Wiilo Posted March 9, 2007 How Ethiopia captured and How to liberate Somalia. By: Qasim Hersi Farah, Ph.D. Email: qasimhersi@yahoo.com INTRODUCTION It took a long process for Zanawi and his guerrilla tribal warriors to capture Somalia and get access to the longest seashore in Africa, by changing the map of their country from a landlocked state to semi-peninsula. In the context of this article, I will highlight some points of the process, while many others are left for the reader’s discretion. Obviously, both Somalis and Ethiopians are religious radicals and even serious fanatics by nature. Moreover, both are religious extremists, i.e. either in exacerbation or falling behind religious duties. One can realize so when seeing how individuals are always on one of the two extremes. This is nothing but the consequence of the prolonged constant wars waged by the old Abyssinian Empires against any tribe or individual who accepted Islamic faith in the region in and around the Horn of Africa. In retrospect, Somalia is the first nation that accepted Islam even before Saudi Arabia at large. The first group that accepted Islam were chased away from the city of Mecca –Saudi Arabia, but immediately immigrated to the Horn of Africa, where they were granted to political asylum by King Najashi who ruled the North eastern parts of today’s Ethiopia. Finally, King Najashi and the majority of his people were convinced to convert to Islamic faith. Genealogically tracing, the area is exactly where the majority of Somalis originated and later on emigrated from. It is a well known historical phenomenon that each and every King that ruled Ethiopia since then was an Orthodox fundamentalist whose sole standing enemy were Muslims. Thus, Ethiopians had no choice but to engage in waging frequent genocides, property confiscation, looting, mass distraction, forcing people into exile and so on in order to prevent any person or tribe from converting to Islam. As a result, there have been constant attacks and counter attacks in the whole region, and this is the main factor that made the two nations wildish, abhorrent, violent, rebellious, extreme, in agony, ignorant and so on and so forth. HOW TIGRENYA TRIBE OF ETHIOPIA CAPTURED SOMALIA It is unfortunate that both citizens of Somalia and Ethiopia have inherited the negative aspects of their grand ancestors, which chiefly involves attacks and counter attacks. It seems recurrent that almost every Leader of either of the two nations incorporates such old lifestyle of agonism, by resorting to follow the foot steps of the previous regimes. Following the same steps of his predecessor, Zanawi, borrowed the mentality of fulfilling the long standing silent promise of marchinalising ation and pressuring others. In this part of Zanawi’s mentality, capturing Somalia in the year of 2007 seems no more than religious purpose. Zanawi’ himself declared so when he was interviewed by BBC, where he openly said “Somalia can not and will never apply one single page of the Islamic law”. This statement shows a number of remarkable objectives including; A. I am the only Leader for the region, B. Somalia is nothing but a small part of my country, C. I am against Somalia because of their decision towards Islamic law, D. I have nothing to recognize as a government of Somalia, E. others. In short, Zanawi’s back warded mentality says “I am against Somalis due to their faith” in one way or another. However, there are several other political purposes to be focused on in this article, which may include, among others, as the following: 1. To pressure and eliminate his political opponents who get a safe-home in Southern Somalia 2. To change the Ethiopian focus on his brutal administration from local crisis to regional crisis. 3. To rid off religious spiritual leaders who have, at the same time, modern civilization towards the contemporary world 4. To turn the public eye to a new circumstance and phenomena so that they may never get the chance to think about his brutal leadership 5. To get possible and acceptable means of extending his artificial power throughout the region of Horn of Africa and finally, 6. To materialize the Ethiopia old dream of bringing whole Somali territory under the rule of Ethiopia before Somalia succeeded in its counter dream of annexing Somali Galbeed (******ia) territory in to the rest of Somalia and shaping new map of ban Somalia (Somali weyn). In order to implement these kinds of old mentalities, Zanawi employed several tactics, which can be classified as following: 1. To welcome Somali refugees so as to attract their attention during difficulty time, but involve in removing their country from the World map. 2. Issuing Ethiopian IDs to Somalis, though their place of birth indicates any city of Somalia. This is exactly how Barren’s government used to act since its administration never recognized the border between Somalia and Ethiopia as they used to call it “the Artificial Border” 3. Issuing IDs by identifying intentionally wronged place of birth, i.e. any Somali person can get Ethiopian ID and Passport, provided he or she accepts to claim a city or area inhabited by another clan of Somalis. The main aim of this trick is to create or fuel recurrent chronic conflict within the Somalia nomadic communities. Likewise, to prove that certain clans are not majority of the denizens. 