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Islamist rules out Somalia talks




Sheikh Hassan Dahir Aweys

Sheikh Hassan Dahir Aweys is seen as Somalia's kingmaker


Somalia's influential Islamist leader has ruled out holding talks with the president to end years of violence.


Sheikh Hassan Dahir Aweys called on Islamists to continue fighting the government led by moderate Islamist Sheikh Sharif Sheikh Ahmed.


Mr Aweys returned to Somalia last month from exile in Eritrea, raising speculation that he might again work with the president.


The pair were joint leaders of a group ousted from Mogadishu in late 2006.


Ethiopian troops helped government forces topple their Union of Islamic Courts, after it had gained control of most of southern Somalia.


But January saw Mr Ahmed elected president as part of a UN-brokered peace deal which saw Ethiopian troops leave the country.


The president had said he was open to talks with Mr Aweys, who is seen as a kingmaker in Somali politics.



map of areas under al-shabaab control


Somalia's kingmaker returns


But after his return to Mogadishu, it was not clear whether Mr Aweys would join forces with President Ahmed or the al-Shabab Islamist radicals.


"While we are sticking to our policy, he [President Ahmed] entered into a different politics. Therefore, I am not ready to hold talks with him now," he told reporters in Mogadishu.


"[President] Sharif is in the same trench with the international community and we are against it."


The US accuses both Mr Aweys and al-Shabab of links to al-Qaeda.


Al-Shabab operates freely in much of southern Somalia, while Mr Ahmed's government only controls small pockets of the country. Islamist rules out Somalia talks

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Somalia: Sheikh Aweys Rejects to Meet With Sheikh Sharif.


A leading opposition figure in Somalia has rejected calls to meet with Somali President Sheikh Sharif Ahmed, Radio Garowe reports.


Sheikh Hassan Dahir Aweys, who was the Somali President's ally in 2006, told reporters Sunday in the capital Mogadishu that the new government in Somalia is intended to defeat the Islamists.


"I cannot think of a reason to talk to [somali President] Sheikh Sharif, who is being used to destroy Islamists in Somalia," Sheikh Aweys said, adding: "We are open only to talking with the international community."


Sheikh Aweys noted that he does not believe that the new government works for the interests of the Somali people, but is "certain that the new government is in the pocket of the international community and is being used."


He rejected meeting face-to-face with the UN-recognized Somali President, who was elected by parliament in January at the conclusion of UN-sponsored peace talks in the neighboring Republic of Djibouti.



Yesterday, President Sheikh Sharif told a press conference in Mogadishu that Sheikh Aweys should join the peace process. READ: Somalia's leader condemns attacks, but avoids blaming groups


Sheikh Aweys, who is on the U.S. terror list, returned to Mogadishu last month after spending more than two years exiled in Eritrea.


He has demanded the withdrawal of African Union peacekeepers (AMISOM) who are in Mogadishu to support President Sheikh Sharif's weak interim government.

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Sheikh Aweys says:


"We are open
only to talking
with the
international community

Then he Says:



"certain that the new government
is in the pocket
of the
international community
and is being used."

Does he know what he is talkin about!!!

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Norf, it is obvious, waxey rabaan lama garanayo, qofka waa inuu mabda' uu ku socda iyo ula jeeda leeyahay, that is what we thought they had, an objective and a plan in place, they got none whatsoever.

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Originally posted by Norf 2:

^I have asked the question saxib.


What does he want? What does Al Shabaab want?

they want what they wanted in 2006.

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maxay rabbaan waxay rabbaan inay ciidamadu shisheeye dalka ka baxaan wa runtii xassan daahir aweys sh hotel wuu is badalay laakin xassan daahir aways wali wa halku taagna 2006 tfg wax jira maha ciidi gashay god xarannay ku dhaceen

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Wiilka yar miyaa madax ii noqon kara, anoo soo halgamay 50 sano. The old man wants to lead Somalia but unfortunately instead of supporting Sharif for the sake of the country, he wants to derial the TFG chance of becoming effective.

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Norf: Al Shabaab want to bomb everywhere including Somaliland.

Xasan Dahir want to show to the world the Sharif was his tool.


The fact is all the hype about Sharif Ahmed has been proven wrong. He can not make deal with his old master Xasan Dahir who can he make a deal with?

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Sheekh Aweys oo ku baaqay dagaal ka dhan ah dowladda Shariif

Monday, May 4th, 2009 at 12:15 pm

Horseed Media




Hogaamiyaha isbahaysiga dib u xoreynta Soomaaliya garabka Casmara Sheekh Xasan Daahir Aweys oo ku sugan magaalada Muqdisho ayaa ku gacanseyray inuu wadahadal la furo madaxweynaha Soomaaliya Sheekh Shariif Sheekh Axmed.


Sheekh Aweys waxa uu dalka ku soo laabtay bishii la soo dhaafay iyadoo markaasina ay jirtay hadal hayn ku aadan inuu la shaqeyn doono dowladda Sheekh Shariif Sheekh Axmed.

Hase yeeshee waxa uu ugu baaqay kooxaha Islaamiga ah ee dgaalka kula jira dowladda kmg ah inay sii wadaan dagaalkooda.


Sheekh Aweys iyo Sheekh Shariif waxay ahaan jireen saaxiibo wadashaqeyn jiray, hase yeeshee waxay kala f******** markii sheekh Shariif Sheekh Axmed uu oggolaaday inuu wadahadal la galo dowladda kmg ah.


Wadahadalladii uu sheekh Shariif la galay dowladdii madaxweyne Yuusuf waxay u suurtogelisay in isaga ay baarlamaanka la ballaariyay ay u doortaan madaxweynaha dalka.


Hase yeeshee sheekh Aweys oo markii horeba ka biyo diidanaa wadahadalaasi ayaa misna ku gacanseyray inuu soo dhoweeyo dowladda uu madaxweynaha ka yahay sheekh Shariif Sheekh Axmed.


Sheekh Xasan Daahir Aweys iyo madaxweyne Shariif waxay mar si wadajir ah u dhiseen maxkamadihii Islaamiga ee ka adkaaday hogaamiye kooxeedyadii Muqdisho.


Lix bilood oo ay Muqdisho ku soo celiyeen amni iyo kala dambeyn, ka dib waxaa awoodoodii wiiqay ciidamo Itoobiyaan ah oo garabsiinayay ciidamada dowladda kmg ah.


Sheekh Xasan Daahir Aweys waxa uu ku jiraa liiska Maraykanka ee shakhsiyaadka looga shakisan yahay inay yihiin argagixiso xiriir la leh shakabada al-Qaacida.

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