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Immense public support for the Government in Mineapolis,MN

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Banaanbax Lagu Taageerayo Dowlada Soomaaliya oo ka dhacay Minnesota


Minneapolis: ( Waxa ka dhacay Minnesota gaar ahaan labada magaalo ee mataanaha ah banaanbax weyn oo lagu taageerayo Dowlada ku meelgaarka ah, oo iyadu hada hanatay nabada Soomaaliya. Banaabaxaas ayaa dadkii isugu yimid ay ku muujiyeen taageerada weyn ee ay u hayaan dowlada ku meelgaarka ah.











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lol@ all i see is 30 islaamo soomaaliyeed ah iyo masawirkii Geeddi fanaxleey.


I dont think inuu u dhigmo kii maalintii ciidda ay kun ku dhowaad ay MN iyo London iskugu yimaadeen. Si kasta oo ay dawlad u rabtona ummdda Soomaaliyeed guud ahaan inta badan iyo wixii caqli lehba way ka caroodeen Itoobiyaanka dhulkeenna soo galay.

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