4. To spread both the Bible and the Ethiopian constitution written in Somali language. In early 1996, a full packet of the Ethiopian constitution books written in Somali language was found in Galway’s town of Somalia 5. To attract certain naïve individuals for training them to lead fiefdoms of Somalia as long as they are happy in naming for forgery power 6. Distributing weapons and ammunitions to the man-made warlords, i.e. Warlords themselves were recruited and trained to struggle for non-existent power. The total of the weapons and ammunitions provided by Ethiopia during 2000-2002 only has numbered 49,898 AK, 122,879 ammunitions. The beneficiaries of these weapons were included, among others; Yalahow, Qanyare, Mohmed dhere, Morgan, Shatigudud, Adan Madobe, Habsade, Filish, Haran ku naah, Bashir Rage and others. Considering in this situation, Ethiopia did not start invading Somalia in 2007 but early 1992. 7. To eliminate or at least reduce the number of the Somali intellectuals regardless of their educational background and field of study. In this regard, hundreds of Somali medical doctors, human rights activists, journalists, patriotic politicians, religious scholars, and teachers were assassinated since 1992 and many others were sent to unknown jails and never brought in front of justice/trial . 8. To upgrade the traditional drama of exacerbating the precarious security situation in Somalia. As such drama was going on, new phenomena that forced him to increase and make it in place before its allocated time of framework has arrived. That is the Islamic Court. He had no choice but to take the most toughest measure of wiping them out in order to dismantle the relative stability they brought about, 9. To send large number of untrained troops whom none of them is from Tigrenaya tribe of Ethiopia, but the leaders or the commanders of each and every battalion should be Tigrenya. 10. Majority of these untrained and uncivilized troops should be collected from Ethiopian minority classes including Muslims. The perception behind this is clear to every one as it is to kill three birds in one stone. i.e. to capture the whole country of Somalia while those who are dying are hapless, helpless and hopeless minorities as we locally call (looma ooyaan), meaning no one will mourn for them, those who get rank promotions for the mission they accomplished should be none but Tigrenyan and finally the land of Somalia would automatically go under the administration of Ethiopia for good through gradual and semi-legal process. 11. To revamp the fascism policy of clan manipulation in order to implement the old mentality of divide-and-rule strategy. This is one of the most viable strategies have been applied both today as well as yesterday. The recent invitation extended to a group of clan elders in Mogadishu to meet with Melees Zenawi and his aides in Addis Ababa is nothing but an attempt to strengthen clan cleavages, fuel hatred among Somalis, and further embarrass Zanawi’s proxies in the Transitional Federal Institutions and assert their worthlessness. The mere fact that this invitation was extended without any prior consultation and coordination with the Ethiopian made coalition of Col. Abdullahi Yusuf and Ali Ghedi, is indicative of the fact that TFG leaders can be rendered irrelevant when needed and even eventually altogether dumped when deemed so. Since early 1993, when the first reconciliation conference for the Somali clans was held in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia has been seeking valid reasons to conquer the territory of Somalia and annex it to its land-locked country in order to reach the longest seashore in Africa one day. Among the most active lawful reasons that she tried to convince the International Law, which mostly became successful are: 1. Pursued Act of the international law, which means to intervene others land while chasing wanted criminals such as daylight robbery or terrorists. Ethiopia frequently invaded several regions of Somalia including Gedo, Galgadud, Las’anod and some parts of the North regions with such justification. The main objective of this Act is to abuse International Law by invading to this powerless country and remain therein forever by justifying that Addis Ababa is protecting its security and rights from burglars and terrorists waging war from lawless land 2. Responsibility for fighting against the regional Terrorist. This is quite serious project sough to be funded by the USA while relying on both possible and fabricated reasons. With this unilateral responsibility, Ethiopian troops may have the justification to kill or torture any one they wish. 3. Regional Mandate (wasiyah/ wilayah), which authorizes to proclaim bringing back Somalia to peace and stabilization. This is the most awkward and unlawful Act where it shows that Somalis are nothing but unconscious or mad people who should have some one to be responsible for as a guardian. Through such an aggressive act of mandate, Addis Ababa openly argues that she is always a part of the problem and can become a part of the solution if it wishes. That is why Addis Ababa is eager and dare to be the sole decision maker and director for the Somali peace process and reconciliations. In fact, almost every body knows that there is no such dreadful conflict and misunderstanding among the Somali clans and sub-clans, but the meaning of peace process applied so far is only to distance peace and stability. Whenever Ethiopian administration view that former Somali rival clans are coming closer to each other, they