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What is Qanyare up to

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Xildhibaan Qanyare oo si weyn u cambaareeyay go'aankii shalay ay qaateen 22 wasiir


Muqdisho 12 Oktoobar, 07 - (
) - Xildhibaan Max'ed Qanyare Afrax ayaa cambaareeyay go'aankii shalay ay qaateen inta badan wasiirada ku jira xukuumadda Ra'isulwasaare Geedi.


Xildhibaan Max'ed Qanyare oo maanta ka hadlayay munaasabad ka dhacday magaalada Baydhabo ayaa wax lagu qoslo ku tilmaamay go'aanka ay qaateen 22 wasiir oo ka mid ah golaha wasiirada xukuumadda RW Geedi.


Max'ed Qanyare ayaa yiri "Ma waxa ay ka tahay aqoon darro mise wadaniyad xumo wa wax laga yaabo go'aanka qaateen".


Waxa uu intaasi ku daray in aanu sharci aheyn dalabka ka soo yeeray wasiiradaasi oo ay ku dalbanayaan in Baarlamanka la horkeeno xukuumadda Cali geedi oo ay kalsooni weydiisato.


Waxa uu ku dooday in xukuumadda Ra'isulwasaare Geedi ay heysato waqti Dheeraad ah oo ay ku hirgaliso qodobada lagu heysto oo ay ka mid yihiin in dalka laga hirgaliyo nidaamka Federaalka, waxaana uu sheegay in waqtigaasi ay ka dhiman tahay muddo ka badan halsano isla markaana haddii xilligaasi la gaaro uu Baarlamanka wax ka weydiin karo xukuumadda waxa ay ka yeeshay hirgalinta arimaha federaalka iyo waxyaabaha la midka ah.


Max'ed Qanyare ayaa waxa uu sheegay in arimaha ka soo yeeray golaha wasiirada aanu aheyn wax sharci ku saleysan isla markaana ay tahay mid la doonayo in madmadoow lagu galiyo howlaha sharciga ah.


Mar la weydiiyay in hadalkiisa uu qeyb ka yahay olole balaaran oo muddooyinkaan uu waday isla markaana uu ka horistaagayay in baarlamanka la horgeeyo xukuumadda Ra'isulwasaare Geedi ayuu iska fogeeyay arintaasi, waxaana uu sheegay in isaga uu ku dadaalayo in sharciga wax lagu hago.


Hadalka Qanyare ayaa ku soo beegmaya saacado ka dib markii 22 wasiir oo ka mid ah xukuumadda Cali geedi ay ku ku dhowaaqday in ay is casilayaan haddii xukuumadda aanu mar kale weydiisan Baarlamanka codka kalsoonida.

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What is Max'ed Qanyare Afrax up to these days?


In the last couple months, Qanyare is portraying himself to be an ideal man who is only defending the Axdiga. In that process, he, along with Muuse Suudi Yalaxoow, has also became a fanatic defender of Geedi and his little dowlad ku sheeg. Wax ayaa loo sheegay.


Whatever happened to Cismaan Caato, the all-time record holder of being a -- if not the -- ruiner of every attempt of building an adminstration Banaadir since 1991. We missed Cismaan Caato on the political scene. Probably nursing in somewhere and being sick.

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Qanyare is the pall bearer of the geedi administration, he is boxed into the corner identified as an enemy by the goverment both yusuf and geedis camp as well as the mujahideen, he is no longer as financially flush as he used to be after the shut down of dayniile airport.

Being the political opportunist that he is he realises that the continuation of the status quo for any longer period of time will mean that he will well and trully fade from the scene.

By pretending to support geedi he does several things firstly if Geedi wins this round with yusuf something that will be decided in addis and not inspite of the haluucinations of the yusuf cheerleaders, baidoa, he will have been seen to have supported geedi in his hour of need and kept the H***ye bloc intact at least in the T.F.G, if geedi loses then qanyare who enfin is a cunning man sees himself in the middle of the ensuing clan inferno either as a stoker of the fires or as a peacemaker but never far from the center of it all.

In the end there are three results to his actions

1. He supports the winning side and is appointed public security minister by geedi as a bone to the tribalists that are brokering support for the most inspid man in the T.F.G.

2. If he does not manage to wrangle a post with some power [ which in somalia means a militia of some sort and not more cvilised positions like health, education w.t.c] then the very least reward would be the reopening of dayniile airport which would mean a steady source of income that is quite lucrative since he will not have to pay for the upkeep and maintainace of over 2000 militia men out of pocket and since in somalia money is power the future would be bright to the hopefull.

