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Political pretenders have betrayed the Somali nation: Requesting Ethiopian occupation

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Midowga Afrika oo ka fekeraya in uu soo saaro go’aan ah in faragelin mileteri oo toos ah lagu sameeyo Soomaaliya


Isniin, June 29, 2009(HOL): Codsigii ay Dowladda Soomaaliya u jeedisay Dalalka Beesha Caalamka iyo kuwa Soomaaliya la deriska ah ee ahaa in la badbaadiyo Dowladda Soomaaliya ayaa wuxuu baaqaas si weyn u soo jiitay Ururrada ay Soomaaliya ka tirsan tahay iyo Dowladaha Soomaaliya saaxibka la ah.


Shir ay todobaadkan isugu imaanayaan madaxda Midowga Afrika ayaa waxaa la filayaa in laga soo saaro go’aan ah in faragelin toos ah lagu sameeyo Soomaaliya, si meesha looga saaro khatarta dhinaca ammaanka ah oo ay ku jirto Dowladda Soomaaliya.


Si loo dhaqaaqiyo qorshaha ay dowladda Soomaaliya ku dooneyso in ciidamo lagu taageero ayaa waxaa magaalada Addis Ababa tegay Ra’iisal Wasaare ku xigeenka Soomaaliya, ahna Wasiirka Maaliyadda Shariif Xasan Shiikh Aadan oo dowladda Itoobiya iyo Midowga Afrikaba warsanaya in Ciidamo lagu taageero Dowladda Soomaaliya.


Dowladda Itoobiya ayaa ciidamadeeda kala baxday Soomaaliya horraantii sanadkan, mana dooneyso hadda sida ay madaxdeedaba sheegeen inay Soomaaliya dib ugu noqoto iyadoo aan beesha caalamka ka helin ruqsad ay Soomaaliya ku gasho.


Docda kale Magaalada Muqdisho ee Caasimadda Soomaaliya ayaa waxaa haatan ku sugan Ciidamo ka socda Dowladaha Uganda iyo Burundi, kuwaasi oo ilaalo ka haya Garoonka Diyaaradaha, Dekedda, Xarunta Villa Somalia iyo Isgoyska KM4, waxayna tahay howsha ciidamadaas nabad ilaalin kaliya.


Ra’iisal Wasaare ku xigeenka Soomaaliya Shariif Xasan Shiikh Aadan ayaa sheegay in ay Soomaaliya joogaan ku dhawaan 2,000 oo dagaalyahanno shisheeye, kuwaasi oo sida uu yiri doonaya in ay xukunka ka tuuraan Dowladda Soomaaliya


Shariif Xasan waxaa uu sheegay in uu shirka midowga Afrika horgeyn doono codsi ah in waajibaadka loo kordhiyo ciidamada Amisom, isla markaana howsha nabad ilaalinta ah ee ay hadda hayaan loogu daro mid nabad-dhalin ah.


Intaas marka la helo ayuu sheegay Shariif Xasan Shiikh Aadan in ay Ciidamada Amisom niyad-dhisid helayaan, dadka Soomaaliyeedna ay ku kalsoonaan doonaan in Dowladda soomaaliya ay tahay mid nool oo is-difaaci karta, “Dad waan heysannaa na difaaca laakin waxaan u baahan nahay taageero caalami ah.


Hadalka uu sii daayay Ra’iisal Wasaare ku xigeenka Soomaaliya Shariif Xasan Shiikh Aadan ayaa wuxuu ku soo beegmayaa iyadoo Ramtane Lamamra oo ka tirsan Golaha Ammaanka iyo Nabadgelyada Midowga Afrika uu sheegay in shirka Midowga Afrika ee todobaadkan dhacaya lagu taageeri doono codsigii Dowladda Soomaaliya ee ahaa in Ciidamo difaaca loo soo diro.


Salaad Iidow Xasan (Xiis), Hiiraan Online

Muqdisho, Soomaaliya

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The above man was against Ethiopian invasion/occupation back in 2006/2007 and now is requesting Ethiopian invasion/occupation for what reason?


The foreign-created regime is still the same no matter the new faces in it.



Thats why individuals should not be trusted, and we should create institutions led and controled by Somalis themselves.

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"Thats why individuals should not be trusted, and we should create institutions led and controled by Somalis themselves.


Agree..sheik hotel has proven to be useless for the somali people but useful for foreigners. This a typical signs for a stooge or quesling.

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What would the religious leaders of ICU say to us if we asked them in 2006 the question:


''What if tommorow (in the future) Sh.Sharif becomes the same as those you want to eradicate because of their betrayal of the Somali nation?''


Would they take that question serious? Or simply answer: ''no, he will not become the same because we are different''.


Thats why we should NEVER trust individuals who do not disclose their full program for the Somali nation and entertain us with simple retorics of ''jihad this, sharica that, ashahado-la-dirrir that''.


We should NEVER put trust in invididuals and factions without asking CRITICAL QUESTIONS and scrutinizing all their actions and policies closely.

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We should trust only those that disclose their full program for we have learned the painfull lesson that even a socalled ''angel'' can turn into a ''devil'' tomorrow.


We should suspect all those who propagate that they will bring change without articulating clearly what this change involves, and how they envision to bring about this change.


That is if we want to learn from our mistakes.

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fair enough. do such people exist and what are their names, organisations? I want to open a trust account with them.

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Educate the world about the plight of the Somali people

Work to end the Ethiopian occupation of Somalia and its replacement with Muslim & non-frontline troops with a clear mandate

Provide an alternative to the bankrupt tribal and regional politics

Safeguard the Soveriengty and Territorial Integrity of Somalia

Provide Humanitarian Assistance to the suffering people of Somalia

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They have a positive vision but thats not enough. They need to articulate every point in their vision and explain clearly why they propose what they propose.


For example:


- What is the alternative to the bankrupt tribal and regional politics? Do they have such an alternative? If so, let them explain it in detail.


- How can the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Somalia be safeguarded? Again do they have the answer to this question? If so, let them present it so that we can discuss it.


- Why is there a need for foreign soldiers? Foreign soldiers (even Muslim ones) are meant to provide security, right? Why are the Somalis themselves not capable in providing security for themselves?



Somali Cause is superficial, they have broad outline of what needs to happen without elaborating on how we can make those things happen.


With such a short outline of objectives without serious elaboration and discussion of the Somali environment (context) and what strategy and tactics one needs to adopt in order to achieve one's objectives you can bet that those behind Somali Cause will become reactionaries and run after events. Eventually they will become like Sh.Sharif and co and find themselves in a contradictory position.


Thats the fate of those who do not reason well and map out their ideology complete with its strategy and tactics.

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Isn't the battle to create some resemblence of a central authority and a functioning system? How can you achieve anything with every group and their mother rejecting your governments legitmecy?

Somalia is a failed state and as such the government needs a lot of help to create institutions of governace. nobody really want to get involved. If somalians remain within their border and keep fighting, most of the world probaly do not care. It never has. the only reason there is even some international attention is because of the troubles on the high sea.

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