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President Rayaale Congratulates Obama

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Hargeysa (Qaran News)- Madaxweynaha Jamhuuriyadda Somaliland Mudane Daahir Rayaale Kaahin waxa uu maanta dhambaal hambalyo ah u diray Madaxweynaha cusub ee ku guulaystay doorashadii Madaxtinimada Dalka Maraykanka Mudane Barack H. Obama.


Madaxweynuhu dhambaalkiisaasi waxa uu ku yidhi "Waxa farxad weyn ii ah in aan kuu soo diro Hambalyo kal iyo laab ah, aniga oo kugu hambalyaynaya guusha taariikheed ee aad ku guulaysatay in aad noqoto Madaxweynihii 44-aad ee wadanka Maraykanka.


Aniga oo ku hadlaya magaca Xukuumada iyo Shacbiga Somaliland, waxa aanu kuu soo gudbinaynaa hambalyadaasi , iyada oo dhamaantayo ay noo ahayd arrin aanu ku diirsano, kuna faraxno markii la xaqiijiyay daqiiqado ka dib in aad ku guulaysatay Doorashadii Madaxtinimada dalka Maraykanka.


Waxa aan rajaynayaa mustaqbalka soo socda in iskaashigeenu sii xoogaysan doono, isla markaana aynu si wada jir ah uga wada shaqayn doono, si aynu u ilaalino qiimaha iyo qadarinta dadkeena iyo dalalkeenaba.


Madaxweynaha la doortayoow , waxa aan kuu rajaynayaa in aad ku guulaysato Masuuliyada balaadhan ee laguu doortay, waxa aan shaki lahayn in madaxnimadaada laguu doortay aanay faa'iido u lahayn dalka Maraykanka kaligii , ee ay noqon doonto mid ay ka faa'iidaystaan caalamka intiisa kale".

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Waxa aan rajaynayaa mustaqbalka soo socda in iskaashigeenu sii xoogaysan doono
, isla markaana aynu si wada jir ah uga wada shaqayn doono,
si aynu u ilaalino qiimaha iyo qadarinta dadkeena iyo dalalkeenaba.

*ahem* :D

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Yeey doing his thingie




"I am hopeful that [barack Obama] will help end major crises in the world, particularly the endless conflict in my country Somalia.


"This was a historic election in which a proper leader was elected. This is a great moment for America and Africa."

World Leaders reaction to Obama's victory



PS: I chose to post on this topic, cuz found that Riyaale ain't on that link of BBC world leaders reaction to Obama.



PSS: No clear reason why I posted this here :D

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Oow, so the world recognise Taliban leaders as what?



"There is neither joy, nor sorrow among our ranks by the election of Barack Obama.


"The question is not about a change in the face of the American President, but a change in American policy."



I like it, rageedi!

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Originally posted by nuune:



"I am hopeful that [ONE] will help end major crises in the world, particularly the endless conflict in my country Somalia. which i complete failed to end".


that^^^ reads better now :D

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Originally posted by nuune:

Yeey doing his thingie




"I am hopeful that [barack Obama] will help end major crises in the world, particularly the endless conflict in my country Somalia.


"This was a historic election in which a proper leader was elected. This is a great moment for America and Africa."



I chose to post on this topic, cuz found that Riyaale ain't on that link of BBC world leaders reaction to Obama.



No clear reason why I posted this here

It was unneccessary for you to post that. His your president not ours.

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