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The President of the Republic will receive Mr. Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmed

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Northerner made a devastating point when he said: Pics will help people eat, rebuild their homes, reduce the suffering etc etc


lolol the propaganda behind this topic was destroyed right then and there!


but a Barbarian like you will without a doubt be incapable of processing his clever sarcasm. you don't even know the meaning of compromise or respecting those you want to have relations with. Typical Dodo-brain behaviour


defend your Dodo-brain self and provide proof of development -

let's start with these two:


- how many schools has the TFG build since 2006?

- How many hospitals has the TFG build since 2006?


i dare you!

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Madxweynaha Jamhuuriayda oomaanta Gaaray Paris kulamana la qaaadanaya dhigisa Faransiiska.


Madax weynaha Jamhuuriyada federalka Soomaaliya Cadbullaahi Yuusuf Axmed iyo wafdi uu hogaaminayo oo gaaray magaalada paris ayaa caawa wada dahallo la leh dhigiisa Faransiiska Nicolas Zarcozi.


Madax weynaha Jamhuuriyada federalka Soomaaliya Cadbullaahi Yuusuf Axmed iyo wafdi uu hogaaminayo oo gaaray magaalada paris ayaa caawa wada dahallo la leh dhigiisa Faransiiska Nicolas Zarcozi.


Madaxweyne Cabdullaahi Yuusuf oo dhawaan magaalada New York kaga qeyb galay kulankii golaha amaanka iyo madxweyneyaasha Afrikaanku yeesheen ayaa maalmihii lasoo dhaafay socdaalo ku marayay dhowr dal oo yurub ah oo masuuliyiinta dalalkaana uu lasoo qaatay kulamo looga hadlayay arrimaha Sooamaaliya.


Madaxweyne Cabdullaahi Yuusuf ayaa kulamada uu la leeyahay dhigiisa Faransiiska waxaa ay uga wada hadlayaan arrimo kala duwan sida iskaashiag ku aadan la dagaalanka burcad badeeda iyo sidii Faransiisku uu usii laba jibaari lahaa lugta uu ku leeyahay dadaalada beesha caalamku ku dooneyso in dalka Soomaaliya loo helo nabad kama dambeyn ah.


Warar ku dhow dhow madaxweynaha wafdigiisa ayaa sheegaya in barri oo Salaaso ah uu dib ugu laaban doono magaalada London oo uu maanta kasoo kicitimay.


Soo maritaankiisa magaalada London kadib ayaa madxwyne Cabdullaahi Yuusuf waxaa uu soo aadi doona dalka Itoobiya oo uu kadibna uga soo gudbi doono magaalada Muqdisho ee xarunta dalka Soomaaliya oo fariisinkiisa ah.


Xafiiska war qabadka shabakada wararka ee Baydhabo. or

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lol fulay


you've build sh1t


edit: btw if i get banned for placing you in the right categories (where you definitely belong to) i don't care, i think individuals like you who are pure Qabiilists should not be allowed to mingle amongst the young minds of SOL to spread propaganda with copy and paste articles


free speech you say, well in many countries one is not allowed to criticize the Holocaust, i personally consider what has happened since dec 2006 a situation that should not be allowed to be covered up with propaganda and sugar coating crap

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Zayle, who are you?

The secesisionists have failed adeer. Our country is recognised as a whole.

As for progress, Rome was not built in a day and the habits learned over a 17 year civil war period will not be ereadicated in a year or two.


But we have the state, and the French government see the reality hence no Riyaale and a welcome for Yey..

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you and your seccessionists, you dumb fulay there are people today living under trees because of your entity's actions why are you talking about Riyaale and co?- the people living under trees are individuals who have never experienced such fighting since the the early 90's YOU HEARD THAT - EARLY FCKING NINETIES - we are in the 00's that means from at least 1995 till 2006 it was a much better place to live in compared to today, where is your so-called progress?


Rome wasn't build in one day you say, neither was it build with the help of the Carthaginians -- you disgust me..

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^^^Adeer your anger and confused rants aside what have you added to the discourse. You are a secessionist the same entity that lives on the demise of the south and who highlight it as the very reason to become a country.


Somalia is in a transition, it is facing many issues, but its in no way going to disapear.


Thus stop pretending you care about the south, or Somalinimo.


As for the site, dont break the rules, it wont be Duke's fault you get banned.


You dont even disgust me, as you are not even that important. :D

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I'm very angry because i see daily images of my people getting blown to pieces by fulays and traitors, i see barbaric militia's who feared my ancestors freely roaming the streets, of course i'm confused - as to how this came to be but then i encounter the likes of you and it becomes so much easier to understand


i personally find the sobriquet seccessionist much more pleasant compared to ''TFG'er'' or ''Yeeyist'' cause that's really the definition of shaytaanimo


keep smiling dodo-brain - what goes around comes around

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A nice Pic


Zaylaci: Who feared your ancestors? Adeer you sound even more ammusing than usual.

You are angry at the wrong person my lad.


Again calm down, your anger is baseless and it only hurts you.

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Originally posted by General Duke:

^^^Adeer your anger and confused rants aside what have you added to the discourse. You are a secessionist the same entity that lives on the demise of the south and who highlight it as the very reason to become a country.


