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We should welcome the birth of the fifth republic

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Assalamu calaykum,


1.1960-1969 the somali republic

2. 1969-1991 the communist republic

3. 1991-2000 the anarchist republic

4. 2000-2006 the tribal republic

5. 2006- the islamic republic.


Our motto:

Gaal dooni meeyno

Lacag qaate dooni meeyno

Amxaaro raac dooni meeyno

qabiiliste dooni meeyno



Where are Bashir Raage? Yalaxow, Qanyare? The warlords who terrorised somalis? Gone!!!! It is reported that their tanks, guns etc have been looted ( Bililiqo is a word that haunts those who invented it).



I fail to understand how a somali muslim refuses to offer his/her support to the islamic revolution.



Abdullahi Yusuf and his government in Baidoa has two choices:


1. Surrender and accept the new realities (there is no place for warlords in the new somalia)


2. Expect to be humiliated and maybe slaughtered.

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