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Desperate Propoganda from Somaliland

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I gues my brother horn is right, the season for spin has begun indeed. However spin itself is an art one must not mistake it for a naked lie... :D


here is an article posted on


Gen. Cadde Muuse Iyo Ciidamadiisa Oo Ka Soo Horjeestey Dagaalka Puntland Kula Jirto Somaliland

Somaliland.Org — Hargeisa, Somaliland — 31 October, 2004



Hoggaamiyihii hore ee mucaaridkii Puntland ee ka soo horjeedey maamulka Cabdullaahi Yuusuf, Gen. Cadde Muuse Boqor ayaa la sheegay inuu ka soo horjeestey dagaalka maamulka Puntland ku soo qaaday Somaliland.


Sida wararku sheegayaan, Gen. Cadde Muuse waxa uu shalay gaadhey magaalada Garoowe isaga oo wata ciidan iyo ilaa 24 gaadhi oo tikniko ah, waxana uu diidey in ciidankiisu ka qaybgalo dagaalka, isaga oo gebi ahaanba muujiyey sida uu uga soo horjeedo dagaalkaas.


Warar kale oo Hargeysa laga helayna waxay sheegayaan in Cadde Muuse uu la soo xidhiidhay masuuliyiin dhinaca Somaliland ah, isla markaana uu isku deyayo in uu joojiyo colaadda.


Gen. Cadde Muuse, oo hoggaaminayey mucaaridkii dagaalka la galay Cabdillaahi Yuusuf 2002, waxay Somaliland martigelisey markii ciidamadiisa laga soo saaray dhulka Puntland. Waxa kale oo ay dowladda iyo madaxdhaqameedyada Somaliland ka shaqeeyeen heshiiskii dhexmaray isaga iyo Cabdillaahi Yuusuf ee lagu soo afjaray dagaalkii u dhexeeyey labada dhinac.


Gen. Cadde, waxa la sheegay inuu ka soo horjeedo Madaxweynenimada maamulkaas ee loo magacaabay Maxamed Cabdi Xaashi oo uu u arko inuu isagu xaq u lahaa, marka la eego heshiiskii dhexmaray isaga iyo Cabdillaahi Yuusuf. Waxana la sheegay in uu Maxamed Cabdi Xaashi ku eedaynayo inuu huriyey dagaalka.


Cabdirisaaq M. Dubbad, Hargeysa.

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^ Which means that you and your comrades have also being bombarding these forums with desperate propaganda from PL.


Just thought I’d clear the haze a tad :D , it was clouding your judgment.


No need to thank me smile.gif It was my pleasure.

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