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Somalia should be divided up among Kenya, Ethiopia , Puntland and Somaliland

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I don't see a viable Somalia coming to life anytime soon. My suggestion is Somalia be divided up among its neighbours. SSC should be part of Somaliland. Hiraan, Bakool and Bay be part of Ethiopia. North of Galgaduud be given to Puntland. Gedo, Juba and lower shabelle to Kenya. The Mogadishu clan should be left alone.


If you have any other suggestions feel free to entertain it.

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What would Abdullah Osman, the First Somali president and a great patriot think of your post.

Would all their efforts be thrown to waste, just like that.

This is not the first time ive seen clueless people suggest this kind of thing, gratefull that we have Alshabaab to save the nation from people like you. Shariif tried to sell our seas to kenya, you would have thrown Somalia into the garbage bin.



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I don't see a viable Somalia coming to life anytime soon. My suggestion is Somalia be divided up among its neighbours. SSC should be part of Somaliland. Hiraan, Bakool and Bay be part of Ethiopia. North of Galgaduud be given to Puntland. Gedo, Juba and lower shabelle to Kenya. The Mogadishu clan should be left alone.

SSC will never be part of Somaliland. So don't dream!


Somalia will stay united and strong forever inshallah.

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Azizah, don't fall for this divide and rule tactics of the anti-Somalia camp. At the end of the day we identify ourselves as one juridical family and only one particularly anytime outsiders encroach on our national union. When the European colonial powers created this artificial border lines over our conterminal lands (map, we dissolved it peacemeal through the force of Somali nationalism and formed the juridical Republic, that is still recognized by the community of nations.

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Nassir, theres a lot of land we didnt and couldnt dissolve as much as the people and the Republic wanted to.


This could includes the NFD, French Somaliland, kilil 5, Haud etc.

The political problems and sympytons Killil 5 the one Somalia millitarily pursued you could say led to the disintegration of the state.

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