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Al-Bashir: a friend of Somalia speaks out!!!

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Sudan opposes Somalia peacekeeping force



KHARTOUM, Dec 8, 2006 (AFP) - Sudanese President Omar al-Beshir, a determined opponent of UN plans to send peacekeepers to Darfur, spoke out Friday against a UN decision to back a regional peacekeeping force for Somalia.



Islamist officials there later said fierce fighting had erupted between forces loyal to Somalia's weak Ethiopian-backed government and powerful Islamists south of the government seat of Baidoa.



"We reject any such force for the same reasons that we reject an international force in Darfur," Beshir told the closing session of a summit in Khartoum of the African, Caribbean and Pacific Group of States.



"It's an attempt to torpedo the reconciliation efforts between the government and the Islamic courts after the two sides decided to move to a conclusion at their last meeting," said Beshir, who hosted the inter-Somali talks which were adjourned indefinitely last month.

"Efforts are under way to keep Somalia divided even though the country is made up of a single ethnic group," he said.


On Wednesday, the United Nations Security Council authorised the deployment of an 8,000-strong east African peacekeeping force in Somalia and eased a 14-year-old arms embargo, drawing warnings of a stepped-up conflict from Islamists.



Somalia has been without any central government since the overthrow of the Mohamed Siad Barre regime in 1991.



A transitional government formed in 1994 has failed to establish any authority and the Islamic courts -- an Islamist militia -- now control much of the centre and south of the country with most of the rest controlled by breakaway administrations.



"Heavy fighting has begun in the Dinsoor area," Sheikh Sharif Sheik Ahmed, head of the executive wing of the Supreme Islamic Council of Somalia (SICS), told a large crowd in Mogadishu after Friday prayers.



He said the clashes began when a joint Somali government-Ethiopian force attacked Islamist fighters around Dinsoor, about 110 kilometers (70 miles) south of Baidoa, the only town held by the transitional government.



Government officials and Dinsoor residents were not immediately available to comment on the reported battle, but an Islamist commander in the Bay region, where both Dinsoor and Baidoa are located, called the fighting fierce.



"I don't have the exact toll, but I am told many people have died," Sheikh Mohamed Ibrahim Bilal told AFP. "Our Islamic fighters were attacked by a combined force of Ethiopian troops and government militia."



Sudan was not among a raft of foreign countries accused in a UN report of siding with Somalia's warring factions.



They include Djibouti, Egypt, Eritrea, Iran, Libya, Saudi Arabia, Syria and Lebanon's Hezbollah on the Islamist side, and Ethiopia, Uganda and Yemen on the government side.

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^^^He has spoken well. But its too late for going back on the arms embargo.

Though some do think its a joke or an Ethiopian plot as if, Russia, China, France, the UK listen to Ethiopia? Or even the Africans in the council. Ghana, Tanzania and Gabon...

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Dec 8, 2006


Madaxweyne Bashiir: "Haddii maxkamadu magac Islaamka ku lifaaqnaan laheyn waa la aqbali lahaa"


Madaxweynaha dalka Suudaan Cumar Xasanal Bashiir oo ka hadlayey shir jaraa'id uu ku qabtay dalkaasi ayuu sheegay in Soomaaliya aysan haatan u baahneyn ciidamo shisheeyo oo la keeno maadama aysan aheyn kuwa iney dhiig daadiyaan maahee aan xal keeneyn. Waxa uu si daran u weeraray gollaha Amaanka oo ku sheegay iney ku deg degeen cunoqabateyn hubka saarnaa tan iyo sanadkii 92-kii. Waxaana uu rajo kamuujiyey in markale gollaha arrintaasi si caqli leh u eegi doono. Marxaladii uu soo maray shirki dib u heshiinta dowlada Beydhabo ku go'doonsan iyo Maxkamadaha Islaamiga ah ayuu tilmaamay in rajo wanagasan ay ku dhamaadeen labadii israg iyadoo kulankii saddexdaadna ay fashilyeen dowlado shisheeye.


