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Nigeria to send troops to Mogadishu

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Dowladda Nigeria oo ku dhawaad shan boqol Askari ku soo biirin doonta Hawlgalka Nabad-ilaalinta ee ka socda dalka Somalia



Mogadishu Talaado, January 15 2008 SMC


Dowladda Nigeria, ayaa mar kale ku dhawaaqday inay Hal Guuto oo Ciiddamo ah u soo diri doonaan dalka Somalia, si ay ugu biiraan Hawlgalka Nabad-ilaalinta ee ay Ciiddamadda Afrikaanka ka wadaan gudaha dalka Somalia.


Madaxa Wasaaradda Gaashaandhigga ee dalka Nigeria ugu qaabilsan arrimaha Xiriirka Dadweynaha, Sarreeye Guuto Solomon Giwa Amu, ayaa hadalkaasi ku sheegay Shir Jaraa’id oo uu ku qabtay Caasimadda dalka Nigeria ee Abuuja, wuxuuna xusay inay qorshaynayaan sidii ay ku dhawaad shan boqol oo Askkari ugu soo diri lahaayeen dalka Somalia, si ay uga hoos shaqeeyaan Hawlaha Ururka Midowga Afrika ee Nabad-ilaalinta ee Somalia “AMISOM”

Sarreeye Guuto Solomon Giwa Amu, waxa uu carrabka ku dhuftay inay Ciiddamaddaasi sugayaan oo keliya amarkii loogu soo daadgureyn lahaa gudaha dalka Somalia, wuxuuna xusay inay soo dhaqaaqi doonaan daqiiqad kasta oo haatan ka bilaabanta.


“Nabad-ilaalinta, waxay Askari dareeniisaa inuu isagu qalab u yahay Siyaasadda Dibedda ee dalka Nigeria, waxayna Askariga siisaa khibrad uu ku badbaadin karo nolosha iyo hantida ay leeyihiin dadka la midka ah Muwaadiniintiisa oo kale” ayuu yiri Jeneral Soloman, oo intaasi ku daray inuu Askarigu nabad-ilaalinta ka macaashayo kaaydinta mushaarkiisa gaarka iyo Lacagaha kale ee uu ka helayo goobaha ay Hawlgalladda ka socdaan.


Dhinaca kale, Madaxa Wasaaradda Gaashaandhigga ee dalka Nigeria ugu qaabilsan arrimaha Xiriirka Dadweynaha, Sarreeye Guuto Solomon Giwa Amu, waxa uu sheegay inay Kumanaan ciiddamo u dhashay dalkiisa ka qeyb-qaadanayaan Hawlgalladda Nabad-ilaalinta ee haatan ka socda dalalka Liberia, Sudan. Burundi, Siera Lione, Gini, Saxaraha Galbeed iyo Ivory Coast.


Somaliweyn Media Center “SMC”

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These kind of repetitions getting to much now days in SOL politics. For heavens sake Nigeria committed troops to Somalia long before Geedi was sacked, it is just didn't materialize yet. Thus no need to post it unless Germany, Japan and New-Zealand are pledging troops to Somalia.

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^This message was on the frontpage headline of Somaliweyn media, a website that do not support the TFG... and I only posted it on here... Very simple.


The arrival of the Nigerian troops taking part in the peace keeping mission is a matter to be welcomed, after all, Nigeria is predominantely a Muslim nation or perhaps most of the arriving soldiers would be Muslims, many opposition groups have cried before waa gaalo, ma ogolin and so and so... Thus this is a good step forward in which many more Muslim and Arab nations will follow.

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Originally posted by Emperor:

after all, Nigeria is predominantely a Muslim nation or perhaps most of the arriving soldiers would be Muslims, many opposition groups have cried before waa gaalo, ma ogolin and so and so... Thus this is a good step forward in which many more Muslim and Arab nations will follow.

Trying to win the trust and minds of the people in a fashion never before seen in that region.


TFG, this is how you do it! :D

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They said, the UN would not lift the embargo, that Uganda would not support the AU mission, that said Burundi would not send troops, now do they doubt the Nigerians?


They always doubt.


Great news indeed.

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Great news, though 500 is a small number,Nigerians are well trainied,did a very good job in Sierra Leone.


Don't just oppose to any developments, without having any alternatives.

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What makes you think that sending foreign "aid" will help the peace process in Somalia?


Really, do you believe that sending more troops at this point will make things better, regardless of whether they happen to be muslims or not?

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Originally posted by General Duke:

They said, the UN would not lift the embargo, that Uganda would not support the AU mission, that said Burundi would not send troops, now do they doubt the Nigerians?

They always doubt.

Great news indeed.

Cant see anyone hanging by your coattails currently - thus don't you think this constant repetitions is actually proving the absence of substance from your story.

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