Somalia is in a transition, it is facing many issues, but its in no way going to disapear.


Thus stop pretending you care about the south, or Somalinimo.


As for the site, dont break the rules, it wont be Duke's fault you get banned.


You dont even disgust me, as you are not even that important.

How do did come to the conclusion that he was a " seccessionist"?

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Originally posted by Abu_Geeljire:

How do did come to the conclusion that he was a " seccessionist"?

You give him to much credit, his vocabulary and posting style only includes the following sobriquets and trademarks - Clancourts - seccessionists - adeer - green smilie


he hit a brick wall with me so he just used his usual secessionist tirade on me

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So, anyone who objects to the crimes in somalia is a "secessionist"? Waali, the day Adam gets called a "secessionist". Maybe you need to dig SOL to find his views. :rolleyes:


One tracked minded people, every where "secessionist" baa joog, your nightmare. Miskeen.


Any normal human will be disgusted with today current situation unless they are blinded by clan loyalty and twisted heart.

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All those who are angry are like North a die hard secess, or Abu a confused religious warrior.


I prefer the later to the former though.

The Ethipian troop picks means what?


Viv le France ;)

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France doubles its Food aid to Somalia for this year from 3.5 million to 7 million.


La France double le montant de son aide alimentaire à la Somalie

05/05/2008-[20:00] - AFP


PARIS, 5 mai 2008 (AFP) - La France a décidé de doubler le montant de son aide alimentaire à la Somalie qui passera à 7 millions d’euros pour l’année 2008, a annoncé lundi la présidence française à l’issue d’un entretien entre le président Nicolas Sarkozy et son homologue somalien Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmed.


Au moins cinq personnes ont été tuées lundi à Mogadiscio lorsque les forces de sécurité somaliennes ont ouvert le feu sur des milliers de manifestants protestant violemment contre la hausse des prix des denrées alimentaires. Cet engagement français intervient dans le cadre du doublement de l’enveloppe de l’aide alimentaire française, qui sera portée à 60 millions d’euros pour l’année en cours, annoncé par M. Sarkozy le 18 avril pour aider les pays pauvres face à la crise causée par la hausse des prix alimentaires. Selon l’Elysée, la France versera en 2008 une enveloppe de 3,5 millions d’euros à titre de l’aide bilatérale, le reste des 7 millions le sera via le programme européen Echo. Lors de leur entretien, MM. Sarkozy et Yusuf ont également évoqué les suites de l’intervention militaire française qui a permis le 11 avril d’interpeller sur le territoire somalien six des pirates qui retenaient depuis une semaine l’équipage du voilier français Le Ponant. M. Sarkozy a exprimé sa "gratitude" pour l’aide de la Somalie, a indiqué l’Elysée. "J’ai remercié le président pour le travail accompli après la prise d’otages", a pour sa part indiqué le président somalien devant la presse. Les deux hommes ont également évoqué la lutte contre la piraterie. Ils ont notamment discuté de la protection des navires du Programme alimentaire mondial (Pam), une initiative française relayée depuis par la marine néerlandaise, et du projet de résolution franco-américain, déposé au Conseil de sécurité de l’ONU, qui doit permettre l’envoi de navires de guerre dans les eaux somaliennes avec l’accord de son gouvernement. Selon l’Elysée, Nicolas Sarkozy s’est enfin réjoui de la rencontre annoncée le 10 mai à Djibouti entre le gouvernement et l’opposition somaliens et a donné "son accord de principe" à la demande d’Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmed en faveur d’une aide française pour la reconstruction de l’Etat somalien.






France is double the amount of its food aid to Somalia

05/05/2008- [20:00] - AFP


PARIS, May 5, 2008 (AFP) - France has decided to double the amount of its food aid to Somalia that will rise to 7 million for the year 2008, announced Monday the French presidency at the end of a meeting between President Nicolas Sarkozy and his Somali counterpart Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmed.


At least five people were killed Monday in Mogadishu where the Somali security forces opened fire on thousands of demonstrators violently protesting against rising food prices. This commitment french occurs in the context of a doubling of the total food aid in France, which will be increased to 60 million euros for the current year, announced by Mr. Sarkozy on April 18 to help poor countries respond to the crisis caused by rising food prices. According to the Elysee, France in 2008 will pay a total of 3.5 million euros as bilateral aid, the remaining 7 million will be via the European programme Echo. During their talks, MM. Sarkozy and Yusuf also discussed the consequences of the French military intervention which allowed April 11 to call on Somali territory six of the hijackers who last week held the crew of the yacht french Le Ponant. Mr. Sarkozy has expressed its "gratitude" for support of Somalia, said Elysee. "I thanked the president for work performed after the taking of hostages", for his part said the Somali president to the press. The two men also discussed the fight against piracy. They particularly discussed the protection of vessels in the World Food Programme (Pam), a French initiative relayed from the Dutch navy, and the draft Franco-US resolution, tabled in the Security Council of the United Nations, which should enable Dispatch of warships in the waters of Somalia with the consent of his government. According to the Elysée, Nicolas Sarkozy has finally welcomed the meeting announced on May 10 in Djibouti between the government and the opposition Somali and gave "its agreement in principle" at the request of Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmed in favour of French aid for the reconstruction of the Somali State.

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