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The President of the Republic will receive Mr. Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmed

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Glad my prods got a response and LG has no substance as usual,,,,,


LG, What will the benefit of this trip be to the people on the ground? Those who are hungry, tired, ill, in mourning etc

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Silly question, yaa Norf, this meeting was very important for the President and puts Somalia back into the world map, it is like any other African state with functioning any leader that met head of states in the past 18 years of the civil war...


France and Sarko is one of the heavy weights in Europe... The president is making progress while the naysayers cry like fools..


As for your question, state heads do not necessarily meet to feed the hunger or those in mourning, it is all about diplomacy, international relations and political strength... that I thought was lesson 1 in politiking, what have you been learning or doing in this section if you still toss such question, don't tell me Brown went to meet Bush/Hillary/Obama to simply control the immigration cry in the UK that hits the headlines day in day out...



The President is moving forward ignoring the so called opposition groups, no chance, another barrier crossed, continental Europe is coming on board. You rather have this countries with you than against you, very simple logic the confused oppostion and the secess can't sum up to... waa Mukulaashii markay gaari wayday hilibka tiri UF...


Sakhar, Wonderful pictures like you promised, gracius..

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^^are you up for a discussion this time?


Your response has only confirmed what I thought. You are all falling over yourselves to congratulate a President (a President who has no power in the country he supposedly represents) for simply turning up at another country on an official visit. Great, wonderful, our President is the man and he makes us proud because he is out and about visiting and dining with other heads of state. Brilliant!


The man has done nothing but destroy his country and the people he supposedly represents but it’s all well and good for some because he represents SOMALIA at state banquets!


What a moronic way of thinking!

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^ don't forget .. he is only there for the handouts !


the bizare thing is ... just because they let the old man sit at the same table as the french prez and gave him a few souvenir photos ... this is some kind of accomplishment ??? about easy to please... while they ignore that after holding his hand out like a filthy beggar he left empty handed .....

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^Unlike your UIC masterminder and hero A. qasim this President has never been a man of material, his ambition have always been political goal with the aim to revive the lost republic ... Your confusion is beyond limit when you accuse Mr Yusuf as a man of money, handouts kulahaa, come back bal


Norf I have always been up for fruitful debate, your silly one liner argument have undermined your contribution to the site...


As for Yey meeting Sarko, you know when bad news hits home its hard to take it, that's how you are acting, the seccessionits are getting alarmed by the political strength of this government... Surely you can't deny that when one of the most important head of states in Europe, France's Sarko hosts Yey officially to discuss with him about many issues... that in itself is a great political score, diplomacy in actions...


When a Somali head of state for the first time in 18 years gets to meet and discuss with the lkies of King of Saudia, recieves such welcome at the Palais de l'Elysee and a call from Hu Jintao, it shows Somalia is no longer considered a failed state but recovering and with a functioning government, the TFG... surely SL is the one to lose in Somalia's return to world stage, that's why your cry is far louder than anyone in this thread...


If you wanna talk about the situation back home in an attempt to hijack this thread, fine, the TFG is making progress on the ground, Alshabaab are losing men and material, the UIC and the few confused in Asmara are reluclantly agreeing to sit with the TFG and in the end are forced to take whatever is tossed to them... the TFG is going from strenght to strength...


Again, a remarkable political gain...

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Less than a year from now Emperor-oow you will be posting pictures such as this:


Abdiqasim at the U.N




Abdiqasim at the Arab League




Hold very tight to them because that is all they will be soon; mere pictures. In the meantime the country...well a country doesn't exist. smile.gif

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Emp, if clan shortsightedness was awarded a prize you would win big saaxib. If only you knew how rediculous that comment was,,,,,,,


You guys remind me of Zionist Jews. Make any statement on Israel and it’s policies and they shout you’re an anti-semite!


You keep beating a dead horse by regurgitating what is said in those tolka meetings. There is nothing amazing about a Somali ‘head of state’ being the first to visit/be invited by other heads of state for 18 years for the simple fact that he is the first ‘head of state’ in 18 years! The chap has been clocking up the air miles for 4 years and nothing has progressed. Somalia has gone backwards and not forward but you are here celebrating a criminal’s visit to France. You can’t set foot back home and you’re celebrating a man’s visit to France! Do you not see just how ridiculous that is? Clan blindnesska is daa ninyow.


