Xaaji Xunjuf

Prof Abdi Samatar , Hassan sheikh is corrupt and a crook , But afweyne was a Mujrim and destroyed the nation

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Odaygu waa ka dhacsanyhay and the reason ilmo Ismail will not do well in politics.

In politics it said, there are no permanent friends and enemies but just interests. Egypt are here beacuse of their own interests not because they love Somalia and want to defend it. 

I would not advise any foreign troops on Somalia soil at the moment though because that will adversely affect building a credible Somali National Force due to always relying on foreigners forces.

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9 hours ago, Samafal said:

Odaygu waa ka dhacsanyhay and the reason ilmo Ismail will not do well in politics.

In politics it said, there are no permanent friends and enemies but just interests. Egypt are here beacuse of their own interests not because they love Somalia and want to defend it. 

I would not advise any foreign troops on Somalia soil at the moment though because that will adversely affect building a credible Somali National Force due to always relying on foreigners forces.

How so  ay uga dhacsanyihin you exactly said what abdi ismaiil samatar said that  masaariida are their for their own interest how ever now we have a common enemy  etc  he to said we shouldnt rely on them for our security

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9 hours ago, Xaaji Xunjuf said:

How so  ay uga dhacsanyihin you exactly said what abdi ismaiil samatar said that  masaariida are their for their own interest how ever now we have a common enemy  etc  he to said we shouldnt rely on them for our security

The "Masr bad whilst clapping for Ethiopia" mindset is shockingly un-Somali.

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It is not necessarily the case that the  good  professor is pro-Ethiopia. Historically, he has consistently opposed the Ethiopian presence in Somalia since 2007 when your uncle had invited them . Nevertheless, he has stated that Hassan and the Bunker must address the grievances of Laftagareen and South West. Only through uniting these factions can a unified front be established against Ethiopia or any other adversary. I think that was his main point.


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He might have some valid points on the issues, but this prof. is out of touch on the overall Somali politics. We have to make sure he vacates the Awdal seat for the next election. The Samatar brothers are done.

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