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Djibouti: President Yusuf to lead Government delegation

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Madaxweynahaya oo hogaaminaya shirka Jabuuti


Madaxweynaha waxuu beeniyey in khilaaf uu ka dhex ooganyahay isaga iyo Ethiopia, mar uu ka hadlayayna arimaha dib-u-heshiisiinta isagoo sheegay inuu diyaar u yahay isaga nafsad ahaantiisa ka qaybgali doono shirka Jabuuti.


"Hatan dib u heshiisiinta waan wadnaa waa tan Jabuti ka socota waxayna khuseysaa dowladda iyo mucaaradka waxii nabad doonaya oo dhan oo Somalinimo iyo xasilooni iyo nabad Soomaaliya u raba, aniga lafteyda ayaa diyaara inaan Jabuuti tago oo wafdi hogaamiyo kana shaqeeyo markaa sidii loo heli lahaa nabad waarta".


Madaxweyanahu ayaa sheegay in maamulka gobolka Banaadir lagu dhisayo qaab doorasho ah "Dowladda markay Baydhabo joogtay waxaa la soo saaray sharciga maamulada lagu dhisayo oo gobolada oo dhan laga dhisayo, sharcigii Baarlamaanka wuu isku raacay anna waa la'iga saxiixay sharcigas ayaa yaala, sharcigasna waxu sheegayaa dadweynuhu inay soo doortan dadka mamulada u galaya gobolada iyo degmooyinka" sidaa waxaa yirri Madaxweynaha.


Madaxweyne dowladda KMG ayaa iska fogeeyey in waxii intaas dhaafsiisan uusan shaqo ku lahayn waxii dhib ka yimaadana ay mas'uul ka tahay cidii samaysa, hase ahaatee arinkaan ayaa ku soo beegmaya xilli uu jahwareer ka taaganyahay qaabkii loo dhisi lahaa maamulka gobolka Banaadir.


Cabdikariin Maxamed Jimcaale (Muxsin)

Garowe Online Nairobi

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Somalia’s president to lead peace talks delegation to Djibouti

21 Nov 21, 2008 - 1:32:37 PM


NAIROBI, Kenya Nov 21 (Garowe Online) - Somalia’s interim President Abdullahi Yusuf has pledged to lead the government’s delegation to the next round of the Djibouti-based peace process with an opposition faction.


President Yusuf told a Friday press conference in the Kenyan capital Nairobi that he traveled to Libya to strengthen relations with that country and the Arab world.


“Somalia and Libya are both members of the Arab League, so I appealed for support,” the Somali leader said.



Somali President Abdullahi Yusuf

He urged the Arab world to accept the ongoing peace process, which Yusuf said will help end years of anarchy and bloodshed in the Horn of Africa country.


“Somalia’s situation is terrible because we [somalis] destroyed the country,” he said, adding: “We lost our peace, our nation, our integrity and our unity and there are some groups who still want to continue the violence.”


President Yusuf dismissed media reports – and an allegation from Prime Minister Nur “Adde” Hassan Hussein – that he intended to change the peace talks venue from Djibouti to Libya. Full story


He said: “This is untrue. The Djibouti talks concerns all Somalis who want peace. Personally, am ready to lead the government’s delegation to Djibouti to work towards peace.”


Somalia’s leader briefly addressed the establishment of a regional government for Banadir, where the national capital Mogadishu is located.


“The Somali Parliament passed a law regarding the creation of regional governments, which calls on the public to vote for their regional and district leaders,” he noted.


Government leaders in Somalia are embroiled a political dispute that has severely weakened the interim government's ability to rule the country in the face of a growing Islamist insurgency.


Source: Garowe Online

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the old man capitulated, after his little

throwing the toys out of the pram, he has returned to towing the line..


lol he even denied trying to move the conference to libia...


NABADA KAMA SOO HORJEEDO, ayaa kaa soo hadhay


sidii naag duday oo odaygeedii lagu soo celiyay ayaa yey zenawi loogu soo celiyay. :D




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The clock is ticking and his arrest warrant will be signed soon by his Master (Zenani and his daba ******s) and Maquuste mar dhow waa quusan doonaa insha Allaah....!

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U-turn aan caadi aheyn buu suubiyey, lets see if he survives, it seems Odeyga waa yaqaan waxa dantiisa ah.

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Originally posted by Garyaqaan*:

very good move. smile for your enamy. war heedhe odaygu waa libaax.

Aad iyo aad - odayga is very skillful, he has turned around a hostile situation against him. However we have yet to see what the parliament will do in their next meeting scheduled for the 23 of this month - if they, as they implicated, approve the PM cabinet list - then old Yeey might flip again.

One thing certain though , Yeey is not a done deal, and you can never say you have beaten him even when he is down.

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Well, you can't go against Uncle Sam's policy in the horn of Africa, which supports the pm and the so called peace intiative.........I think he reliases that now. The pm aint going anywhere, cuz IGAD, Uncle Sam and the UN all support him and are fully behind the intiative.

