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SL forum release: 15th Somalia conference

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Somaliland Forum 5/28/2007


Press Release:


On the Somalia Reconciliation Conference #15


Yet another reconciliation conference, the 15th, is called in Mogadishu, Somalia

by the same warlords and the same cash-hungry opportunists. These self appointed

leaders have become the true enemy of the people of Somalia. They have depleted

Somalia of all optimism in the previous 14 “reconciliation” conferences. We urge

the world not to allow these criminals to dissolve what’s left of the Somali

nation in this charade known as the 15th reconciliation conference.


Somaliland Forum proposes the following steps as a rational approach towards the

solution of the Somali problem;


1. Be ware of Einstein’s definition of Insanity: “doing the same thing over

and over again and expecting different results.” Each one of the previous 14

conferences-cum-schemes has multiplied the intensity of misery of the Somali

population. So what is new this time? The Somaliland Forum will call to the

attention of all those concerned:


· Abandon the insanity of borderless witch’s brew of tribal horse trading

that sets the stage for further tribal wars, further hate and further revenge.

Tribalism has never built a nation.

· Encourage new hopeful leadership and not one of warlords.

· Prevent the kind of external financing that distorts internal dialogue

and that attracts the corrupt and murderous tribalists.


2. Somaliland Forum proposes to all concerned to follow the path of true

reconciliation and to come to know that the spirit of reconciliation cannot be

imposed from without. It has to come from within. It is important that all

concerned act with courage, vision and hope.


· Accept the elected political institutions of Somaliland as the sole and

legitimate representatives of the people of Somaliland. Resist any temptation to

destabilize Somaliland by appealing to the divisive nature of tribalism. Attempts

to bypass the legitimate authority in Somaliland will cause much chaos, more death

and more destruction.

· Accept two nations with well-demarcated borders instead of relying on

borderless warring tribes that only attract carnage.

· Accept the colonial borders as the solid and tangible basis of two

sisterly nations emerging from the death of the Somali Republic, and accept the

sanctity of borders of neighboring countries of Ethiopia, Kenya and Djibouti. Any

dreams of a greater Somali Republic has come and gone.

· Accept this time around to exclude and forbid from the affairs of

Somalia the handful of handout-seeking hungry opportunists who may claim to hail

from Somaliland. These merchants of death represent no one but their pockets. They

have nothing to offer Somalia except deception, corruption and lies.

· Accept democratic elections, one citizen one vote, and representative

government as the only hope for rational solution to the Somali problem.



Somaliland Forum strongly supports the government of Somaliland, the Parliament

and Guurti of Somaliland and the three political parties for their admonishment of

the conference organizers for attempting to interfere with Somaliland affairs. We

reiterate that Somaliland’s independence is never open for discussion.


Somaliland Forum calls for the immediate recognition of Somaliland as the first

step towards a courageous and honest resolution to the Somali problem. Such a just

and righteous step would encourage Somalia to follow Somaliland’s path and to find

solutions for its problems. Somaliland Forum hopes Somalia finds peace and can

find it in their hearts to forgive one another and to bring an end the cycle of

revenge and massacre.





Somaliland Forum is an independent Diaspora think-tank that advocates for the

Sovereignty, Democracy and socioeconomic development of the Republic of

Somaliland. We work with Somaliland communities, supporters, governments and

NGO's. For more information please contact: or our


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^^^ Actually, ...



Somaliland Forum calls for the immediate recognition of Somaliland as the first

step towards a courageous and honest resolution to the Somali problem.

First step? LOL. Are these people on crack?


Accept the colonial borders as the solid and tangible basis of two

sisterly nations emerging from the death of the Somali Republic, and accept the

sanctity of borders of neighboring countries of Ethiopia, Kenya and Djibouti. Any

dreams of a greater Somali Republic has come and gone.

When Somaliland has extricated her self from Ethiopia and stopped this embarrassing nostalgia for colonial times, may be then will it have any moral standing to advise others.


