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Minister Hiiraale discusses weapons transfer with millitia in Lower Shabbele.

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Shalaambood: Wasiirka Gaashaandhiga iyo maamulka Gobolka Sh/Hoose oo ka shiray sidii hubka loogu wareejin lahaa dowladda

Jimco, January 12, 2007



Muqdisho(AllPuntland)- Wasiirka Gaashaandhiga dowladda Federaalka KMG ah ee Soomaaliya Col. Barre Aadan Shire (Hiiraale) ayaa deegaanka Shalaambood ee gobolka Sh/Hoose waxaa uu kula kulmay maamulka gobolka Sh.Hoose isagoo kala halay sidii ay ugu qeyb qaadan lahaayeen xasilinta amniga dalka iyo sidii hubkooda ay ugu wareejin lahaayeen dowladda FKMG ah.


Barre Hiiraale ayaa ka codsaday maamulka gobolkaasi in hubkooda ay geeyaan xarumaha dowladda Federaalka ay u cayintay in la geeyo loona hoggaansamo amarada dowladda si nabadgelyada looga shaqeeyo.


Maamulka gobolkaasi ayaa soo dhoweeyay codsiga Bare Hiiraale iyagoo balan qaaday in ay arintaasi u istaagayaan sida ugu dhaqsiyaha badan, waxayna tilmaameen in gobolka Sh/Hoose uu noqon doono gobolka ugu horeeya ee ciidamadooda iyo hubkooda ku geeya goobaha ay dowladdu iclaamisay.


Bare Hiiraale ayaa kusoo jeeda magaalada Muqdisho halkan oo uu ku sugan yahay Madaxweynaha oo kulamo uu la qaadanayo hoggaamiyayaasha dagaalka ee Muqdisho isagoo kala hadlaya sidii ay ugu shaqeyn lahaayeen nabadgelyada Muqdisho.


Cali Sandheere

AllPuntland, Muqdisho

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col.Barre Hiiraale was the warlord in charge of Kismayo,before he was outsted.Now he is back under the disguise of defense minister of the doorknbo political chunk of TFG.It's really funny,but then sad to see warlord pretending to be for peace when he himselves fits in the same category,warlord.

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^^^Sister, the warlords have lost, they have agred to disarm and turn their millitia over to become part of te national army. No one is asking them, paying them or even needs them. Now that their cash cows have been nationalised and their external support taken away, what can warlords do?


Thus every sane person should welcome the legitimate government taking over the security of the nations from fake wadaad/warlords and secular warlords and clan millitias.


Viva the republic.

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Are we talking about the same warlords who were paid by the Americans to hunt down poor innocent sheiks?


If they weren’t “considered necessary”, the warlord government would have discharged them a long time ago, but we all know that negotiating with them was the first thing the warlord government was doing. I am amazed that these animals which should be caged have managed to agree on something. They were the same ones that were beating each other with canes and chairs in Nairobi, just few years ago. You can’t deem that they have civilized in such a short among of time.



Sane people don’t support a Warlord government. That is worse than supporting a certain warlord. icon_razz.gif

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^^^They still represent their clans and millitias, it was unfortunate the clan courts gave all the guns back to the warlord millitias as they fled. Thus the TFG is doing the right thing talking to everyone warlords, fake wadaad backers like Abdiqasin, former leaders like Ali Mahdi and all other groups.


The government has warlords defanged the clan courts had warlords with fangs like Indacade..

Thus sane people must support the only viable government Somalia has had since 1991..

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I doubt that they symbolize their clans or militias, for the mere fact that they have been chased out by some of their clan members and abandoned by their militias and were brought back by the Government.


The TFGoons are the warlords, consulting with other warlords/terrorists who oppose them is in their best interest.


I am not willing to support a government which was formed in a foreign country, who has shown that they are the least bit interested in protecting the Somalis from outside forces and are mere puppets.


My dignity and pride as a Somali refuses to accept this warlord government as a government that represents me or any rational Somali.

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Originally posted by mystic:

My dignity and pride as a Somali refuses to accept this warlord government as a government that represents me or any rational Somali.

I agree. My pride and dignity reject this puppet regime as well. I wonder if that's enough though. Few governments are supported by their people. Approval ratings (which are essentially support levels) for the US president are less than 35%. For congress, they're less than 20%. So 4/5 Americans do not support congress and 2/3 don't support the president. Yeey could argue (based on clan loyalties) that he's more popular than Bush and that the TFG and the parliament have more "support" than the US congress. Strange if you look at it that way but probably true.


I heard an interesting khutba at Friday prayers today. Wadaadadu are a strange lot, walaahi. I couldn't do what they do. The Imaam dude kept going on and on about how to treat people (even so-called kufaar) and to greet them and be nice to them. So I drifted off and thought of how Somalis are hunting down fellow Somalis in the South with the help of US AC-130 gunships and Ethiopian troops.


Anyway, he finally wrapped up the sermon with encouragement to embrace your brothers and not to be distrustful of them. Not to spy on them. Not to talk behind their back. And not to hurt them with your words or actions. And to care for them. And to visit them when they're sick. So I drove back to work thinking how far Somalis have come from those sound teachings. TFG, ICU, Ethiopia, US, AU, AL, EU, or whatever, it's us who've forsaken each other. Everyone else is exploiting our divisions. :(

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Well said Castro, you have hit the nail on the head. What reasons are there that could explain why Somalis are supporting different groups who are deceiving Somalis to kill and hate each other further. The only rational reason I could think about is desperation, money speaks and it could easily manipulate a man who doesn’t live a life which satisfies him or meets basic human needs. Many of our people today are jobless, uneducated and are living in poverty. People in such conditions could easily be preyed upon. It is like an intelligent person influencing a kid to do something he won’t normally do, and his reward will be a piece of candy. Out of ignorance and the need to obtain money so they could support themselves or families our people today have sold each other to their enemies.

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Mystic and Castro,well said.If only the dark hearted people could grasp the merits of what you two have scripted above.


As for Duke,what strenght is there,you are being occupied by the Xabashis,is that your strenght,the strenght for Xabashis is their strength,they are using you,they are stationed in your capital,is that something to be excited about?


Anyways,it's waste of time to even try to prove anything to brick minded individual who always bypasses every good saying.


so long,may Allah guide you.


You will never learn will you?

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^^^Thats a valid point, but the country was sold of long ago in the form of scrap, clan cleansing and endless fighting. Thus restoring the republic is the cure to many of the ills, the best way to create jobs, confidance and an environmnet conducive for business. The Somali's are natural merchants, they just need the institutions in place.


Going back to the issue of the millitia, it was not the government who brought back the warlords, but the courts who handed the wapons back over to the same millitias who once worked for the warlords. The national army has been a single entity with a single comander in chief, thus the weapons in the hands of the former millitias of the warlords where the fault of the fleeing courts who wanted to create as much problesm as possible for the TFG.

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Mystic another point, is the clan courts milliutia where based on sub-clans, IfkaXalin, Chircoole, Sisi, Dayniile and all the other courts where sub-clan millitias, thus when the courts leadership and die hard millitias fled they went back to their old paymasters.

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