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General Duke

Hargaysa: The Mugger, the Mugged and the Magnoon, the case of Riyaale SNM

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Komishanka Oo Soo Bandhigay Wakhtiga Ay Ku Qaban-karaan Doorashada Dalka

March 2nd, 2009


Hargaysa ( Komishanka Doorashooyinka Qaranka Somaliland ayaa maanta soo bandhigay wakhtiga ay u qabteen in doorashada Madaxtooyadu ay dhacdo (31 May), oo ah bisha shanaad ee sannadkan.

Kulan maanta lagu doonayay in mudadan cusub Komishanka iyo Axsaabtu wada saxeexaan ayaan qabsoomin kadib markii uu ka maqnaaday xisbiga way nee KULMIYE oo ah xisbiga ugu Taageerada badan dalka.

Guddoomiyaha Komishanka Doorashooyinka Qaranka ayaa sheegay in xisbiga KULMIYE ay ka daba tagayaan oo ay ergaynayaan, maadaama uu yahay rukun wayn oo dimuquraadiyada Somalialnd ay ku dhisantahay.

Dhinaca kale xoghayaha guud ee xisbiga KULMIYE UDUB ayaa isna sheegay in xisbiga KULMIYE ay ka daba-tagayaan si xisbiyada oo dhami ay u saxeexaan wakhtigan dambe ee 31-ka bisha May.

Waa markii saddexaad ee korodhsiimo ay timaado iyada oo wakhtigii hore loogu heshiiyay ee 29-ka March haatan la doonayo in looga guuro 31-ka May.

Axmed Maxamed Saleebaan (Ilkacase), Hargaysa.

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Riyaale in the last 10 years, has amassed a fortune the man’s salary is more than Western Leaders. His friend Cawil [Finance thief] and Mr Fooxle [i want Somalia] Ahmed Yusuf Yassin have all gained princely sums while the region remains dirt poor.


The elusive “recognition” is still coming Secessionists are waiting for this November or is it November 2520?


Now Riyaale got a couple of months to rig the elections and the rest are foaming from the mouth, important and unable to lift a finger.


Its amusing, they got their very own Siyad Barre, oops he aint from their clan.


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Daahir Riyaale Xilka Ha Ka Dego, Ha Kula Tartamo Axsaabta Kale

March 2nd, 2009


Somaliland waxay halis u tahay burbur waxana lagama maaarmaan ah in lagu badbaadiyo doorashao xor ah oo loo simanyahay, taasoo ay ugu horrayso in Riyaale xukunka ka dego dalkana loo dhiibo maamul ku meelgaadh ah. Ma jiro xal kale oo aan ahayn in Riyaale xukunka ka dego.


Warbaahintu ma aha weel laga buuxiyo haddallo run iyo beenba leh oo jahwareer ku ridi kara akhristeyaasha. Waxa waajib ku ah in warbaahintu runta ka sheegto wixii jira, mawqif cadna iska taagto hadalada beenta ee keeni kara jahwareerka dadweynaha. Waxa xil naga saaranyahay inaan runta ka sheegno marka xukuumadda dalka ka jirta iyo madaxdeedu ay jebiyaan sharciyada dalka u yaalla.



Somaliland.Org waxay go’aansatay inay mowqif cad iska taagto wixii dan u ah Somaliland, oo aanay ka gaabsan inay akhristeyaasha iyo muwaadiniinta u sheegto xaqiiqooyinka. Sidaa darteed waxaan idiin soo qori doonaa qoraallo’aan ku caddaynayno sida ay noola muuqato in lagu badbaadin karo Somaliland.



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Markii lagu dhawaaqay madaxbannaanida Somaliland waxa bilaabmay tirsiga wakhtiga isguraya ee ay ahayd in hoggaanka Somaliland uu kaga midho dhaliyo aqoonsi caalami ah isla markaana gudihiisa ka buuxiyo dhamaan astaamihii lagu qiimayn lahaa ee aynu dunida kaga iibgayn lahayn oo ay ku jiraan dimoqraadiyad taam ah, dhisme hannaan dowladeed iyo kala dambayn, ku dhaqanka shuruucda iyo tixgelinta xuquuqda bini-aadmina.


