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An All-Bari Conference Is Needed Immediately

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Cowke, it is getting very hard to have a discussion with you. Like a confused ewe, you are hitting at all walls. You are getting very indiscriminate and careless in your references and assertions. Let us examine some of them:


Originally posted by Cowke:

Abtigiis, Puntland loves Somalia so much that is even goes as far as to bring foreigners to establish the blue flag in somalia. Is that bad thing? No.

Yes, Puntland loves somalia so much it starts its destruction, first by becoming the pioneers of political assassinations and rebel movements and later by collaborating with foreigners in its colonization!! A weird love indeed! Marshal Petin of Vichy in France must be wronged by history and must have loved France more than De Gaulle!


By the way, I cannot stress enough the similarity of the reasoning of the Amhara elites in Ethiopia and the Puntlanders when they are both talking about unity in their respective countries. Although they do not recognize it, it is a conditional unity that they indeed campaign for. A unity where a non-puntlander (like Abdiqasim Salat Hasseen) is leading is not a 'good somali unity'. One led by sheikh sharif isn't so too. That is why Yey worked in destroying the cleanest government set up after the 1990 destruction: the CARTA government.


My friend We will do whatever it takes within our means or outside of our means to protect that cherished flag of unity and pride.

I take this to mean we will do all it takes to ensure that those who legend says are equal in number to all others with black head (sheep included)are ruling the rest of 'lower calibre'somali's who do not appreciate the virtues of unity.


If Habashi are willing to help in restoring that blue flag I will welcome them.

The oxymoron is palpable to all. Why would a Xabshi want to help you restore Somalia?


However other somalis destroy the blue flag. They wear other flags such as those made al-qaeda toro boro cave dwellers or somali-diid flag bearers. That is not patriotic but a direct insult to the somali people.

well, I have nothing to add here. Just highlighted to show the shallowness of intellect in you. I understand this rant is a bitterness after you failed to "add all those you said wear other flags to the ocean"


As for Siyad barre abuse of the blue flag doesn't mean you blame the flag but the individual. He even abused and persecuted puntlanders. 5000 were killed through thirst or thrown into wells alive in galkacyo. Whilst Women were systematically raped. Doesn't mean we hate the blue flag, because we realize that the flag was ABUSED by siyad barre and the flag symbolic meaning can never be destroyed. Siyad barre ran away But that flag is still here.

And by what is a flag to be judged? If not by the conduct of those who wave it? Do you understand the flag of Somalia is not God-given but was designed by mortals? by the way, I like the blue one, if at all for aesthetic reasons.


Lets not forget that SSDF is the only legitimate freedom-fighting organization that was based on legitmatcy whilst other rebel movements were based on clan movements and ulterior movements. The SSDF was created as democratic organization to get the rights of the people back

I would say the SNM was more democratic and had more legitimate grounds to enage in armed struggle. I can elaborate later. Is it not the case the SSDF was later disbanded after yey refused to rule democratically?


Siyad barre murdered the former President.Sharmarke (AUN) who democratically elected president by the people.

What can I say here, except shake my head about the Mudug temerity? Was he not killed for intra-clan feud reasons?

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