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Cairo: Egypt to support the TFG institutions

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^^^Yes I belive giving posative news from various angels goes a long way to enlighten people. For example why has this method created such reactions from Abwan & yourself dear lad? Because the truth hurts thats why.

Also its not about AK-47, its about opening up jails, police stations in every district, ports airports and taking the guns from the clans..Thats happening.


Abwan, the TFG foreign minister net with the Egyption FM and this communique came out. Saxib why is it so difficult for you to comprehend this?


Ethiopia, Yemen, Uganda, Burundi, Kuwait, Nigeria, Tanzania, Ghana, and now Egypt..


So Mr Abwan bring one post to back up your claim?

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What claim? i did not make any claims. i simply told the cold hard truth.


like i said before the TFG is more interested in arresting, jailing and killing it's oponents rather then opening up facilities which the somali people really need. they only thing that they are getting funds for is for more arms, jails and the funding of more corrupt 'police'.

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