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Xaaji Xunjuf

The New speaker of the parliament of Britain is a friend of Somaliland.

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Mudane ka mid ah xildhibaanada Ingiriiska ee u ololeeya qadiyada Somaliland oo loo doortay guddoomiy

Written by Qarannews

Jun 26, 2009 at 10:08 AM

London (Qarannews)-"Qadiyad da Somaliland waxaan odhan karaa maaha goosasho, ee waxa weeye dib uga noqosho Midnimadii Jamhuuriyaddii Somalia." Sidaa waxa yidhi Mudane John Bercow oo ka tirsan Baarlamaanka Ingiriiska, wuxuuna hadalkaas yidhi 4tii Bishii February 2004 isaga oo ka qayb-qaadanaya dood Baarlamaanka Ingiriisku ka yeeshay qadiyadda madax banaanida Somaliland.

Mudane John Bercow wuxuu ka mid yahay koox Baarlamaanka Ingiriiska ah oo u ololaysa qadiyadda Somaliland. Hase yeeshee isagoo kooxdaa gudoomiye ku-xigeen ka ah ayaa Isniintii toddobaadkan (22 June 2009) loo doortay gudoomiyaha (Speaker) Baarlamaanka Ingiriiska.

Mudane John Bercow oo ka tirsan xisbiga Mucaaridka ugu weyn ee Conservative waxay doorashadiisani ka dambaysay kadib markii uu dhawaan iscasiley Afhayeenkii hore ee Baarlamaanka Ingiriiska Michael Martin.

Afhayeenka is-casiley Michael Martin ayaa ah gudoomiyihii ugu horeeyay ee Baarlamaanka Ingiriiska ee muddo 300 oo sannadood ah lagu khasbo inuu is-casilo, waxayna sababta cadaadiska loogu saaray inuu is-casilo ay ka dhalatay kadib markii ay fadeexado musuq-maasuq oo la xidhiidhaha kharashaadka iyo gunooyinka Miisaaniyadda golaha Baarlamaanka Ingiriiska.

Gudoomiyaha cusub ee Baarlamaanka Ingiriisku doortay Mudane John Bercow oo markii la doortay ka hadlay siyaasadiisa hoggaamineed wuxuu yidhi:

"Balankaygu waxa weeye in aan guud ahaan dhex u noqdo Mudaneyaasha golaha ha noqdee kuwa aanu isku xisbiga nahay ama kuwa aanu kala xisbiga nahay. Waxaynu soo marnay xaalad adag, xubno badan baana ka xun, balse dadka intiisii badnayd waxay xaaladdani ku keentay cadho iyo niyad-jab, sidaas darteed waxaynu samayn doonaa dib u habayn.

Ra'iisal-wasaaraha Britain Gordon Brown ayaa soo dhaweeyay Gudoomiyaha cusub ee loo doortay Baarlamaanka, waxaanu ku bogaadiyey Mudaneyaasha Baarlamaanka tallaabada isbedelka keentay ee ay ku talaabsadeen, isagoo ku tilmaamay tallaabadaas mid aqalka Baarlamaanku uu cagta saaray dhabadii dib u cusboonaysiinta.

Sidoo kale Mudaneyaasha Baarlamaanka Ingiriiska ee xubnaha ka ah kooxda u ololaysa Somaliland, ayaa ku hambalyeeyay John Bercow doorashada loo doortay gudoomiyaha Baarlamaanka.

Kerry McCarthy oo Xoghaye ka ah Kooxda Somaliland All Party Parliamentary Group, kana mid ahayd Mudaneyaashii codka siiyey John Bercow, ayaa si weyn u soo dhawaysay doorashadiisa waxaanay ku tilmaantay mid horumar ah.

Mr. John Bercow ayaa waxa uu ka mid yahay xubnaha Mudaneyaasha ah ee u ololeeya qadiyadda Somaliland, isagoo gudoomiye ku-xigeenka 1aad ka ah kooxda Mudaneyaasha ah, kuwaas oo qaar ka mid ah socdaalo dhawr ah ku yimid Somaliland, isla markaana doodo iyo mooshin ay ugu ololaynayaan Somaliland hor dhigay Baarlamaanka iyo Xukuumadda Britain.

