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AU security and Somalia..Report.

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Faallo: Agaasimaha nabada iyo amniga Midowga Africa iyo Xaalka Soomaaliya

Posted to the Web Oct 26, 00:35



(PP) - Agaasimaha nabada iyo amniga ee midowga Africa Geofrey Mugumya ayaa sheegay in Midowga Africa ay diyaar u tahay inay ciidamo nabad ilaalin ah u dirto dalka Somalia waase hadii buu yiri ay qaramada midoobay ay qaado xayiraada hubka ee saaran Soomaaliya ama isbadal ay ku samayso.



Keenida ciidamado Nabad ilaalineed oo ka socda A,U-da ayaa timid xili ay cirka isku sii shareerayso xiisada colaadeed ee ka taagan Dalka Soomaaliya, taasoo uu maraykankuna indhaha ku hayo. Dalalka Geeska afrika ayaa iyagu diyaar la ah ciidamo Nabad ilaalineed ee la keeno dalka Soomaaliya, balse malahan awood dhaqaale oo ay kaga hawlgalaan dalka Soomaaliya.


Dalalka kaliya ee isu diyaariyay ciidamo inay u diraan Soomaaliya ayaa waxaa kamida dowlada Uganda iyo Itoobiya oo labaduba sheegtay in ay ciidamo u dirayaan Soomaaliya iyo waliba Ugandha oo sii cadaysay in mudo 6 bilood ah ay ciidamadeeda kumasruufayso dalka Soomaaliya, inta kalena ay ka helayso kaalmo dhaqaale duinda balse Uganda ayaa ku andacoonaysa in aysan suurta gal ahayn in ay gudaha u gasho dalka Soomaaliya iyada oo ay wali jirto Cuna qabataynta saaran dalka Soomaaliya ilaa laqaado ama la khafiifiyana aysan gelayn guda dalka Soomaaliya.


Arrinta ciidamo keenida ee dowlada Uganda ayaa mudo laga dhulsugayay taasina ma noqon mid dhakhso soo deg degta walina waxaa dalkaasi Uganda ka jira ciidamo loo tababaray Nabad ilaalinta dalka Soomaaliya kuwaasoo aan wali cagaha soo dhigin ciida dalka Soomaaliya, inkastoo ay dhowr mar soo gareen Magaalada Fariisinta u ah DFKS Saraakiil Sar-sare ee Ugandha ah oo kuguda jira , tababarida Ciidamada dowlada ee ku xaraysan magaalada gobolka Bay.


In kastoo ay sheegeen Maxkamadaha magaalada Muqdisho in ay dagaal kala hortagi doonaan ciidamo Nabad-ilaalineed ee la keeno dalka Soomaaliya, taas oo ka soo horjeeda maslaxadooda dhulbalaarsiga. Hogaamiyeyaasha Sar-sare ee Ururka Altixadka Soomaaliya ee horboodayo Xasan Daahir Aweys oo markan muujinaya inuu gaaray goolkiisii dahabka ahaa ee hogaanka Maxaakiimta Muqdisho,ayaa ah xubin muhiima oo qaba in la wareeraro Baydhabo iyo goobo kale oo Soomaaliya kamida , sirtaas ka soo baxday xubno maxkamada ka mida waxay daaha ka qaaday inay isla markiiba ay qayliyeen midowga Afrika , goobtaasna ku cadeeyey inay Ciidamada Ugandha ay ugu horeeyaan Ciidamada Soomaaliya Gelaya waa hadii golaha amaanku ogolaansho deg-dega siiyo.


Mr.Mugumya waxaa uu yiri "Midowga Afrika waxaa uu doonayaa inuu ilaaliyo dowlada kumneelgaarka ah ee Soomaaliya waxaana Soomaalia ka ilaalinaynaa inay mar labaad noqoto dal aan dowlad lahayn".Sidoo kale Agaasimaha nabada iyo amaanka ee midowga Afrika Geofrey Mugumya waxaa uu sheegay in ciidamada dalka Uganda ay diyaar u yihiin inay soo galaan dalka Soomaaliya si ay uga qayb qaataan sugida amaanka madaxda iyo xarrumaha dowlada federaalka ee Soomaaliya.


Xubnaha golaha amaanka ee qaramada midoobay ayaa ku balansan inay yeeshaan kulan ay uga hadlayaan arimaha Soomaaliya bisha 01 November ee fooda inagu soo haysa waxaana la saadaalinayaa inay goobtaas ay ku gaara go'aano dhaxal gal ah.

Xaalka dalka Sooomaaliya ayaa u muuqda mid faraha ka siibaxaya oo ay ku hardamayaan ciidamo wadama badan leh , waxaadna moodaa in dagaaladii qabaailka ay meesha ka baxday oo hada xaalku isu ragay is xulufaysi ah, wadamo dawlada taageeraya sida dawladaha Ethiopia, Kenya,Uganda,Yemen,oo isku dhinac ah iyo kuwa Masar, Iran, Ereteria,iyo mutadawiciin Ajaanib ah oo iyaguna ah isku dhinac ayaa laga cabsi qabaa in ay ku dhexdagaalamaan ciidamadoou dalka Soomaaliya hadii sida ay hada xaalku yahay uu ku sii socdo.


