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SL forum release: 15th Somalia conference

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reject the notion that naively asserts since the original five Somali regions have never been united the talk about the unity of our fallen state is meaningless. That kind of thinking is really dangerous adeer. It feeds the perception of Somalia suffering from an intractable conflict that’s beyond hope while the truth is that Somalia has been externally manipulated by determined regional entities that want our complete breakdown, and work for our ultimate demise, and that when left with our own devices, our differences can indeed be, with some effort, bridgeable

I don’t think anyone said its meaningless, I just don’t think anything major will happen to Southern Somalia if JSL were to become independent. They were "independent" for a decade and some change & nothing really happened. I see where you coming from, its better to be united as one that to be divided into little clan states,but I am just not buying the argument for it, I.E doomed we are if JSL departs.


The argument that the cadow(Ethios) will take over Somalia if JSL seceded is already debunked, Maanta waxaan aragnay mucjiso: The Somali sessionists are defending the sovereignity of Somalino whereas the anti sessionist actually perpetrated an occupation from the same cadow. You see what am saying Xiinos?


As for the vibrant republic that existed for half a century(btw it was only three decades old), I am sorry to say this but, there was nothing really to be proud of. Perhaps the first two adminstrations but not the third one. If anything that admin made fatal social errors. Nothing really significant was achieved by that regime, If anything Somalia was among the poorest,most corrupt & dictatorial regimes in Africa.

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Originally posted by Jacaylbaro:

Somaliweyn dream is over ,,, and has been over for more than 16 years ,,,, i can't believe some are still dreaming ,,,,,,

It doesn't matter if there is one Somali State or two or what ideology one believes in. What matters is the simple FACT that all Somali lands exception being Jabouti and NFD are direct or indirect Ethiopian control. We are no longer a sovereignty nation or nations for that matter.

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Faarax, perhaps it’s the age that’s doing this to me but I am nostalgic about the Somalia we had however corrupt it was. Somalis are not particularly different then the other communities they live with in the Horn region. They are not more divided than the ones living together peacefully in Kenya and Ethiopia. It’s the absence of their state that exposes ceebahooda and makes them vulnerable for outside manipulation. Ethiopian tanks will leave one day, willingly or unwillingly. When that time comes though how would you salvage and manage whatever is left behind if you are already falling for the false notion of two Somalis within the republic itself adeer?


Pray for the return of a Somali state that has the basic attributes of nationhood, and that which takes its sovereignty and territorial integrity quite seriously!

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Originally posted by xiinfaniin:

, perhaps it’s the age that’s doing this to me but I am nostalgic about the Somalia we had however corrupt it was. Somalis are not particularly different then the other communities they live with in the Horn region. They are not more divided than the ones living together peacefully in Kenya and Ethiopia. It’s the absence of their state that exposes ceebahooda and makes them vulnerable for outside manipulation. Ethiopian tanks will leave one day, willingly or unwillingly. When that time comes though how would you salvage and manage whatever is left behind if you are already falling for the false notion of two Somalis within the republic itself adeer?


Pray for the return of a Somali state that has the basic attributes of nationhood, and that which takes its sovereignty and territorial integrity quite seriously!

I will give you the Nostalgia Xiin,since you are my favoritest Nomad smile.gif

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Xiin no need to rant mate. :D You're a Puntland supporter, are you not? Not only a Puntland supporter, till just before the recent ICU take-over of Mogadishu, you were a TFG supporter. You're, to borrow a football phrase, an anything-but-Somaliland fan. If Ayaan Xirsi declares war on our flag you wouldn't hesitate to join her malitia. :D:D All in the name of UNITY you say.


You talk of UNITY but can genuinely say places like Ceerigaabo, Hargeisa and Boorama lack it compared to places like Gaalkacyu, Xamar and Kismaayo. We're not perfect and got a lot to learn but not from you, brother. ;) Think about it. Do you disagree?

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