cruelty!

From which, already millions of ethnic Somalis suffer from instinctively (naturally)!


That’s why I request all Somalis to stand up and be counted,

Our brothers in Kismaayo and Jubbaland bring forth the many armoured vehicles that you possess!

You never disappointed in manpower and generosity and when the war drums of the Christian crusaders sounded,

You always stood firm to head and help the nation’s progress!


Gedo people were always at the forefront of the Jihaad against the Ahmara qurunley!

Although they suffered greatly and today Ethiopia is inside,

They will never be discouraged to fight Melez Zenawi’s Tigrey!

To hell with Tigrey, Gedo people will defend the nation’s pride!


Bay and Bakool ready yourself for war,

Your heroic actions haven’t been forgotten,

Ethiopia still has in its ears the sound of your son lion’s roar

Make the nation attack from your base and invade the rotten following your heroic pattern!


Good farmers of the lower shabelle work hard on the land

Once you’re liberated from Indhacadde’s evil

Then produce the armies and nations bread

To make our struggle for independence a real deal!

Not just a quest for a good meal.


Benadir where the Ahmara Qurunley can never reach,

Because its sons and daughters are true warriors, that don’t know any fear

Once their anger and military is set they will teach,

Dirty Ahmara’s a lesson that makes them veer!


Hiiraan and the folks in Galguduud and South Mudug, you know what is expected of you

The nation is calling and never have you left the nation waiting

Defend the nation, as we’re counting on you

Ahmara’s run for their lives, when you go into battle as they know you’ll never be quitting!


Puntland’s and Somaliland’s arsenal will be used to wage jihad against the Tigrey invaders!

No more will the Somali people have to tolerate Ethiopian soldiers in Hargeysa and Garoowe roaming the streets at night!

All they good for is humiliating our nation and people and be plunders!

To steal from Hargeysa and Garoowe every goat they set on sight!

But the days of their false pride is over as we’re set for their plight!

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^Sakhar,I have to say, you are talented brother,however,some of the words in the previous peom are bit disturbing.You unjustly labeled some Somalis as being "enemies".Over all,your peom is good,but try to revise some of the things you said in the previous peom.


The later peom is great although I disagree with some its lines,but I have done enough disagreements,so I will just have to say,it's good overall.



thanks bro,,

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Akhi Red Sea, maybe the election of Abdullahi Yusuf was a blessing afterall, as Somalis realise the danger of ethiopian occupation!


Usually as many westerners have said it before, the Somali people like to fight internally amongst themselves, but once an external power attacks their nation, they'll bond like glue and every one knows that, so this could be a unifying factor for Somalis to rally behind their religion, language and common cultural traditions!


I'd love to see that, a united people of mine, dreaming about capturing Addis Ababa, in order to make ethios cry their eyes out!


We can pull it off as I believe our nation is really brave! Surely we would receive outside help, but let me sat this 'Ethios dream to unite our country with theirs is over!


Long live the nation and the new revolution lead by the honourable Sheikh Indhacadde!

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