Dhinaca kale mar uu ka hadlayey xaalka guud ahaaneed ayuu sheegay in beesha caalamka iyo gollaha amaanka ay Soomaaliya ku fiirsadeen kooxo u sheegay Tuugo iyo qab qableyaal dagaal kuwaasoo halakeeyey dalka oo dhan. In beesha caalamkana ay arrimaha Soomaaliya ka dhigto waxaan jirina waxaa uu ku tilmaamay ayaan darro, iyadoo dalkaasi Afrikaanta ah waa Soomaaliya e ay kamid tahay wadamada xorta ah una soo halgantay xornimada Qaarada.

"Haddii magaca maxkamaduhu aan eryga ISLAAM ku lifaaqnaan laheyn waxey heli lahaayeen taageero dhankasta ah, waxaase muuqata in magaca Islaamka lugu colaadinayo" ayuu yiri Madaxweyne Bashiir oo hoosta ka xariiqay in dowladiisa iyo maxkamadaha ay iskaga mid yihiin diidmada ciidamada shisheeye ee dalalkooda loo rabo,isagoo tilmaamay in Darfur ciidamo la keeno aanu aqbaleyn. Xukuumada Mareykanka oo arrimaha Soomaaliya uu madaxdooda mararka qaar kala hadlay ayuu sheegay iney markasta oran jireen waa la xiray arrimaheeda loomana baahna in laga hadlo, taasoo isaga yaab ku abuurtay islamarkaasina isweydiyey sida shacabka Soomaaliyeed aysan u mudneyn in ay ka maqnaadaan saaxada siyaasadeed.


Dalka iyo dadka Soomaaliyeed oo aad u amaanay ayuu xusay iney yihiin dalka Keliya ee ku yaala qaarada Afrika, wadaaga hal dhaqan, Af iyo Diin, misna diintooda ay hal madhab ka heystaan taasoo ah Imaamu Shaafi, hadana ay dagaalo sokeeyo oo qeyb ka musuubooyinka llaahey ay ku habsadeen.

Isku soo duubo hadalka madaxweyne Bashir ayaa ahaa mid u ku muujinayey sida ay dowladiisa raali uga aheyn ciidamo loo dirro Soomaaliya isagoo hadaladaasi ka jeediyey shir jaraa'id kulan ay iskugu yimaadeen madaxda qaarada Afrika qaarkood magaalo madaxda dalkiisa ee Khartuum

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Originally posted by duuliyesare:


"We reject any such force for the same reasons that we reject an international force in Darfur," Beshir told the closing session of a summit in Khartoum of the African, Caribbean and Pacific Group of States.

Why didn't he send the force he had readied for Somalia peacekeeping? He waited too long and the UN got involved.

Now he will be pressed hard in Darfur unless he comes back to his earlier stance of sending Sudanese forces. He is threading very carefully not to oppose African force in somalia, but to prevent UN in Somalia, because of Darfur.


What are the 10,000 mostly Europeans doing in South Sudan?

What is the African forces doing in Darfur?

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Originally posted by Paragon:

^^Erm, and your point is?


My point is that Sudan is in a catch 22 of its own. They cannot do anything that displeases Egypt. Its the nature of the location.


They now cannot afford to do anything that displeases Ethiopia. The referendum for south sudan is in 2011. There are 10,000 mostly american allies in South sudan as peace keepers. Khartoums only help comes from ethiopian nuetrality in the case.

Al Bashir is also always under threat of a coup from his own Islamists. After all those whom he overthrew are still around Khartoum. His only luck was that the somali Islamists look down on their Sudanese counterparts. People like Hassan Tahir consider their sudanese counterparts less.


Al Bashir wants African forces in Somalia and he was the first one who pushed it, inorder to prevent UN and US from playing a role. If he did that he can say the same in Darfur.

There was an article on Somaliweiyn long ago that said the road to peacekeeping in Somalia is in Darfur.


You need to know, if you don't already that Al-Bashir is a head of state that celebrated in Tigray the founding day of their organization no less than 5 times. People like Al-Turabi and Isayas of Eritrea have nicknamed Al-Bashir as "Weyane" the name of the movement of Tigray.

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