Tribalism has never built a nation.

Come again?


Be ware of Einstein’s definition of Insanity: “doing the same thing over

and over again and expecting different results.” Each one of the previous 14

conferences-cum-schemes has multiplied the intensity of misery of the Somali


Perhaps the Somaliland forum should follow its own advice when it comes to seeking recognition. It has been trying for fifteen years with the same abysmal results.

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LOL@doing the same thing over

and over again and expecting different results.


^^^It’s a popular cliché, to be sure, but it came out from the wrong cavity …

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Johnny B   

Accept the colonial borders as the solid and tangible basis of two

sisterly nations emerging from the death of the Somali Republic, and accept the

sanctity of borders of neighboring countries of Ethiopia, Kenya and Djibouti. Any

dreams of a greater Somali Republic has come and gone.



Whoever said that a conclusion is simply the place where you got tired of thinking might have known the lads on SL-Forum.


Lets focus on the ENEMY for now

FB, read that abouve quote and redefine the Enemy please. ;)

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Faarax-Brown, do you not see the secessionist movement as a tool of the enemy to divide and conquer? What do the leaderships of the TFG, Puntland and Somaliland have in common? Who benefits the most from the secession of some regions, the autonomy of others and the outright occupation of the rest?


When you have found satisfactory answers to these questions, you'll understand where I'm coming from. I don't know about Xiin though. He just seems obsessed. :D

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Of course they all have something in common: Meles, they are all married to that midget.


That aside, this is just another campaign gimmick & empty Debe talk(That’s Swahili for Kombo eber ah) from the imcompetent leadership @JSL. You know elections are round the corner, All this rhetoric that appeals to the masses must be reiterated at all times. What better ways to galvanize the population than a call for session?


You and I know damn well that this cry for session will not go away just like that, What SL needs to understand is that there will be no serious dialogue for indepedence until there is a legitimate govt in South Somalia…


JB, I was talking about the position held by Xiin & Castro on the Tigre smile.gif

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Accept the colonial borders as the solid and tangible basis of two

sisterly nations emerging from the death of the Somali Republic, and accept the

sanctity of borders of neighboring countries of Ethiopia, Kenya and Djibouti. Any

dreams of a greater Somali Republic has come and gone.


Faarax, As I said long before on these boards, Somaliland’s political elites, the ones who rule it now, harbor the most irrational political ideology any Somali movement has ever embarked. If you don’t believe me, reread that passage again, which summarizes quite eloquently the heart of these elites’ strategies to complete Somalia’s dismemberment. As you can see, it would be very difficult to wish these things away or cover them up in your ‘lets focus on the enemy’ line. If you put things in context, you would see that the notion of dividing Somalia into clannish enclaves could only benefit Ethiopia’s hegemonic regional ambitions. At times I really cant help but wonder if these rascals are praying the continuation of Somalia’s civil war just to prove the mainstay of their separatism argument, namely that Somalia, as the world knew it, is gone and vanished into history’s dustbins. One cant be silent on the roots of Ethiopia’s domination, and talk instead about the political and military manifestation of the said prominence adeer….


edit: Castrow, I am glad you caught my bug! I knew you were coming down with something :D since Ethiopia’s tanks rolled into Xamar. That something turns out to be a complete realization that Ethiopia’s policy is not particularly new; it chiefly operates on one of the oldest tricks in the colonial books. To conquer any particular problem, one needs to divide that problem into surmountable tasks. Somalia is the problem. Puntland, Somaliland, and the tfg are tasks Ethiopia has to manage. So neither Xiin nor you is obsessed with Somaliland, or with any particular subdivision. If any thing we are obsessed with the facts as they are…

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Originally posted by AYOUB:

Come off it Xiin, you're a Puntland supporter.