3. the third result if geedi looses is that he continues to be a $1,000 month salaried M.P.


As for yalahow, well yalahow is like the donkey in animal farm, you will never see a dead donkey.

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As for yalahow, well yalahow is like the donkey in animal farm, you will never see a dead donkey

Are they not same from C/yusuf and GEEDI to yalahow--they are all xayawaaan dantooda kaliya iyo rabidooda fiirsanaya.

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XILDHIBAAN MUUSE SUUDI: “Kursiga Madaxweynaha iyo Kan Guddoomiyaha Baarlmaanka la iskuma heysto, kan la isku heysto waa midka Ra’iisal Wasaaraha oo ay Dad leeyihiin”


Talaado, Oktoobar 16, 2007 - Xildhibaan Muuse Suudi Yalaxow oo maanta ka hadlayay fadhi uu Baydhabo ku yeeshay Baarlamaanka Soomaaliya ayaa wuxuu sheegay in mar kasta dood laga keeno kursiga Ra’iisal Wasaaraha Soomaaliya oo ka mid ah Kuraasta madaxda sare ee Dowladda oo sida uu yiri lagu soo qeybsaday Afar Beelood iyo Bar (4.5).


Xildhibaan Muuse Suudi Yalaxow ayaa markii intaas yiri waxaa ku buuqay Xildhibaano badan oo ka tirsan Baarlamaanka Soomaaliya, kuwaasi oo dabcan ka soo horjeeday hadalkiisa, hayeeshee waxaa uu Muuse Suudi ku adkeystay hadalkiisaas, wuxuuna hoosta ka xariiqay in uusan aqoonin waxa mar kasta doodda geliya kursiga Ra’iisal Wasaaraha.


Sidoo kalena waxaa kulankii maanta hadal kulul ka jeediyay Xildhibaan Maxamed Qanyare Afrax oo sheegay in ay wax aan sharci ku fadhin ahayd soo jeedin ka timid 22 wasiir oo ka tirsan 31-ka Wasiir ee Xukuumadda Federaalka Soomaaliya, kuwaasi oo uu shirkooda ku tilmaamay mid fowdo ah.


“Kulan ay qabtaan Xubno Wasiirro ah oo uusan shir guddoomineynin Ra’iisal Wasaare Geeddi waxaa uu la mid yahay kulan ay qabteen Dalxa iyo Boqorre (Guddoomiye ku xigeennada Baarlamaanka) iyadoo uu joogo Guddoomiyaha Baarlamaanka Shiikh Aadan Madoobe, kaasi sharci ma ahan ee waa mid fowdo ah, marka Wasiirrada haddii ay mooshin soo gudbinayaan ha u tagaano Ra’iisal Wasaarahooda, kadibna intey is-casilaan iyagoo Xildhibaano caadiya ah ha soo gudbiyaano mooshinka ay doonayaan”ayuu yiri Xildhibaan Maxamed Qanyare Afrax.


Xildhibaannada Baarlamaanka Soomaaliya ayaa maanta fadhi ay ku yeesheen magaalada Baydhabo waxay kaga hadlayeen sida ay la tahay in Xukuumadda Ra’iisal Wasaare Geeddi codka kalsoonida loo qaado iyo in uu Baarlamaanka sii wato howlihii la xisaabtanka Xukuumadda, iyadoo ay xusid mudan tahay in ay fadhigii maanta ka xaadireen 217 mudane oo ay ka mid ahaayeen Ra’iisal Wasaare Geeddi iyo Guddoomiyaha Baarlamaanka Shiikh Aadan Madoobe.




Yaab. Adduunkii gadaal gadaal u shaqeynaayo. Qabqabliyaashii ugu magacxumaa, ugu weynaa shaley ayaa maanta sharciga difaacaayo, oo Axdiga la dejiye difaacaayo u taagan. And they have a point, regardless waxee ahaan jireen ha ahaadaanee.

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axdigu markuu ujeedadaada u adeegaayo waa la difaacayaa hadii uu ka hor yimaadala waa la laadayaa ,, very simple.


At least they know what is axdi ... :D

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Positioning, shifting and aligning with your party....Before the big storm arrives...


A war is immenint...The Tigrinyan masters want it so badly, Yalahow and Qanyare need it like an spicy Mexican Burrito and Geedo Fanaxleey Cassho firs-timer wants to see what war feels and looks like....its on the menu and the only popular Southren Somalia


allahow Sahal

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