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Mogadishu: Farmaajo I wont use 4.5 forumal for cabinet

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Ra’iisul wasaare Farmaajo “ Wasiirada kuma soo magacaabay Xeerka 4.5”


Muqdisho: (Sh. M. Network) Ra’iisul wasaaraha cudub ee dowladda KMG Soomaaliya Max’ed C/laahi Max’ed (Farmaajo) ayaa sheegay in si deg deg ah uu ku soo dhisayo xukuumad wax ka qabata xaalada Soomaaliya, isagoo tilmaamay in golaha wasiirada uusan ku soo xulabeyn xeerka dowladu ay ku dhisantahay ee 4.5


Max’ed C/laahi Max’ed (Farmaajo) Ra’iisul wasaaraha Cusub ee dowladda KMG Soomaaliya oo maanta ka hadlayay kulan uu boqolaal haween ah uu kula qaatay Xafiiskiisa Magaalada Muqdisho ayaa ugu hireyn waxaa uu sheegay in hadii ay ansixiyaan Xubnaha Barlamanka KMG Soomaaliya uu soo magacaabi doono xukuumad wax ka qabata xaalada adag ee ka jirta dalka Soomaaliya.


Waxaa uu tilmaamay Ra’iisul wasaaraha cusub in uu tir tirayo xeerka dowladda KMG ay ku dhisantahay ee 4.5 islamarkaana soo magacaabida golaha wasiirada uu ka abaari doono dhanka cadaalada, waxaana uu tilmaamay in waligiisa uu ka shaqeyn jiray dafaacida xaquuda dadka laga tirada badanyahay.


“Ilaah Xagiis waa loo simanyahay wax 4.5 la yiraahdo majiro, waxaad ku calool fiyoobaataan in marka ugu horeysa ee aan la wareego xilkaasi aan soo magacaabi doono dad tayo leh oo diyaar u ah inay ahaadaan kuwa ugu dambeeya ee wax cuna marka gar gaarka la siiyo dadka u baahan, maxaayeelay inta qof Soomaali ah uu baahanyahay cunto ma cini kartid” ayuu yiri Ra’iisul wasaare Farmaajo.


Mr. Farmaajo ayaa sheegay in uu u balan qaadayo shacabka Soomaaliyeed Cadaalad, midnimo iyo hormar uu gaarsiiyo dadka iyo dalka Soomaaliya, waxaana uu tilmaamay in dhaqaalaha soo gala dowladda KMG Soomaaliya aysan jiri dooni cid dambe oo ku takri fasha islamarkaana miisaaniyada lagula xisaabtami doono hay’ad walba oo ka tirsan dowladda KMG Soomaaliya.


Dhinaca kale Waxaa maanta agagaarka Guriga hooyooyinka ka dhacay Banaanbax lagu tageerayay Ra’iisul wasaaraha Cusub ee dowladda KMG Soomaaliya islamarkaana ay soo qaban qaabiyeen Ururka dhalinyarada Soomaaliyeed,m waxaana banaanbaxaasi ka qeyb galay boqolaal qof oo ka kala yimid qaar ka mid ah degmooyinka Gobolka Banaadir iyo masuuliyiin ay ka mid ahaayeen, Wasiirka Dhaqan celinta dowladda Pro Max’ed Cumar Dalxa, Wasiirada dhalinyarada iyo Sportiga Qadiijo Max’ed iyo iyo gudoomiyaha gobolka Banaadir Max’ed Max’uud Nuur Tarsan.


Aqriso oo la soco Saacad Walba si aad u hesho wararkii ugu dambeeyay ee Soomaaliya.

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How could he ignore the same system that brought him in the first place. The whole TFG is based on this and till the whole system is demolished,it will be hard to over pass. It's a bold move though I doubt the 4.5 parliament that he wants its approval would pass anything less then qabiil based cabinet.

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Not that there is a need for me to defend my self from your baseless conclusion but please do tell us Dukey, what makes you think a minister has or will ever contribute to either of our lives in order to invoke such miserable emotion?

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^^^Adeer you were taking a great deal of pride in the fact a retire man was frail this morning for clan reasons. What can we expect when your clan loses a post? No doubt a great deal of pain and some tears. :D

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Dukey, you clearly enjoy having people on their back foot and always having to fend off baseless accusations but what is more interesting is that Mr Faroole does take alot of pride in him self as he moves away from the frigile old man.


Perhaps you'd want to call garowe and have a word with him too . LoL

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Originally posted by Sabriye & co.:

Dukey, you clearly enjoy having people on their back foot

No adeer , I don’t excited at the expense of others. However you get happy at the sickness of human beings, which clearly shows your character. But do go on.

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Originally posted by Gheelle.T:

How could he ignore the same system that brought him in the first place. The whole TFG is based on this and till the whole system is demolished,it will be hard to over pass. It's a bold move though I doubt the 4.5 parliament that he wants its approval would pass anything less then qabiil based cabinet.

That is true. Altough I would be more than happy to see this useless formula gone, I think it is a bit naive that he starts with a move like this. Even if his intention was to minimise the use of 4.5 he shouldn't have said it publicly. Whoever is advising him has mislead the guy on this issue. He is a complete newcomer and that itself is a challenge to win an apprval from the 550 MPs, who the majority of them care nothing more than clan, money and other personal interests than serve the nation and now this...Good Luck to Mr. Farmaajo.

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