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Johnny B

big Brains or smal Testicles ?

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Johnny B   

The bigger the brain the smaller the testicles according to a new study, scientists beleive there is a clear correlation between the two organs. both organs demand an excessive energy to develop and an excessive enegery to maintain ,some species develop bigger brains while others develop bigger testicles all due to which strategy that grantees the best and maximum progenies.

A study on Pats shows that male Pats develop bigger testicles becouse Pat females are normally promiscuous with big brains , but male Pats develop bigger brains and smaler testicles when females are monogamous.


All we need to have bigger brains is maybe a promiscuous females !!

What say YOU?

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jb, dude i love statitics. when ever i read the word correlation my heart beat jumps.


did you know for example that more than 90 percent of violent crimes are committed within 24 hours of eating bread!


now that said, i'd rather bigger balls any day.

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^No, Ahura, he is right. A great part of the male brain is used to figure out if his honey has been messing around, who the culprit could be, how he can outwit him next time, etc.


Another evolutionary pathway would (according to the theory) offer competition at the gonads. Bigger testicles allow for more sperm, some of which can actually attack another man's sperm.


Like Caano Geel suggests, this may only be a coincidence. Though correlation becomes strongly suggestive of causation when so many different species of mammals have a similar set-up (monogamous pairings/small testicles relative to the size of the animals vs. promiscuity/large testicles). There could be a third unknown factor, but it's much more fun to think it's because male mammals are just insecure!

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Originally posted by Callypso-i-like-it-so:

Like Caano Geel suggests, this may only be a coincidence.

who says its just a coincidende, correlation baby! bread is dangerous! and other mens gonads get in the way of your future babies.

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I read about this some years ago and at the time I thought, wouldn't it be awesome to combine the two. As in one big and one small testicle and a big brain. Now that's having your cake and eating it too. :D


Seriously, in this case the correlation is fairly strong. In evolutionary terms, it makes much sense. The more promiscous the female in a species, the bigger the kahunas. Clearly, male humans are not that worried about their female counterparts jumping into bed with the milkman.

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^On the contrary, male testicles are large for the body frame of humans.


From an article by David Marash.


Gorillas, despite their large bodies, have comparatively tiny testicles. Those of chimpanzees, by contrast, are immense. The reason for the difference seems clear: Gorilla males compete with their bodies, not their sperm. Once a dominant silverback male has achieved control over a harem of females, he is pretty much guaranteed to be the only male who copulates with them. Chimps, by contrast, experience a sexual free-for-all, with many different males often copulating in succession with the same adult female. As a result, male chimpanzees compete with their sperm, and they have evolved big testicles to produce large quantities of it. In most species, the ratio of testicle size to body size is a good predictor of how many sexual partners an animal is likely to have.


How, then, do human beings rate in this regard?
The testicles of Homo sapiens are, relatively speaking, larger than those of gorillas but smaller than those of the champion chimpanzees.
The most likely interpretation? Human beings are less certain of sexual monopoly than are gorillas, but are not as promiscuous as chimps. Another way of putting it:
We are (somewhat) biologically primed to form mateships, but at the same time, adultery is no stranger in our evolutionary past

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^ Ah, how could I forget? You quoted one of my favorite books. In it, Barash (and his wife) write a wonderfully entertaining eye-opener on what makes the world go round: sex.

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Johnny B   

For aminute i tried to look at it from the female´s angle, what a dilemma to face !!


Either a fool who rocks in bed and grants an offspring or a cute & witty nerd who is full of visions through the spectrum and grants a settled and smooth life.


Ahura, What is the idea of having a big brain that´ll mostly be used to figure out how to outwit,control,freighten and sometimes physically abuse an equally big or bigger-brained female who is monogamous at will but can be( sometimes are )promiscuous ?


Bigger balls for men i say, even if we´ve to carry them in a ball-bag :D


CG, i´m jealous of those lucky dirty ba$tards !!


Wonder what is the equivalent organ for the females , an organ that increases and decreases in size in proportion to the female Brain?


huh? not that you filthy thing! ;)

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Originally posted by J B:

Bigger balls for men i say, even if we´ve to carry them in a ball-bag

Oh the visual is scorched in my retina. Thanks a lot JB. Now I can't see properly. :rolleyes:

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Johnny B   

Flipmode, Women sure lack testicles , but they have Big Brains . therefore i thought they could help us ( Men )decide which of the organs to make BIGGER.

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