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^LOL No. Yes! :D

Originally posted by Garyaqaan*:

very good move. smile for your enamy. war heedhe odaygu waa libaax.

War heedhe ,bilowgiiba hadduu iska dhoolo cadayn lahaa, sow halyey ma noqdeen.


Laakiin mar ay xeero iyo fandhaal kala dhaceen hadduu ilko dabar leh meesha soo dhigo sow isna kuwo guduudan la tus maayo.


Taas ma kawado odaygu libaaaax maahan.

In uu libaax yahay labo is waydiiin mayso. :D

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loool.The US policy is to support Al Shabaab? did they not just put more of them on the finance black list. Also did they not take out most of their leaders including Cayrow?


Anyhow President Yusuf seems to be at the top of his game now, with his diplomatic shuttle, which has resulted in more AU support even Kenya sending more troops. Uganda promising more, and Libya with financial assitance.


The defunct cabinet of Nur Cade was trashed by the old man regardless of what Mesfin or anyone wanted or threatened.


All in all Yusuf if involved can speed up the results.

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Madaxweynaha Jamhuuriyadda oo saacadaha soo socda gaaraya dalka Jabuuti (Breaking and Carmooyin Exclusive)


Sida ay sheegayaan ilo ku dhow dhow xafiiska madaxweynaha Jamhuuriyadda federalka Soomaaliyeed Mudane cabdulaahi Yuusuf Axmed waxaa lagu wadaa in sacaadaha soo socda uu madaxweynuhu gaaro magaalada Jabuuti ee xarunta dalka Jabuuti oo haatan ay ka socoto qaban qaabada wareeg kale oo ka mida wada hadalada nabada dalka Soomaaliya.


Sida ay sheegayaan ilo ku dhow dhow xafiiska madaxweynaha Jamhuuriyadda federalka Soomaaliyeed Mudane cabdulaahi Yuusuf Axmed waxaa lagu wadaa in sacaadaha soo socda uu madaxweynuhu gaaro magaalada Jabuuti ee xarunta dalka Jabuuti oo haatan ay ka socoto qaban qaabada wareeg kale oo ka mida wada hadalada nabada dalka Soomaaliya.


Madaxweynaha ayaa iminka ku sugan dalka Kenya magaalada Caasimada ah ee Nairobi waxaana uu isu diyaarinayaa in daqiiqado yar kadib uu gaaro garoonka diyaaradaha Wilson Airport oo ay diyaar iu tahay diyaaradii u qaadi lahady dhanka jabuuti.


Wax badan lagama oga ujeedka socdaalka madaxweynaha waxaase warar aanu helnay ay sheegayaan in uu madaxweynuhu doonayo in uu dar dar geliyo barnaamijka dib u heshiisiinta ah ee gogoshiisu taalo dalka Jabuuti.


Wixii warar ah ee kusoo kordha safarka madaxweynaha ka filo goor kasta oo inasoo aadan Insha Allaah.

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Madaxweynaha DFKM C/llaahi Yuusuf Axmed oo la filayo in 48 saac ka dib tegi doono Jabuuti

Posted to the Web Nov 22, 17:02



Nairobi:-Madaxweynaha DFKM C/llaahi Yusuf Axmed ayaa la filayaa saacadaha soo socda inuu gaaro magaalada Jabuuti sidda ay inuu sheegeen ilo wareedyo ku sugan Nairobi.


Madaxweynaha DFKM C/llaahi Yusuf oo soo gaaray magaalada Nairobi xilli uu ka soo laabtay safaro uu ku tagey dalalka Libiya iyo Sudan, oo uu madaxweyna hayaasha dalalk Libiya iyo Sudan uu la soo qaatay shirar.


Socdaalka la filayo in Wafdiga Yuusuf ay ku tagaan Dalka Jabuuti ayaa ku soo aadaya xilli barqanimadii maanta dalka Jabuuti uu shir uga furmay Wafdi ka socda DFKM iyo Isbahaysiga dib u xoraynta Soomaliya ee uu madaxda u yahay Sh Shariif Sh Axmed.



Shirka ka furmay dalka Jabuuti ayaa la filayaa in diirada lagu saari doono awood qaybsi dhexmara DFKM iyo ARS walow aysan arinkaas aysan weli si rasmi ah u shaacin wufuud u ma talaysa 2 dhinac shirka ka socda Jabuuti oo aan ilaa hadda la sheegin inta beri ee uu soconayo.


Wixii ku soo kordha kala soco wararkeena dambe.



Saciid C/llaahi Kulmiye ''Nadaara' Nairobi/Kenya

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@Duke, actually Kenya did not announce that it was sending troops; it was the Ethio foreign minister , who you just belittled. Furthermore, contrary to your bravado in the last few days, the old man seems to have realised that he can't out do or go against the current Uncle Sam policy, African Union and Ethiopia led peace process, which is basically to contain Alshabab by creating a balancing government between the PM and the alliance led by the SHeikh. Your man has no choice, but to follow that process, a process that is largely the work of the UN, the alliance and the PM. Hence why your man is retracting and claiming that "Ethios are our brothers".

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