^^ :D:D


I suppose opposing secessionist agenda implies a tacit Puntland support! And to be fair, the two are not equal in their offense to the Somali nation. One still respects the Somali unity however wobbly while the other declared its intent to commit the cardinal sin of dismembering Somalia. Though occasionally it produces mindless men who want to rule over others but know not how, Puntland’s original framework was to organize itself and tend its political affairs without seeking a permanent divorce from the rest of Somalia. Of course time is always pregnant with unknowns, but as things stand now Somaliland is the only entity whose leaders think they don’t belong to Somali. Chew on that yaa Ayoub!


But knowing you and how you formulate you arguments, it’s my qabiil you meant to point out and not my political affiliation…

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Xiin, I see your sound argument here Sxb. Its morally right & justifiably so to have a unified Somali state. United we stand divided we fall is your call yeah? But, have you ever pondered what's the point of having a unified border with divided people residing in them?


The Somali people have been fragmented & divided for over century. Its started with the partition & the scramble for Africa by the Europeans, continued into the years of the Shifta war in NFD, the independence of DJ & the continuing struggle at region 5. Nothing really major happened until 5 months ago when the Tigre came in at the behest of a few greedy men. Granted they took advantage of a fragmented society, but they also could have done this 17 years ago.


Furthermore, what makes JSL special? Why is the existence of greater Somali unity dependent on JSL? What happens(happened) to other lands? Why is it not a priority and or a catalyst for a strong Somali nation?


In my opinion, Personally, I see a need for JSL to have serious dialogue once there is a legitimate govt in place. Both govts should hold a referendum at both ends, the JSL leadership should articulate to the Somali people as to why they should secede, likewise their counterparts should bring forth the benefits of a united country, something like Canada's referendum, then if the people decided they want to secede, so be it.


We don’t know what the future holds, I think right now we need to set our priorities right. Build a stable govt for the people of Southern Somalia, drive this enemy out & start building the nation.

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Originally posted by Faarax-Brown:

But, have you ever pondered what's the point of having a unified border with divided people residing in them?


The Somali people have been fragmented & divided for over century. Its started with the partition & the scramble for Africa by the Europeans, continued into the years of the Shifta war in NFD, the independence of DJ & the continuing struggle at region 5. Nothing really major happened until 5 months ago when the Tigre came in at the behest of a few greedy men. Granted they took advantage of a fragmented society, but they also could have done this 17 years ago.


Furthermore, what makes JSL special? Why is the existence of greater Somali unity dependent on JSL? What happens(happened) to other lands? Why is it not a priority and or a catalyst for a strong Somali nation?


Faarax, I am afraid you have fallen for Ethiopia’s propaganda without knowing it. Why else have you skipped the republic that existed nearly half a century in your narrative adeer? Without boring you further, this is what I think should be the priority for the Somalis wherever they are:


1- Work very hard for the return of Somali republic as the world knows it, and accepts without any disputes surrounding it as the case is with ****** region and NFD.

2- Fight those who want to subordinate this broken nation to Ethiopia in the name of security or under any other fashionable trick.


Provided the republic comes back and gets resurrected, other issues can be taken up with realistic and practical approaches. I reject the notion that naively asserts since the original five Somali regions have never been united the talk about the unity of our fallen state is meaningless. That kind of thinking is really dangerous adeer. It feeds the perception of Somalia suffering from an intractable conflict that’s beyond hope while the truth is that Somalia has been externally manipulated by determined regional entities that want our complete breakdown, and work for our ultimate demise, and that when left with our own devices, our differences can indeed be, with some effort, bridgeable. Case in point: Islamic courts of Mogadishu. They were inadequate in many ways yet the golden commodity they had was a degree of genuineness in their political outlook, and you would attest to what was established and achieved in a short span of time was quite memorable. What we wish and desire is not easy to achieve but don’t underestimate the danger these wicked political ideologies like secessionist pose to the very thing you are trying to achieve adeer.

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