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US promises extra $60 million for TFG....

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Baydhabo: Maraykanka oo $60 malyan oo doollar oo kale ugu deeqay Soomaaliya.

7. april 2007


Baydhabo(AllPuntland)- Kaaliyaha xogayaha arimaha dibadda Maraykanka ee arimaha Afrika Jandayi Farazer oo ayada iyo wafdi ay hor kacayso ay maanta Baydhabo yimaadeen ayaa ka hadashay ajandaha ay u timid iyo sida Maraykanku u doonayo inuu caawiyo dawladda Soomaaliya.


Janday Frazer waxay baarlamaanka Soomaaliya oo ay maanta hadal u jeedisay u sheegay in dalka u timid sidii dawladda ugala xaajoon lahayd arimaha dalka ka jira isla markaana u dhiiri galin lahayd.


Waxay sheegtay in Maraykanku taagerayo ciidamada midowga Afrika ee loo yaqaan AMISOM oo qaybtii ugu horaysay oo Uganda ka joogto dalka Soomaaliya.


Sida uu AllPuntland u sheegay Khaalid Cumar Cabdi oo ah wasiiru dawladaha golaha wasiirada waxaa Frazer ay sheegtay in Maraykanku ugu deeqayo Soomaaliya $60 Malyan oo doollar oo hor leh, ayadoo horayna uu ugu Maraykanku lacag gaaraysa $40 malyan oo doollar.


Wuxuu wasiiru dawluhu sheegay inay ballan qaadday Frazer in si gaar ah Maraykanku u caawin doono ciidamada ammaanka Soomaaliya iyo sidii loo heli lahaa boolis ka adag xasilinta dalka Soomaaliya.


Frazer waxay dhiiri galisay nabadda Soomaaliya iyo shirka dib u heshiisiinta qaran ayadoo sheegtay inay taageearyaan shirka dib u heshiisiinta qaran.


Waxay baarlamaanka ka codsatay haweenaydan inay horu mariyaan qorshaha nabad galyada dalka Soomaaliya.


Dawladda Maraykanka ayaa dhowr goor ku celisay sida ay uga go'an tahay taageerada dawladda federaalka ee Soomaaliya.


CCC Farayaamo


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$$$$ is nothing if not spend wise, the value 100 million will be assessed on how well the money is spend.


The TFG is not known for good will or assisting the citizen , which they need improve if they want to get the population support , for example why are they not helping the people fleeing the fights or any other humanitarian work .


I hope they use this fund in positive way that benefit the Somali citizen and not to purchase arms.

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lol...this si all hellerious....In Case You Live In Far Far Away Buryo-Qab City and don't have a CSPAN2, The Major Debate In The US House is about the Funding for the Iraq war, and the US army in that war...see if you could add 2 and 2 what you'll come up with adeer is this (IN ameerika aaysan Kharash iyo tabartoona u hayn dagaal dad madoowi aay isku cunuyaan, dagal which the EU is callin right now as we speak "a genocide..." It's all about a window dressin.....don't rise your hopes high, i don't think you will be taken to the prom in a limousine any time soon Mr. Kinto Kunto Konko

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^^^lol. The US gives 3 billion to Egypt & Israel & Colombia annually have you heard that money in the great debate?


Anyhow the money is first step to pay for the armed forces and governemnt employees..


Another slap in the face of anti governemnt groups..

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