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General Duke

Press release: 'Observer has been misled

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PRESS RELEASEBaidoa, Somalia -

September 11, 2006




The Office of the President of the Transitional Federal Government of the Republic of Somalia strongly deny the alleged meeting between the so-called Select Armor a US military firm based in Virginia executives and His Excellency President Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmed in Nairobi, Kenya. The Observer should have done more investigative report on real issues and not succumb to the fabrication of those against the return of the rule of law, justice and the pacification of the nation. The TFG of the Republic of Somalia is the only entity who is still suffering of this illegal embargo imposed to the Federal Republic of Somalia since it came to power.


The breach of UN embargo is being demonstrated daily by different groups in Somalia. The cargo planes recently being offloaded in Mogadishu Airport should have been a good example. A real embargo is one that has control and monitoring mechanism to deter any flow of arms to an area. The lack of control and monitoring in Somalia makes it easier for elements in our society who are against the return of the rule of law and justice to benefit this embargo. We are appealing to the UN Security Council to lift the arms embargo for the TFG of the Republic of Somalia in order to establish its own security forces in the next session on September 25, 2006.



Abdirahman M. Haji-Jama

Chief of Presidential Protocol

Federal Republic of Somalia

Baidoa State House,

Baidoa - Somalia

Tel: +2521-540-213

Tel: +2521-534878


Nairobi Office:

P.O. Box 168-00606

Nairobi - Kenya

Tel: +254-725-843-910

Fax: +1-831-603-6380


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MMA, I am really seriouse General Duke is a real soldier. He is dedicated and he is profesional. I would love to have him on my side. General Duke, I am not being sarcastic or anything I am really seriouse, although I dont agree with some of the stuff you say, you are talented. If this whole TFG thingy doesnt work out, send m a message.


We can build our own Somali Empire encompassing most of the Horn & East Africa. Imagine that, General Duke of The Sudan and MMA the Rarl of Mombasa.

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ME. Many thanks for the confidence you hold regarding my abilities. Let’s clarify one thing I support Somalia and have done so since coming of age. I am not interested in the titles of men. That is why I place allot in this weak, corrupt and often incompetent project called the TFG. We do not need empires, we need our little country back. We need a little respite, a time to recuperate, to reflect on where we want to go.


MMA, I would gladly serve my country in any capacity, and for free, but that’s insha Allah a choice I would love to have in the future…Right now my daily chores are daunting…

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I would gladly serve my country in any capacity, and for free, but that’s insha Allah a choice I would love to have in the future

Provided you succeed in reforming your own secularized/clannish mentality, your misplaced determination will prove to be less destructive and even help us in bringing about the necessary "paradigm shift".


My humble recommendation therefore:


-Learn more about Aqeedah & Islamic rulings


-try not to take your environment's priorities at face value but always look at the big picture (the "usual concerted conspiration against your great clan" versus the ultimate goal of humanity).


-If you find hard to overcome vindictness and clanophobia, try the "immersion method"; one charitable SOL member may help you tour the capital to let you experience by your own that you can indeed return there without being necessarily scalped...

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How about a compramise? How about a society where Genenal Dukes and your opinions & values are respected. Why can't we have both?


Why don't we agree on the main points? and then discuss the rest later.


It would be better for all of us if no one tries to impose their values on the others (unless its me doing it smile.gif ).

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I always react without reading the full post, thats why I always post twice.


I wanna thank you for the new word CLANOPHOBIA.

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I thank you for the advice. I have noted though the religion is all about justice, equality and peace. So long as any group is basing itself on the polar opposite of these concepts then it is not Islamic.


I am all for an Islamic state and my political views are based on my religious beliefs, that all Muslims are equal and are in need of justice equally.


One needs to take a holistic view of the current situation and not accept anything at face value. As for having a phobia against certain clan well that’s not my problem since I come from a multi clan background. I have more relatives in Mogadishu than any city in Somalia and I do not need require a visa to go there :D



Again many thanks for the kind words…

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