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An All-Bari Conference Is Needed Immediately

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A conference is needed urgently. This is now the 5th time this sort of attacks have been happening and it won't just seem to go away as many might hope it will.


An ALL-BARI conference is needed with local clans to mediate on issues concerning reer-qardho and reer-waciye families.


A similar conference that ended the instability issues between the qandala boys.


There are some out-standing issues that will needed to be addressed such as.


1. PIS and constant targetting of certain sections of the bossaso community.


2. Arrests of a couple of men in relations to the chief judge murder. I am not proposing they should release them but explain to the affected community the due processes on the investigation and if they are found guilty will be sentenced if they are not guilty release them.


3. A few outstanding issues over a few murders that have occurred and the quick resolution to them. We need to use puntland elders as a key stakeholder to solving these.


Finally we need to tell each community in bari that noone takes the law into their own hand and create a stronger puntland elders lobby to deal with these skermishes and it's quick resolution before it escalates to hand-grenade attacks and assasinations.


That is my piece of advice to solving the bari issue.

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Baroortu orgiga ka weyn!

Adeer PL maamulka ayaa loo baahanyahay in ay wax ka qabtaan, ee ma aha jifooyin inaad qeylo dhaan u dirtid. Meesha maamulbaa ka jira, eedana iyagaa iska leh, waa iney wax ka qabtaan.

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In your small clanish mind, you didn't see it right to call for an 'all Galbeed'conference when others were the victims.

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Abtigis. Oh my god more onlf propaganda. Listen the day you sold the somali unity flag of western liberation front is the day u left your somali-nimo. You are no different to somali-diidka in hargeisa. Except you are not using colonial arguments your using "OG" identity before somalis.


Why should we care for you when you dont care for somali unity, u sold it in 94 for a clan based flag and a clan based movement and all you care for is your clan based positions and not all somalis.


Puntland is a place that puts the BLUE FLAG first before TRIBE or anything. If you look at recently abdi-qeybdiid the same person who killed us was welcomed. Why? was it because we are same clan? no. It is because he came with the BLUE FLAG.


Yet the same people we share clan-ties with in kismayo such as canoole are not given 1 look at puntland nor are they supported by puntland administration. Why? because they carry the black flag of hizbi islam and sold the blue flag out which our identity is based on.


So please save me your onlf garbage, you are the worst in somalis, you are clan based man who even made a clan based flag and a clan based movement and threw away your somali-nimo in 94. How dare you question the patriotic state of Puntland?


You are not welcome in Puntland till the day you come with the blue flag. Do you understand? Lakin hadad la timadiid clan based flag that is only representing your interest we will sell you to the ethiopians and show you no mercy.

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When farole said you are not somali, he was spot on the money. You sold your somali-nimo in 94 and u have the audacity to expect to be treated as somali. Hell no. Waxaas lala taga dadki aad propagandakaga u sheegtid.

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The blue flag is only a piece of cloth. Aideed was waving it too at one point. Puntland's actions against virtually all Somali's (somaliland, the South, and West) is inimical to Somali unity. In practice, they are more dangerous to somali unity than Somaliland.

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Abtigis, yeah why don't you tell the people who died in 77 to free your ungrateful self that the blue flag is just a piece of cloth.


The blue flag is our identity to the world. Our pride and our unity. It may just be piece of cloth to a onlf scumbag like yourself who just care for onlf issues because your not nationalist but QABILISTE. Your flag is clear example of your QABIL agenda.


Untill you start representing yourself as SNLF "SOMALI NATIONAL LIBERATION FRONT" RATHER THEN "ONLF" then we can consider you a somali patriot till then your just another sell out like all somalis who throw away the blue flag.


The south= a black flag made in afghanistan and their agenda is for afghanistan and al-qaeda.


Hargeisa flag is somali-diid flag that wants to split up somalis.


Whilst your onlf is CLAN based flag that is only caring for CLAN based interest.


Besides sir, even that onlf rebel organization you so proudly boast about is representing one specific sub-clan of OGZ namely the "M.Z" ppl and not even all o.gz.


You can verify this by looking at all the sarkaals of this rebel organization onlf are all M.Z people.


Marka you are the last to comment on somali patriotism, your sell out like all somalis. The only state that has never left behind the somali flag is puntland and it flies high in puntland.


Infact Puntland are so patriotic they will use habashi to make sure that a black flag is not raised in hamar but our proudful BLUE flag is raised. You can see that raised in villa somalia today and inshallah all somalia if god wills it.


Go away with your nuisance clan agenda and it has no place in puntland.

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O’ really? Could not explain, could you?

“The blue flag is only a piece of cloth.”


How so? Could you elaborate?

“Puntland's actions against virtually all Somali's …In practice, they are more dangerous to somali unity than Somaliland.”


Tata …

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Miles, bro the onlf ppl were never really patriotic about somalia or somalis. What else is there to explain. They were patriotic about their clan, which you can see clearly in the flag and name they choosed for their rebel movement.


I don't trust those people, they are not true patriots. Nor are 90% of somalis because you can see by their actions if they are patriotic or not.


