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Profile: Somalia's Islamic 'lads'

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An Islamist group called al-Shabab, which literally means "the lads" in Somali, has been added to the United States' list of "foreign terrorist organisations".



I think the BBC is goin downhill! Whatever happened to the Queens English.?.... lads kulaha.....some working class reporters need to be fired.......p.s: Shabaab means youth! But I suppose lads also captures the meaning :D

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Al-Shabaab has been branded "Terroist" by the terroists themselves, now tell me why should we believe words coming out of a terroist's mouth?

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you your self sound like a terrorist. Your against Somalia, Ethiopia and america, who do you support besides the shaydans? By the way, states can not be terrorist, unless we are inventing new meaning for the word.

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Naxar, You sound desperate going around accusing people of terrorism. And for your info, people can oppose legitimately any entity they find a threat to their existence. There is State Terrorism which is carried out by Governments. Bombing nomads tending to their cows in Somalia is state terrorism, raping women and girls is terrorism, indiscrimante bombing of residential areas is terrorism, denying the population food and medicine by blockading deliveries is state terrorsim. The TFG clan miltia and its backers are the Terrorists per conduct. They have been brutal and dispalced a million plus per crdible reports, and six thousand souls dead.

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NN still defending the Ethiopian banwagon. If I hadn’t known better I would have assumed you WAS our long lost neighbour Somali friend (what ever happened to him)


Saxiib nobody is against Ethiopia and the US, one is our neighbour and the other is a leader of the modern world however when our soveireignty and integrity is breached all nationalist whether you live in Kismayo or Baanadir will defend their sovereign rights.


I disagree with the methods the Shabaab use to eradicate the mercenaries from our country however their fundamental goal is one that all Somalis can unite under.



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^ Exactly saxib. Opposition is legitimate and somalis of all stripes and views do participate in the struggle to see an end to the Ethiopian Military involvement in our country. A/Y's clanish supporters think Al-shababab being listed as a terrorist group brings an end to the insurgency born out of nationalism for many and out of religious duty for others.


I wasn't even aware there were other groups like the JIS operated in Muqdisho untill I read an article yesterday on a somali website.


The US as usual makes an already difficult and intractable situation worse, they never have been farsighted and this move only serves to prolong the conflict and weaken the warlords in Somalia.

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Originally posted by Toure:


Saxiib nobody is against Ethiopia and the US, one is our neighbour and the other is a leader of the modern world however when our soveireignty and integrity is breached all nationalist whether you live in Kismayo or Baanadir will defend their sovereign rights.

Many of the opposition groups won't agree with your point and might even brand you as an enemy.


Opposition groups are divided into sub-sections, each one pursuing its own agenda.


1. The Al-Shabab stands for the liberation of Muslim lands from infidels. They don't even agree with the moderate section of the Islamic courts calling them seculars or too soft on the "Infidels"


2. Another group stands for clan hegemony and warlordism. Ethiopia is also their scapegoat and their alliance with Al-Shabaab is transient and convenient as long it weakens the TFG, increases the plight of the innocent who are bombed and assassinated for political reasons. Their hope is to wait the TFG's collapse and regain their lost control of fertile regions, towns and forcefully ruling and taxing defenseless clans.


3. Irredentist groups hoping to gain independence from Ethiopia. Their support for a number of warlords or any other groups ensure for them an open access to logistics, arms and munitions to sustain their liberation war or have a big stake in the affairs of the Somali region of Ethiopia.


4. Secessionists. Hoping to benefit from the continued anarchy of the south. This continuation of anarchy and violence helps, according to their beliefs, their case for swift recognition based of a clan state. The masses in the Northwestern region are entertained with recognition motto and as well kept in bondage to a mythical hatred for a certain clan.