endeavour to call for peace process by inviting some nomadic traditional men and reminding them forgotten enmities or fuelling minor clashes. Some of the most outstanding colonial behaviours appeared in southern Somalia so far are included: 1. All the orders administered in Southern Somalia should come directly from Godey town of Somali Galbeed and not even beyond. This shows that Zanawi signals to the world that Somalia can not be even given to autonomy administration as Zone 5, but instead can be a part of Zone 5 its self. One of the outstanding evidence that may prove such is that today Ethiopian flag is over almost all the important centers of the southern part of Somalia. Moreover, that Ethiopian occupiers suggested that Somalia do not deserve to be given another flag but only to extend that of the zone five, so that they held it on the most important gathering place known as Tarabunka. 2. The Ethiopian troops were given the authority to rule the administration of Kismayu city, by justifying that two sub-clans of ***** (******* and *****ten) would never agree on which would be given the highest post of administering power 3. Ethiopian troops automatically started ruling Afgoye, Wallanweyn, Merca and the surrounding villages 4. Ethiopian troops based on the Ministry of Defence of Somalia. This particular act declares that the only power exist in Somalia is that of Ethiopia and the Ex-Somali Ministry of Defence will only remain as a military camp under the auspice of the Ethiopian Ministry of Defence 5. Any body arrested, lawfully or unlawfully, should be taken to Addis Ababa either for trial or for intimidation and torture. 6. Those who deserve merit or demerit awarding for the mission should be flown to Addis Ababa for further brain washing. 7. Ethiopian troops have already started their massacre against Somali unarmed civilians by seeking the smallest justification to do so. 8. Ethiopian troops have already resumed their tradition of Gibir – collecting illegitimate taxes from the civilians already suffering from hunger and malnutrition. This tradition is a part of the old fascisms exercised by the old empires. More worsen to hear is that this kind of tradition was already applied by Melees through some of the warlords he associated with. Among the most out standing practice of this exercise is that Mohamed dhere was sent to his home town and ordered to collect Gibir- in a bully form even from mothers upon giving path. Should any mother deliver a baby boy she should pay Sh.S. 100.000 of fine, but when the baby born is a girl it is acceptable to pay Sh.So. 50.000 of fine. This is exactly a part of the previous per-head tax paying known as “gibir”. Mohamed dhere who is naturally barren and not expecting to have a baby never hesitated to applied this order as long as it is a condition to obtain weapons. Similar shock has been going on in Bulahawo town where residents finally disserted several times running away from Ethiopian gangs. The invaders openly said to them ‘you must pay our daily bills and extra pocket money for ruling you because you cannot rule by yourself”. Add that, most of the Ethiopian wildish troops were said to be HIV/AIDs positive and raped innocent young girls in order to spread the virus intentionally. Another remarkable incident was what Yalahow has been fulfilling in the small territory of his sub-clan by judging heavy fine upon any one who may get married or intend to renew his/her old house. More seriously, Bashir Rage, one of the junior Warlords was given the mandate to put weight clock on pedestrian individuals and charge fine upon those whose weight is more than 50 kg. by condemning them that they have eaten extra food while others are suffering from hunger and loss of weight. 9. In terms of foreign policy, Addis Ababa has already represented Somalia in several conventions, agreements, principles and discussions regarding either political or economical agendas. 10. The response given to Somaliland authority by Addis Ababa in reply of the Hargaisa’s request of recognition, was “we would be the last government to recognize you”. This shows how Addis Ababa is in full confidence of that whole Somalia is under its rule in one way or another and that she never want to loose even the smallest part of the Somalia territory. SHORT TERM ACTION PLAN Strategically, Addis Ababa is playing several cards, some times simultaneously and some times in a gradual process. The last card of strategy towards the targeted people of Somalia carries out the following working plan: 1. To regroup, rearm, remobilize and strengthen the old Warlords after they have been defeated and weakened by the Islamic Court Movement group. This is very important for Ethiopia as it may prolong the crisis and chaos in Somalia 2. To take tough measures of intellectual elimination with the justification of “campaign against regional terrorism” The Ethiopian made up coalition known as TFG are nothing but individuals designated to transmit the territory of Somalia to Ethiopia through gradual, also nearly peaceful and lawful, process. It is also consistent with Ethiopian government’s plan that is meticulously crafted to revive the previously warlord-controlled anarchy and bring about a gradual demise of the Transitional Federal Institutions in preparation for the execution of an agenda that is more sinister and ominously dangerous. It is commonly known that the so-called President and the Prime Minister of the TFG are nothing but pawns and puppets of Melees, if they are not pure Ethiopian men. SUGGESTIONS ON HOW TO DELIBERATE SOMALIA In conclusion, I would humbly like to suggest the below stated points of my view as a Somali patriotic man who has been a Presidential Candidate two years ago, but today the reality forced to act as a freedom fighter starting from the scratch. My humble suggestions are based on logical and neutral reconciliation between the two nations of Somalia and Ethiopia in the Horn of Africa. Though my suggestions are ignoring the current artificial power of Melees, it gives clear signal to the future of the two neighbouring nations and I hope that the International Community will consider this long standing tragedy in humanity ground. 