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Johnny B

big Brains or smal Testicles ?

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well it is not like there is a mens section and even if there was, just as men post and read everything in the women section, women would have read it there too. not that it is the most interested topic on the earth and it is not like those of you old enough to post here have much choice. you have already been blessed with one or the other, and even in cyber world, it is clear who got blessed with what! :D



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Originally posted by ibtisam:

and even in cyber world, it is clear who got blessed with what!

Ibtisam: the preeminent cyber-forensics specialist on SOL. :D

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A choice between big brains and big kubadda? I'll take big brains.....Not like I'm gonna use my nuts for anything, they'll just get in the way and I'll end up getting hurt more easily.

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^^some good thinking. no one will know where to aim that powerful kick after you pissed them off.


The Flipmode.. you volunteered that information, so i guess it will be easy enough to hurt you according to "liban the man" :confused: (odd name) :D

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