Maamulka Daahir Riyaale intaas oo dedaal ah wuxuu siiyay muhimmad aad u hoosaysa, taas oo keentay in maanta Somaliland aanay haynin shuruudihii qarannimo ee ay isku iibgayn lahayn. Duruufaha dibedda dalka kaga imanayaana waxay ina tusayaan in qiimayntii layna siin jiray ay baaba’day sannadihii ugu dambeeyay wakhtiganna aan qiimaynta la inna siiyo iyo ta la siiyo Soomaaliya, oo ay ka socdaan dagaallo hor lihi, ay isu jiraan cirka iyo dhulka.


Inkasta oo dadweynaha reer Somaliland ay noqdeen kuwo ka soo baxa kaalintoodii oo ilaashada nabadgelyada iyo magaca dalkooda, guuldarrada ugu weyn waxay kaga timid dhinaca maamulka dalka haya.


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Haji, adeer you are not ready but old Siilanyu and his group are ready for the election Today :D


Somaliland opposition leader warns against election delay

1 Mar 1, 2009 - 6:44:00 PM


HARGEISA, Somalia Mar 1 (Garowe Online) - The leading opposition figure in Somalia's separatist republic of Somaliland has warned against delaying the upcoming presidential election, Radio Garowe reports.


Ahmed Mohamed Silanyo, chairman of the opposition Kulmiye party, told a Sunday press conference in the Somaliland capital Hargeisa that the two house of Parliament must hold an emergency session and "elect a caretaker President."



Ahmed Silanyo, Somaliland opposition leader

"My advice is that the presidential election be held on time [March 29, 2009], or that President Riyale be removed from office and a caretaker President should administer [somaliland] until the new election date," said Mr. Silanyo, who is widely seen as President Dahir Riyale's main challenger.


The Somaliland Election Commission issued a statement postponing the March 29 election. At a meeting with Somaliland's three political parties, the election commission presented a new election date within 91 days.


"The planned election delay could bring disorder to Somaliland," Mr. Silanyo warned.


He indicated that the "only way to survive disorder" is for the two house of Parliament – the House of Guurti and the House of Representatives – to hold an emergency session and strip power from President Riyale and Vice President Ahmed Yusuf Yasin, who were elected in 2003.


Mr. Silanyo condemned the election commission for suggesting a new election date without consultation from the two house of Parliament, saying: "The election commission does not have the authority to set a new election date."


President Riyale's government received an illegal one-year term extension in May 2008, after the House of Guurti passed a motion the opposition condemend as unconstitutional.


Delaying the March 29 election date would make it the second time the presidential election has been delayed.


Somaliland unilaterally declared independence from the rest of Somalia in 1991 but has not been recognized internationally.


Source: Garowe Online

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^^^Riyaale with the shades looks like the NSS chief spy that he is.


Siilanyo pic is of an old fat civilian.


And the confused mad man, no one will mugg him. :D He will tell you stories about a pretty girl called Shankaroon.

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What if the elections are held and are successful and new President is elected?

Duke has already spelled out what he thinks of somaliland.He said it himself that somaliland is clear winner , true champion out of the five. smile.gif


Enjoy the laughter gentelmen.

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I seem bitter? Adeer dont make me laugh I am not a member of Kulmiye nor am I from Burco.... Bitter if for those who insult Siyad Barre and then elect his henchman Riyaale.


Red Sea lool, clear winner best out of the five, i.e Shankaroon.

Adeer the election, the bad news is coming from Kulmiye and :D nothing to do with me..

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Originally posted by General Duke:


The Mugger


The Mugged



The Magnoon



Waad isdhacday maanta yaa Duke!

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Originally posted by General Duke:


I seem bitter? Adeer dont make me laugh I am not a member of Kulmiye nor am I from Burco.... Bitter if for those who insult Siyad Barre and then elect his henchman Riyaale.


Lets be serious Duke:


Who's more bitter? Illkajir (the pirate) sub-clan for not being selected or those of Burco? :D . There is one family line switching powers in puntiland and that's why other subclans disowned puntiland. Get real

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^^^Now Mr AfricaOwn, you are all over the place as usual. Now stop repeating the fake talking points and get to the truth of the matter.


Today in Burco there was a huge clan demonstration by the supporters of the Mugged


You dont belive me huh ?


Burco (Somaliland)-
Isu soo bax balaadhan oo ay ka qayb galeen kumanaan qof
oo ka mid ah dadwaynaha ku dhaqan magaalada xarunta gobolka Togdheer ayaa maanta ka dhacay Burco.

Isu soo baxan oo lagu taageerayay mawqifka xisbiga siyaasiga ah ee KULMIYE uu iska taagay muddo kordhinta mar saddeexaad ee la wado in loo kordhiyo xukuumadda Madaxwayne

source :eek:

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