Only Puntland has stood the test of patriotism and passed so far as they have never negioated on the midnimo of somali people or the blue flag be it for qabil reasons or ethiopia reasons or any reason. That one issue of patriotism will never leave puntland and they will do whatever it takes to make sure they preserve it for all somalis. No matter if that means bringing chinese, yahud, habashi, or anything else.

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The blue flag is just a piece of cloth indeed. The symbolism it plays as the unifying insignia of the Somali race is not disputed. But for it to represent that symbolic value, there are other more important tangibile qualities it should possess.


For the Somalilander, whose sister was raped by a maruading gang of Siyaad Barre militia waving a blue flag, it is hard to take it as a sign of somalinimo. For the elders and islamic scholars who were tortured by a guul-wade strapped full with blue flag, it doesn't show a sign of somalinimo. It is a cloth with which he was oppressed.


So, let us separate the cloth side of it from the values that need to be imbedded with it to serve as a national symbol. Otherwise, it is not different than the blue shirt my uncle Dhidar bought for me for this EID as a present.


As far as Puntland is concerned, you cannot stall and undermine the establishment of a strong national government, export humans to Ethiopia, fuel hatred and animosity against other neighoburing somali regions and claim you are the heartland of Somalinimo solely because a blue flag is hoisted above Garowe.


The compassion, selflessness, and love that the blue flag calls for must be exhibited first, before trumpeting about somalinimo with chants and flag-waving.




Your anger is understandable as your little house of Tolka is under attack. But that doesn't give you the right to go fast and furious on facts. The O have been the bulwark of Somalinimo well before the days of the biggest nationalist -Sayid Mohamed. Who, by the way, is not from Garowe!! :D The man who came from garowe, Mr. Abdullahi Yusuf has gone into history as the only Somali man who led an invading foreign force into Somali capital. So much for nationalism of the Piratelanders!! You are suspect there saaaxib.


Let us be honest. We are not disputing about who is getting the fat posts in reconciliation meetings! There we know who are the masters.

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A&T, sometimes the wise move is to wait and see how the replies go. One must wait for a ship to sail for a few miles before attempting to hijack it, saaxib. Ambushing it before it even left the port is not (as Dr Cowke would surly agree) cricket. :D


If you allowed the 'conference' to take place, I am sure others would have made the 'flag' argument in a more acceptable way (not that I disagree with your overall sentiment there).

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Folks from Buntland are so delusional its bordering on Fantasy. They've concluded that their interest and agenda can be justified by screaming about this worthless blue flag. They dont understand the principals behind the flag and everything they stand for, that flag if it could talk would scream ''not in my name''. Their ACTIONS are self serving, selfish but they want us to believe otherwise. They remind me of a bad door to door salesman, who cant sell any of his bad products and ends up using them himself.

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Abtigiis, Puntland loves Somalia so much that is even goes as far as to bring foreigners to establish the blue flag in somalia. Is that bad thing? No. My friend We will do whatever it takes within our means or outside of our means to protect that cherished flag of unity and pride.


If habashi are willing to help in restoring that blue flag I will welcome them. If Eritrea is willing to help. I will welcome them. As long as that Flag is at the central interest.


However other somalis destroy the blue flag. They wear other flags such as those made al-qaeda toro boro cave dwellers or somali-diid flag bearers. That is not patriotic but a direct insult to the somali people.


As for Siyad barre abuse of the blue flag doesn't mean you blame the flag but the individual. He even abused and persecuted puntlanders. 5000 were killed through thirst or thrown into wells alive in galkacyo. Whilst Women were systematically raped. Doesn't mean we hate the blue flag, because we realize that the flag was ABUSED by siyad barre and the flag symbolic meaning can never be destroyed. Siyad barre ran away But that flag is still here.


Lets not forget that SSDF is the only legitimate freedom-fighting organization that was based on legitmatcy whilst other rebel movements were based on clan movements and ulterior movements.


The SSDF was created as democratic organization to get the rights of the people back. Siyad barre murdered the former President.Sharmarke (AUN) who democratically elected president by the people. He then seized power through a coup ILLEGALLY neglecting the people's choice. This gave rise to the somali salvation democratic front (ssdf) so we can get back what was truly ours. However we never dropped the flag. The flag was always carried by ssdf. We were merely an opposition party against SIYAD BARRE and his illegal means of getting power after getting the elected MAN assasinated.


So even when you assess the Jabhads the only jabhad that had a case to form a jabhad was ssdf the rest were done for clan reasons and un-patriotic causes and were in-fact rebel movements looking to destablize the country.

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Maxammed Siyaad aaya Bosaaso port u dhisay pirateland maantana isagay ugu necebyihiin Ilaahay ha u naxariisto wuxuu ahaa halyey wadani ah halka Cawke nimankuu sheegi ahaayeen mahbar xabashi ku soo wada caro Somaliyeed


Intan yarta ah ee takada ah iyadoo weliba geeska Afrika daganeyn ayey wax is moodeen :D

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