1. African Union to deploy qualitative and quantitative number of peace keeping mission troops to all over Somali regions regardless of relative stability or escalating violence and clashes. These troops must be included Muslims as there is well founded religio-phobia. Missions’ confidence and trust by the respective rival clans can be built through collective efforts of operating all the parts of the country at the same time 2. Disarmament must be the first and foremost objective of the African peace keeping mission. Otherwise, Somali intellectuals and patriotic politicians would reflect that the mission’s objective is nothing but to refuel the Somali unrest and civil war. In this regard, it is worth noting that majority of the Somalis hate the Ethiopian coalition known as TFG more than any other enemy. Therefore, any troop may try to assist the so-called TFG will definitely meet resistant, let alone to meet a round welcome of applaud 3. Main donor countries should sponsor the mission through the United Nations Security Council with well planned strategy of accountability and financial auditing 4. The United Nations security council should designate, describe, demarcate and control all the activities of the missions 5. The United Nations Security Council should set forth clear-cut conditions of the mission including day to day action plan, time limitation, area limitation, responsibility, objectives, strategies, monitoring and evaluation procedures 6. The United States of America – USA should deploy sufficient number of military and intelligent troops at the border between Somalia and Ethiopia. The duty of such troop would be limited to the observing and controlling all the activities may run at the border including terrorist activities, trespassing, burglars, smuggling (all forms of smuggling including human smuggling). This particular mission can easily find out which of the two countries or nations may involve in creating unrest and chaos in the region as they will easily control any terrorist activity that may run in the region 7. The USA should deploy some parts of its military intelligence inside Somalia, as a main part of the region, in order to combat against any kind of terrorist and unlawful plans and practices 8. National Social Reconciliation followed by formation of a central government must be held inside Somalia. This kind of social reconciliation may inadvertently conceive and create political reconciliation in a way easier than direct emphasis on political reconciliation. The ownership of such reconciliation or peace process must be in the hands and the minds of the Somalis only. Each of the rival clans would be ready to invest such kind of peaceful negotiation. Warlords, Terrorists, Money-lords (those who grafted public property or money laundered) and, those who may try to reach power by force or intimidation must be excluded from such national reconciliation and expected central government. 9. Moderate Islamists or religious scholars must be included in that reconciliation as part of the Somali Intellectuals, because Somalis are in well founded fear of their faith. Therefore, politically and democratically aspect, there must be well founded respect, guarantee and interest to their faith. 10. Military mentality must be reduced, if it can not be removed and eradicated, from the Somali political visions. WHAT LED ME TO WRITE What forced me to write the above horrific history in my article is not a memo of an envious reminder but to find out the attainable means of solving the chronic political problem of the region by knowing its roots and derivations. It is already said that finding the problem is half solution. I have got my first encouragement when I attended the meeting of “Announcement of a new Ontario government initiative to commemorate the Bicentenary of the Abolition of the Slave Trade Act” in Toronto, Canada on 28th February 207. Each of the most prominent persons that spoke there included the Minister of Citizenship and Immigration, Hon. Mike Colle, the Minister of Children and Family, Hon. Mary and, the first black Cabinet member in Canada, Hon. Jean Augstine has emphasized that without referring to the past there is no way we can solve the current problems. The latter said that when silence persisted on it naturalizes violence and that by focusing on the past problem we can realize and solve the present one. As the discussions and speeches were going on, I decided and started to write this subjective and not objective article. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kamaavi Posted December 22, 2010 Qasim Farah, said lot of stuffs.......... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites