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DAUD era ends in Somali Regional State

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Zack, intaa un baa reerka ka maqneyd, intii haddii ay gaareena dee yaaba ini soo gaari kara. :D Al-itixaadkiinii xataa waa horbooyadaan geeddii.

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Just in:


Dauud arrived in Addis Ababa, wuxuu nagu dhaafey Nazreth isagoo lagu wado baabuurta gaashaaman.

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Nuune, sources'kii ayaad karaamada ka qaaday adeer.


Ninkaasi ma xidhna ayaanu ku nidhi, lamana xidhayo. Xil kale ayaa loo dhiibayaa.

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^^ Adeer, Daauud in la xiraa dooni maayo, in kastuuba Daauud Amxaar la oran jirey, balse ninku waa xiranyahay, waana war dhamaadey!

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You give this guy a lot of attention for someone who is irrelevent. From Ismail Buubba and others we have no idea what they are doing, cause they pose significance.


Ninkan Daud talaabadisa waad la socotiine, maxaa dhacay?


If he poses a danger then ONLF should elimanate that threat.


If he can be usefull to the cause then make sure you can get his support.


If he is not important then ignore him.


Maybe we should ask SNM to come and give you guys a training course in succesfull jabhad operations?

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