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Garowe: Puntland + UNDP to transform revenue collection capacity of the state

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Wasiirka-Maaliyadda-Puntlan.jpgWasiirka Maaliyadda Puntland



Hay’ada Qaramada Midoobay u qaabilsan


horumarinta ee UNDP ayaa maamulka Puntland gacan ka siineysa sidii isbedel loogu sameyn lahaa ururinta xogaha dakhliga keydadka lacagta, si looga hortago dhaqaale lunsi amma wax isdaba marin.


Hay’ada Qaramada Midoobay u qaabilsan barnaamijyada horumarinta ee UNDP ayaa maamulka Puntland gacan ka siineysa sidii isbedel loogu sameyn lahaa ururinta xogaha dakhliga soo xarooda iyo kan ka baxa keydadka lacagta, si looga hortago dhaqaale lunsi amma wax isdaba marin.


Hannaankan Cusub ayaa ah kii ugu horeeyey ee noocisa ah oo loogu talagalay in looga gudbo nidaamka imika lagu shaqeeyo, iyada oo imika nidaamka lagu xisaabiyo dakhliga uu yahay mid ku salaysan adeegsiga Buugga iyo Qalinka, oo ay ka timi cabasho badan .


Wasiirka Maaliyadda ee Puntland Dr Faarax Cali Jaamac ayaa ka digay in Nidaamka cusub ee xisaabinta dakhliga lagala horyimaado diidmo , iyada oo la jeclaysanayo hanaankii hore.


UNDP ayaa tababar u furtay qaar ka mid xisaabiyayaasha Wasaaradda Maaliydda si ay ugu shaqeeyaan una sii baraan shaqaalaha kale ee ka shaqeeyaa waaxyaha qaabilsan dakhli ururinta.


Faahfaahinta warkan ka dhegayso midigta sare ee boggan

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I think Puntland has always had good governance. But not A STRONG ARMY, Puntlad must get new army structure AND material pluss YOUNG GENERALS. Cuz we all know what somaliland whant'S and need's TO get Recognized!

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^^^Somaliland is not a problem adeer, we need state wide institutions and improvement of governance. Our brothers in the NW are not our enemy, ignorance, poverty and desease are.

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Originally posted by President Anwar:

I think Puntland has always had good governance. But not A STRONG ARMY, Puntlad must get new army structure AND material pluss YOUNG GENERALS. Cuz we all know what somaliland whant'S and need's TO get Recognized!

No offense bro, if puntland didn't have an army How did it manage to beat somaliland in 2003? Infact according u.n security reports somaliland brought all its weapons and re-enforcements and puntland defeated them in 1 week.


Read the following security report here.

http://www.un-somali s_2005_89.pdf


Ps:2007 puntland losing is not because we don't have a military, but because we overstretched with obligations in the south. When we are not overstretched with obligations in the south as was the case in 2003. We saw the winner.

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Anwar, obviously you can not tell the difference between the u.n and cade muuse. Learn the difference and answer me again.

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Anwar and if you understand puntland politics you wouldn't blame cade muse for las canood. Cade muse was overstretched because a great section of puntland security was down south with abdullahi yusuf in hamar.


So all in all cade muse was left with half-weakened army to be honest and had to work with whatever he had, no matter who the leader of puntland was with the overstretched resources in hamar would suffer the same fate as cade did.


But if u want to get an idea of anything bro you need to look at the details.

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Somalia: Puntland govt to institute new public finance system

27 Sep 27, 2009 - 11:16:18 PM


Garowe Online on Facebook BOSSASO, Somalia Sep 27 (Garowe Online) - The United Nations is assisting Somalia's Puntland State government institute a better public finance management system using modern technology, Radio Garowe reports.


A training seminar began this week in the Gulf of Aden port city of Bossaso, Puntland's commercial capital, with Ministry of Finance workers benefiting from the program.


Puntland Finance Minister Farah Ali Jama told the VOA Somali Service that Ministry employees are being trained to use the new computerized public finance system, with the assistance of the United Nations Development Program (UNDP).


"This is a new system using modern technology to improve accountability standards," the Finance Minister said.


He noted that the Ministry's regional offices will be using the new computerized system to keep track of the government's revenue and expenditure and to avoid the mismanagement of funds.


Puntland's government has been using the same paper system since the state government was established in 1998. Ministry of Finance sources say the paper system is "outdated" and does not prevent corruption.


Dr. Abdirahman Mohamed "Farole," who became Puntland's president in the democratic election of Jan. 2009, campaigned on a platform of change and the new public finance system is part of the changes the Farole administration has enacted in Puntland.


Source: Garowe Online

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Originally posted by President Anwar:

I think Puntland has always had good governance. But not A STRONG ARMY, Puntlad must get new army structure AND material pluss YOUNG GENERALS. Cuz we all know what somaliland whant'S and need's TO get Recognized!

i see you have nightmares about somaliland, keep having nightmares cos we sure dont lose sleep over neighbour clan enclave who enjoy copying everything we do.

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^^^That dude is from Galmudug & is usually confused as hell when it comes to Puntland.


Now Qudac adeer go and stop Riyaale from Mugging your fols, Puntland is not bothered.

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but riyale is my folk unlike you and bugland i dont see somaliland own by one tribe indeed what primitive minset you have, no wonder reer sool said goodbye to your dispotic rule.


so keep hating defeated boy

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Originally posted by Qudhac:

but riyale is my folk unlike you and bugland i dont see somaliland own by one tribe indeed what primitive minset you have, no wonder reer sool said goodbye to your dispotic rule.


so keep hating defeated boy



I would like to remind you, Qudhac, that this thread is about the new public finance system being implemented by the Puntland authorities, which will ONLY add to Puntland's greatness and superiority on the Somali platform. Please stop incessantly spamming this thread with your off topic malarkey and obvious envy for the Greatest State of Somalia.


Now as a Puntlander, I can safely speak for my fellow Puntlanders when I say-- hate it or love it, we will always do our best to highlight the constant great strides our state is making in the economic, social and political arena. Now, I don't understand what it is about Puntland's progress that rubs you the wrong way, Mr Qudhac. But maybe you can elaborate your sickness, so that we may prescribe the right medication for what ails you. :cool:

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