Sidaas darteed doorashada John Bercow oo loo doortay gudoomiyaha Baarlamaanka Ingiriiska ayaa loo arkaa inay fursad fiican u noqon doonto ololaha ay kooxda Somaliland All Party Parliamentary Group ugu jirto inay Xukuumadda Britain ku qanciso aqoonsiga iyo taageerada Somaliland.

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have pitty brothers. today was a day the first of somalis meaning the northeners got independance (not the southerner, reer djibouti but U northeners. you should be the proudest somalis alive as u had independance before any other somali. U should be the beggist propagators of SOMALINIMO as calankeena was first hung in Hargeisa (a beloved city to all somalis). Forget what MSBarre did to u. Forget the political, economical deprivation U suffered. The were not commited by the hands of this generation, but by those who grew up in gumaysi. They were given the foundation of the somali state by the gumaysi and they just fullfilled their wishes. We mean no harm to you. If u suffered terribly in the 80s we suffered just as worse in 90s. our suffering was not commited by U but by us. Our cities have been destroyed just as beautiful Hargeisa was destroyed in the 80s. Somali lands belong to Somalis. The whole reason we are seperated from OUR brothers in Kenya, Ethiopia & Djibouti is because the gumaysi wanted to limit our power and MIDNIMO. It is not in OUR interest to divide ourselfs even further. OUR sayids and DARAAWIISH did not die so we could be seperated even further, they died for OUR QARANIMO & XORRIYAD. NO MATTER what MSBarre and Morgan did, they cannot seperate us. SOMALI MA KALA MAARMAAN!!!

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We are proud people we are proud of what our forefathers did for somaliland

Mujaheed sheikh basher killed by the British

Mujaheed Xaaji suudi shabeele Killed by the British in talleex

Mujaheed farax omaar

Mujaheed suldan nur

Mujaheed Suldan time cadde

Mujaheed Qaasim

Mujaheed xasan kayd

Etc and many more who died for the existence and our state of Somaliland

So don’t say we are not proud of what took place on 26 june 1960, the dream and the desire for Somali empire a super state , just became unrealistic because we where the only one who where honest about that dream. The koonfurians look at them today no unity the city of Mogadishu became a battlefield for extremist terrorist the north of Somalia became a save heaven for pirates.

At least our land the country we took back from the British got one government one people one flag one president

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Originally posted by Xaaji_xundjuf:

We are proud people we are proud of what our forefathers did for somaliland

Mujaheed sheikh basher killed by the British

Mujaheed Xaaji suudi shabeele Killed by the British in talleex

Mujaheed farax omaar

Mujaheed suldan nur

Mujaheed Suldan time cadde

Mujaheed Qaasim

Mujaheed xasan kayd

Etc and many more who died for the existence and our state of Somaliland

War ki u weyna ayad ka tagtey

Mujahiid Sayiid Maxamed Cabdulle Xassan (AUN kuligood)

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Originally posted by Oodweyne:

On the other hand, the likes of Mr. Hague and Mr. Cameron (i.e., the Conservative's front-benches) do have the political will to move British's policy in any direction they may choose, whence, that is they get to power in Westminster, next spring, indeed...

It is a crime nowdays in S/land to allure to false hopes and possiblities linking it to the recognition of the State.

So beware Oodweyne before you give falsified assumption that once Hague and Cameron are elected to government in the Spring (which is very likely) they will stir the Briish Government's policy into recognising the State hood of S/land (which is hardly unlikely).

Yeah , and I heard the punishment for such mischievously misleading statements is 'goyanta gacan iyo lug is dhaf ah'.

And I also heard that Mudane John Bercow and Mudane Donald Payne are really good pals.

Should I delete the 'mudane' from infront of Payne name - he does not deserve it now does he, after his uncalled for public display.

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