5. Other groups who feel like they are being left out of the power-sharing.


7. Eritrea which uses Somalia as its proxy war with Ethiopia.

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_41727164_gunsafpbody.jpgAl-Shabab soldiers



Child Soldiers

In over twenty countries around the world, children are direct participants in war. Denied a childhood and often subjected to horrific violence, an estimated 200,000 to 300,000 children are serving as soldiers for both rebel groups and government forces in current armed conflicts. These young combatants participate in all aspects of contemporary warfare. They wield AK-47s and M-16s on the front lines of combat, serve as human mine detectors, participate in suicide missions, carry supplies, and act as spies, messengers or lookouts.


Physically vulnerable and easily intimidated, children typically make obedient soldiers. Many are abducted or recruited by force, and often compelled to follow orders under threat of death. Others join armed groups out of desperation. As society breaks down during conflict, leaving children no access to school, driving them from their homes, or separating them from family members, many children perceive armed groups as their best chance for survival. Others seek escape from poverty or join military forces to avenge family members who have been killed.

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Adeer do not let your support for Yey and Maxamed Dheere cloud your judgement there was and still is one large opposition party comprised of ICU, former parliamentarians and civil servants, they came up with an Agenda on how to tackle the current fiasco (I believe their motto and policies is posted somewhere on this site). ALS (Alliance for the Liberation of Somalia).


Al shabaab when Ethiopia leaves will be incorporated into a national army, they have no clear political goal apart from ejecting Ethiopia out of Somalia and we should commend their goal but condemn the means they have taken to achieve this goal.


The third group you have mentioned is none existent but a mere line Yey supporters use every time the man is criticized.


But saxiib what you duke and the rest do not comprehend is that this government has failed. Adeer tensions in every corner of Somalia are higher now then when it came to “power”.


The likes of Dukes mind set is if you oppose this government you are against the folks in Puntland, saxiib this government had full support when it first came to power, people were sceptic of seeing the warlord gangs take some important positions but for peace we decided to bury the 16 year hatchet.

You want to know when the support left when Yey called for Ethiopian forces rather than reconciliation. And hence he will go down in the black pages of Somali history.

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Originally posted by Naxar Nugaaleed:

you your self sound like a terrorist. Your against Somalia, Ethiopia and america, who do you support besides the shaydans? By the way, states can not be terrorist, unless we are inventing new meaning for the word.

absolutely pathetic 'you sound like a terrorist'....... now go off to your CIA masters and tell them there are terrorists on SOL


NN I pity you ......... is there nothing you would not do for the sake of qabil ???

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Originally posted by Toure:


Al shabaab when Ethiopia leaves will be incorporated into a national army, they have no clear political goal apart from ejecting Ethiopia out of Somalia and we should commend their goal but condemn the means they have taken to achieve this goal.


You're not even aware that Al-Shayadin split from that group exiled in Eritrea? How could you count on her support when it publicly announced it is on her own. Abu-Mansur exposed his own view of the colour of that exiled group by condemning them as spies and collaborators.


Enrich your Understanding of the conflict.

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The group that is attempting to break away from the wider I.C.U is relatively small and of course their enemies like to exaggerate their power( due to their affliation with Alqaeda). Furthermore, Hassan Turki is still the ideological/influence leader of Alshabaab and also part of the wider I.C.U. Other figures such as Sheikh Ibrahim SUley and the bulk of the Islamic Courts are still inside Muqdisho and the rest of Somalia.....Though what we see nowadays is quite similar to Iraq: the entire Somali resistance( which is made of ordinary Somali clans and people) will be dismissed as being led by Alqaeda and five men who supposedly trained in Tora Bora.......

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Saxiib, it's common knowledge that Alqaeda in Iraq was a tiny, tiny group and the majority of the people who took arms in Iraq were ordinary Iraqis. Similarly, the concentration on Alshabaab alone in Somalia is a farce designed to escape the fact that there are thousands or even million of Somalis who don't want Ethiopian troops inside their country! They don't support Osama Bin Laden nor do they support terrorism! How can a little man who came from Axum call a Muqdisho native whom is defending his property a terrorist? ya? Even if such groups exist their legitimacy and support stems from Ethiopian occupation!

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