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Nigeria to send troops to Mogadishu

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Yeah..! I kind of spotted two/three battalions of Nigerian Army on the grounds in Somalia. :D:D

Do you have a comprehension problem? They were going there for the last one year and they are not yet there. So why keep repeating they are going?

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Northerner, the TFG is recognised and "Somaliland" is reliying on Gay groups. :D


Juje, your argument and dayniile editorials are defunct adeer. The TFG is moving forward your groups are still stuck in Asamara icon_razz.gif

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^so you agree the TFG was weak then and is weak now? Mise the Nigerians will make them stronger? LoL


Laughable b-lines old chap

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^^^lol. The TFG is rebuilding a nation, a difficult task. It knows its limitations. It does not live in fantasy as the secessionists. Who claim one minute to be the orphans of the living Queen and the next hugg Gay activists and invite them to reside in Hargaysa.


Thats not us, Nigeria, Ethiopia and other nation state support is one thing we will never ask thatchel and his group to come and give us support.

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Originally posted by General Duke:

^^^lol. The TFG is rebuilding a nation, a difficult task. It knows its limitations. It does not live in fantasy as the secessionists. Who claim one minute to be the orphans of the living Queen and the next hugg Gay activists and invite them to reside in Hargaysa.


Thats not us, Nigeria, Ethiopia and other nation state support is one thing we will never ask thatchel and his group to come and give us support.

You are loosing the plot - Ithink the TFG are lucky they have nothing to do with you anymore.

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Originally posted by Northerner:

^^requesting more international troops means you are a strong govnt ya Juje

Why would you need foreign troops if you are a stronger government sxb?

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Juje, as usual you will try to score points only you understand, come again? Make sure you do not lose your day job as editor of dayniile tabloid.


Northerner, strength is what? A nation is being rebuilt, from scratch and we need a coilition, international support, local regional support even the most powerful of nations require such a thing.


Thus again we will never resort to hugging, gays.

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Originally posted by General Duke:

A nation is being rebuilt, from scratch and we need a coilition, international support, local regional support even the most powerful of nations require such a thing.

Read that again and notice the lack of coherence and sense.

And drop the 'gay' thing it makes you look like as if you are looking for exit strategy.

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Nations use diplomacy, they build alliances, they try to gain economic as well as military support. Nations never get so desperate that they relly on Gay activists to make warm comments about them.


Thus while Somalia and its governemnt is weak, its not as weak nor as depserate as the ever ludicrous secessionists led by Warrabe[hugger] and Co. :D

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