How that can be defined as a success I’ll never know.


Ps we know what the real purpose of his visit is now :D


pps you boys need to fix-up cos your arguments are getting lame :rolleyes:

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Horn, anytime A.qasim is mentioned waa inaad is cuncuntaa miyaa? The good old days of being Jnr JVA is really memorable miyaa :D


On a serious note, Aside from summits at the UN or Arab league A.qasim never met head of states, not the likes of dominant Gulf states, not the dominant cultures in Europe neither the China's super power...


When A.qasim was President the TNG was a joke Sxb, ask Muse Suudi :D

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^You can take it back as you like but I see there is hope for you as you are getting closer to see the light at the end of the tunnel


Norf, Yes saxib this can be clasified as success in terms of foreign matters, I agree internal affairs aren't all green, there more hard drilling needs to be done...


But on this case, it all good Somalia and the TFG is making progress to the outsie world, that's why you have Foreign policy and relations in any state...

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Originally posted by Emperor:

Horn, anytime A.qasim is mentioned waa inaad is cuncuntaa miyaa? The good old days of being Jnr JVA is really memorable miyaa


On a serious note, Aside from summits at the UN or Arab league A.qasim never met head of states, not the likes of dominant Gulf states, not the dominant cultures in Europe neither the China's super power...


When A.qasim was President the TNG was a joke Sxb, ask Muse Suudi

Sxb Cabdiqasim did meet many groups but even so what importance does it have today? The fact of the matter is many of the photo-ops Cabdullahi Yusuf has been in recently are a result of Somalia's somewhat heightened visibility level since the rise of the Islamic Courts and the direct re-interference of the U.S.


At the end of the day, the important thing is not going to be did Abdullahi Yusuf meet King hebel or Sarkozy, but what was done about the situation in Somalia. I mean if you even look at this visit to France, Abdullahi Yusuf asked for Frenc troops (do his advisers not know about international norms?), the French responded the pirates in our captivitiy are your extended family right?


Nothing will change in Somalia, in fact certain parts have become excessively worse off, and wasting time on a photo-op that is a novelty to a man in Abdullahi Yusuf's position is only trying to ignore the reality. icon_razz.gif

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Emp, glad you're finally seeing the light.


There will be no progress until you all (all Yeeysters) open your eyes from this deep slumber. Wrong is wrong saxib. There are no two ways about it and you must be ready to condemn and speak out against it.

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^I have always been against wrong, no matter who does, as for the Support of the Somali President you cannot question one's love for his country, can you? The man is the President and I didn't elect him, on the weight and the scale of seat he's sitting on, I have to respect him for that fact because unlike you I am Somali and love my nation....


Horn, you are going in circles, list what groups( :D ) have A.qasmin met, present the pictures like you displayed the one's above, the man was incompetent in the true sense of the wordd couldn't even convince and get onboard some the African states...


On the count of the progress of the TFG, Saaxib its everywhere, its fact we are not living the years of the 2004 warlodism, a fact that your Huuraale is insignificant and the rest of the warlords... The TFG is doing its job and equally doing its best to combat the hit and run of the Alshabaab attacks... Have agreed to make peace deals with the opposition.

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I have always been against wrong, no matter who does, as for the Support of the Somali President you cannot question one's love for his country, can you? The man is the President and I didn't elect him, on the weight and the scale of seat he's sitting on, I have to respect him for that fact because unlike you I am Somali and love my nation....

and there I was thinking I was getting somewhere,,,



The is a criminal but hey he is the president of Somalia so I must support him unconditionally.


Is that how you measure 'nationalism'?


One's love for his nation is not through his unconditional support for a criminal president nor does it gain any merit point through stating it on the cyber world!

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^On the capacity of that seat, yes, if he's criminal you can try him later, that's why you have impunity for the heads of states and other officials... you need Politiks lesson 101...


You see Somalia is important to me and will respect its leader no matter what you ill-thought accustion brand him...

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