Dhawaan ayay ahayd markii uu codasaday Madaxwaynaha dalka Soomaaliya C/laahi Yuusuf Axmed in laga wareejiyo shirka dhexdhexaadinta Soomaalida gacanta Jaamacada Carabta oo loo wareejiyo Midowga Afrika .Hadalka Madaxweynha ayaa ku soo beegnay waqtu uu Cumar Muusa oo uu soo magacaabay Safiir cusub oo Soomaalida wax la wada , hadalka Madaxweynuhu wuxuu ku noqday Jaamacada Carabta hadal aysan filayn , waase mid daah cusub furay. Jaamacada Carabtuna waxay dareentay Carada dhabta ah ee DFKS. Madaxweyne Yuusuf wuxuu dareemay in Afrikaanku badankood ay yihiin dowlada Soomaaliya la doonayo Qaranimo , halka Jaamacada Carabtu aysan Soomaalida tusin waajibkeeda ka saaran soocelintii Calankii Soomaaliyeed , oo hada maraya mid lagu jeex-jeexo fagaarayaasha deegaanada Soomaaliya .


Madaxweynaha la caleemo saaray 14-kii Oktoobar 2004-tii ayaa u arka dalalka Afrika saaxiibadiisa dhabta ah ee la doonaya inay Soomaaliya cagaheeda dhigato. Halka horjoogayaasha Maxaakiimtu ay wataan quwado kale , isla markaasna ka soo horjeedaan dalalka Taageera DFKS.


Warkii xoghayaha oo kooban :


A/rizak koronto

Garowe Puntland Somalia

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AU ready for Somalia mission

Posted to the Web Oct 25, 23:44



AU ready for Somalia mission

MOGADISHU, October 24 -- The African Union is ready for a controversial peacekeeping mission in Somalia but nowhere near implementing an intended 4 000 troop expansion of its stretched Darfur force, a top official said on Tuesday.



"African countries are willing to give any amount of troops for peacekeeping ... (but) I'm telling you, that might be impossible," peace and security director Geofrey Mugumya said of the proposed increase to the 7 000-strong AU force in Darfur.



Such an expansion is seen by diplomats as a stop-gap before a possible mission transfer to U.N. troops in the vast Sudanese region. Conflict there has killed an estimated 200 000 people and displaced another 2,5 million since early 2003.



Khartoum, however, opposes UN entry, the AU mission's mandate ends on December 31, and the pan-African body is struggling even to rotate current battalions, let alone add the intended six more at a cost of roughly $80-million (about R620-million).



"Sometimes you get promises (of funds), but they are not translated into reality," he said at AU headquarters in Ethiopia, saying an Arab League pledge of $50-million to boost the Darfur mission had not yet materialised.



"Here we spend most of our time smiling at donors rather than on real issues."



The AU official was more upbeat, however, about the likelihood of a Ugandan-led African peacekeeping mission in Somalia. It would be tasked with bolstering an interim government challenged by the rise of powerful Islamists.



"Ugandan forces are ready and will go if the arms embargo is lifted or modified," he said, adding that the UN Security Council was meeting in November to mull such a change, a pre-requisite for an African intervention.



The Mogadishu-based Islamists have threatened to fight any foreign troops, and al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden has said such an intervention would justify jihad.



But Mugumya insisted an African force would calm the situation, rather than inflame it. "What we want is to protect the Transitional Federal Government, so it does not go back to being stateless, we want to put water on the fire," he said.



"It's always consensus minus one. ... And can you get consensus from Osama bin Laden?"



Though backed by the West and the Horn of Africa's most powerful nation Ethiopia, the Somali government has little control beyond the outlying town of Baidoa which is its base.



Some diplomats say if a proposed Ugandan troop vanguard goes in, it might call the Islamists' bluff, and enable the government to rally forces from disparate militia currently lying dormant around Somalia.



Uganda has emerged as the only nation probably able to send troops to Somalia in the short-term, because most others in the east African regional body IGAD, which would head the mission in coordination with the AU, border Somalia and fear being drawn into a conflict that could spill across their own territory.



Uganda has said it could fund itself in Somalia for six months, and other funds could be found from the European Union and elsewhere to gradually increase the force to 10 000 or more, Mugumya said.



It is all theoretical, however, if the United Nations fails to alter its arms embargo on Somalia, which is, despite the embargo, awash with weapons. The country has been in chaos since the 1991 ouster of a dictator.



"You obviously can't send troops unarmed," Mugumya said.



Aspiring to provide local solutions to Africa's crises, the AU is hoping to set up a five-brigade standby force for rapid intervention by 2010.



Darfur, however, came too early, Mugumya said, so the AU would welcome a UN takeover even though it may realistically have to extend its mandate into next year.



"The AU finds itself between a rock and a hard place. If it leaves, what would happen? If we stay, do we have resources?" he said.



Often criticised for failing to stop suffering in Darfur, the AU should be credited for rapid deployments and some stabilisation against all odds, he argued.



"AU troops move fast under harsh conditions. Would UN soldiers sleep under trees like the locals?" -






Source: Reuters

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^^^ Just untill UN Security Council meets in November which at this moment is days away.


What is interesting to me is.



"Uganda has said it could fund itself in Somalia for six months, and other funds could be found from the European Union and elsewhere to gradually increase the force to 10 000 or more, Mugumya said"


With U.S, EU, and AU support pulse Uganda saying they will fund themself for six whole months the arms embargo will be either lifted or modified I have no dout about that.


Once the arms embargo get's lifted or modified Ugandan troops will be in South Somalia within hours. Say bye bye to ICU :D

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The TFG can smash these fools now but as all ways it's better to smash them with World support.


The Ugandans look scary once the ICU troops see them I don't think they would want to fight them. loooool

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